
Goldy should just get his own radio show. He can become the next Thom Hartmann or Mike Malloy.
I would vote for Goldy, but can you add painting the white house gold to your platform?
If Goldy wins, I'm fleeing back to Canada.
I'd vote for Goldy, but I'd like to see who his advisers are first.
+1 to painting the Gold House.
Goldy: the only dictator you can vote for!
Unionize everything? When is pussy Goldy going to call Darryl down at the Guild and organize this scab rag?
If Goldy agrees that the Jones act needs to be expanded, Social Security and Un-employment benefits should be tax free, That the war on (some) drugs should end, that scabs crossing a picket line should be fixed before they breed, that Harry Lundeberg’s Andrew Furuseth’s, Joe Hill’s, Bill Haywood’s Mary Harris Jones’s Albert and Lucy Parsons’s and Samuel Gomper’s birthdays should be national holidays, I’ll vote for him

Oh and that the products of any company founded by
Jacob Beam should be free to anyone with a Z-card with the term ‘QMED’ on it.
Who paid for that yard sign? I want to take a gander at their PDC filings.

(Or is Goldy running to be federal Dictator? If so, I'd have to check the FEC database.)
Are you as confused as I am by Dominic's inclusion of the word "Benevolent"?

As in
"Tax the Benevolent Rich!" or
"Ban Benevolent Initiatives!" or
"Benevolently Unionize Everything!"
I'd honestly rather put that in my yard than any more "legitimate" political sign.
Don't blame me, I voted for Vermin Supreme.
@7: You forgot Harry Bridges.

And hey Dominic - post a bigger picture, I want to see if that sign has a union 'bug' on it.
He's got my vote.
Please put these up for sale.
@12: No I didn't, The waterfront never was big enough for two Harry's

Gold is the typical SLOG hypocritical monarchist.

Under the guise of being for The People, his carefully crafted stance eschews anything that might damage the centralizing liberal powers that stand in the way of the International Middle Class.
Goldy is the typical SLOG hypocritical monarchist.

Under the guise of being for The People, his carefully crafted stance eschews anything that might damage the centralizing liberal powers that stand in the way of the International Middle Class.
Just keep the quotes around "benevolent" and its golden. GOLDY-EN!
@15: Do remember that they were on the same side for a long time...until Lundeberg decided that bashing "commies" would get him more points with the owners and the Feds. (Nothing against the SUP - they're a good union, and we could use more like them - but having worked with good guys who once had Harry L' s "shore gangs" looking to beat them up for their ostensible political affiliations, I'm a bit prejudiced.)
@19: FTR Harry Lundeberg founded both the SUP and the SIU, and had a hand in founding the MFOW, and yes Lundeberg did try and appease the anti-communist hysteria of the late 40’s and the 50’s in order to keep his people working, but that Harry Bridges and Harry Lundeberg never really got along, they worked together for sure, but they were never really friends, hence the common water front expression “The Water Front Was Never Big Enough For Two Harrys”

But Keep in mind that on Bloody Thursday, the two men murdered by SFPD were Nick Bordoise of The Marine Cooks & Stewards and Howard Sperry of the ILA (for runner of the ILWU) less well known that while these two men were being murdered by SFPD Ole Helland and Bruce Lindberg both of the SUP and S. Daffron of the ILA were murdered in Seattle and J. Kundsen and R. Parker of the ILA were both murdered in San Pedro.

So in spite of the issues between Harry and Harry the MFOW, the SUP and the ILWU have always enjoyed a closed relationship, in 2002 when union busting prick joseph miniace locked out the ILWU and got shrub to invoke shaft-hartley act, the Maritime unions sat down and refused to move ships, (that’s why your harbors were full of ships on the hook back then) even after shaft-hartley the Maritime Unions moved slow enough that the PMA folded like the cheap punks they are, and gave the ILWU there best contract ever.

But no matter what the last line in my first post is non-negotiable.
Is that photoshopped or is it an actual sign? If it's real, can anyone tell me where you can go to create your own yard signs? I've been kicking around the idea of making pro-Inslee (or anti-McKenna, or both) signs and hanging out at freeway exits during rush hour. (Yes, I'm sure Inslee has his own signs that I could use, but that's not as effective as thinking up a clever message.)
@22, honestly, I don't think being a snarky asshole is called for. I'm perfectly aware that I could walk into a print shop and probably get what I need, but I'm personally more inclined to visit a website and do some drag-and-dropping and get something delivered to me without having to talk to a human. Being a SHY PERSON, I think putting myself out there to convey a political message is already pretty far outside my comfort zone.

Oh come on. The "?" indicated coyness, not snark. Anyway, I'm sure with a bit of research you could find a local print shop that could set this up without you ever having to set foot in one.
@6, Tim would can Goldy's ass if he even mentioned the thought of unionizing The Stranger...everyone knows that

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