
What a sick, sanctimonious bitch.
You're now reading this sentence in Michele Bachmann's voice.
Also, God Bless my Fagass Husband <3
"The Unifying Choice"? Damn, she'd just split the moderates off to join us Dems if she got the nod.
Honestly, how much money does her camp have right now? The joke has been made before, but every campaign video looks like another youtube rant shot from an I-Phone.
....and then Robocop walks in & says to her, "Come quietly or there will be..... trouble."
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Gotta go gargle now.
You misunderstand. This isn't a gambit to sell herself. She's just barely choking back rage because she can't make everyone understand how important it is to hate gays and women.

Or whatever, I don't know. She's fucking nuts, and not in a harmless bag-lady way, but in a megalomaniacal capable-of-anything way. Who even cares what her motives are? She just needs to be quietly and efficiently bundled back off to the middle of frozen-ass nowhere to stare googly-eyed across a table at her pet closet-case for the rest of her mad life.
She totes wants to bone Palin on some American flag sheets
Apparently, she didn't get the memo that she's losing.
She scares the crap out of me.
I'm not allowed to dislike her video, apparently. It would've been a treat to see how many likes versus dislikes it garnered... And the youtube flame wars... Ah well.

What really sickened me was how eager she sounded about denying people rights.
It's refreshing to see that conservatives are rejecting this sick, sanctimonious bitch.
She makes me uncomfortable and ushers in feelings of pity. Like she is unraveling. Plus I don't trust individuals who claim they are all about "life" and then support war, use of the death penalty, wish to deny access to medical care, refuse maternity leave or well child check-ups.... Just supporting one of those ideals rips the mask of "life" off.
Oy, I wish I'd watched a bad lip reading version instead.
She looks like she's had her own crazy eyes photoshopped onto her own crazy face.
If in the morning - say at Top Pot - I make a "choice" to buy a cinnamon old-fashioned or a Bismarck - how will my "choice" be "unifying"? Save all of the fetuses now - capital punish them later when they grow up after a life of being unwanted turning them into killers. She makes Anita Bryant look like June Cleaver.
her poll numbers are down, and she is purging her staff...

meanwhile Marcus is fondly thinking of going down on some poles and uh, slobbering on a staff or four.
@19: What's so gay about going down on a Pole? I'm straight as can be, and I've done that plenty of times!
at least she's learned to look at the camera
Is there nobody on her staff with the guts to tell her that her zombie eye makeup makes her look grotesque? ::pauses to listen:: Oh, sorry. Those really are her dead. cold. eyes.

And the ever recurring "I'm running..." line?
Michele, I wish you'd keep running until you hit the ocean.
@20: rowrrr. sounds hot.
While I'm hopeful that she will stay in the running so that I can fart in her general direction next August here in Tampa....I'd be even more pleased to read that she's assumed room temperature. (By autumn in Minnesota standards.)
There's no need to introduce yourself by saying "My name is....." Just say: "I'm Michelle Bachmann..."

You're 50, not 5 years old.
She's a dreadful bore who says hideous things. But the longer she stays in the race, the less chance she has of getting re-elected to her House seat. She has said that she's not running for it again, but like all Republicans, she's a liar. She'll go back to that race if this spotlight dims.

So keep at it Michelle dear! Don't give up until the Secret Service hauls you away at the RNC.
She looks like some vicious, starving weasel.
Stepford 2012!
That was the scariest thing I've seen in a looooooong time... I hear the word batshit thrown around a lot in reference to Bachmann and boy howdy does she ever live up to it! *shudders*
@27 FTW
Poorly lit, poorly framed, terrible audio: this is a video from a campaign with no money (and no friends in the film/video industry).
#25 - there's nothing wrong with saying "my name is...." James Bond does it.
Wow. She didn't even say "gay" or "abortion" in that whole message. Interesting.
Things must be pretty bad for her if she's reduced to stealing Rick Santorum's campaign strategy.
What a strange woman, proclaiming such strong positive feelings toward something that won't exist as a person until it's been pushed out, and such strong hatred toward actual living, breathing people.
This broad has no love in her life.
The motto they went with is "the unifying choice that can beat Obama?" Even her motto is one of hate. I'm stunned. No "What's right for America?" Or "A woman of faith for America" or whatever?

When she talks about a unifying choice, it's very clear that the way she will "unite" America is to do all she can to silence disparate voices and points of view. She wants to be able to make all the decisions and policies based upon her unchallenged point of view. What could be more unified than that?
Did her Thorazine prescription run out, or what?
So, what was that? Is it an ad, or what? Part of a longer speech?

Because here you have a country that's at war, with the economy in the toilet, a crumbling infrastructure, environmental challenges.... and a candidate for president can't find anything to talk about except the private lives of its citizens?
Dear Michelle,
This might be hard for you and your husband to understand, but you should know that actual straight people just aren't that into homos, and aren't threatened by gay marriage in the least.
This straight married guy's love of pussy (and of his wife, and her pussy) will be just fine if the gays can get married.
(married white male not seeking anything other than wife's pussy)
This is the same gas-bag that wants to outlaw porn. LOL
What if some of her precious fetuses that she's saved turn out to be gay? What about their rights then?

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