
Standing up to right wing bullies works.
No doubt somewhere a #2 is being pushed into a pit of acid/lava for not finding a way to deplete FEMA resources to the brink.
I think you mean: “Government Shutdown Averted When Democrats Learn FEMA Does Not Need The Extra Billion Dollars They Were Going to Hold The Country Hostage For If They Had To Pay For It Out Of Other Programs”
“Government Shutdown Averted When Democrats Agree To GOP FEMA Funding Levels”

“Senate leaders have struck a deal that would avert a Sept. 30 government shutdown and will vote on a funding agreement Monday evening that keeps the government running through Nov. 18.
The House still needs to sign off on the deal, but the disaster funding in this agreement is in line with what the House has already approved.”
the republicans are a nihilist/fascist alliance. the more this becomes obvious, the better chances there are for this country down the road.
Except @4, there seem to be a disturbingly large number of 'Murkins who apparently would be quite happy living in a nihilist/fascist country...
not so worried about that. not that it couldn't happen, but if it happens & it is out in the open & the people choose it, then so be it. in that case, that will be just who and what we are as a country.

i'm much more concerned w/ a stealth nihilist/fascist takeover. the more the republicans just come out and say who they are, the less likely a stealth takeover becomes.
Republicans suck. There. I feel better.
@1 for the Truthiness win, even if @7 had merit badges.
Fred Karger excluded from debates!

In other debate exclusion news, Fred Karger has also requested access to the Fox debate, citing the fact that he has cracked 1% in seven polls. Unfortunately, the seven polls cited (GFK Poll August 26th, McClatchy-Marist Poll August 10th, Synovate Poll August 8th, Harris Poll August 4th, Zogby Poll July 25th, Zogby Poll May 23rd, Fox News Poll April 28th) don't help him with the criteria established for this debate: Fox is only interested in the latest results garnered by five polling organizations -- Fox News, CNN, McClatchy-Marist, ABC, and Quinnipiac.

This is somewhat problematic for Karger -- CNN doesn't even include him in its most recent poll. Neither do Quinnipiac or ABC News.…

Get the world out on The Cloud.
And Ron Paul on the Daily Show tonight. Cue Constant shitting his pants in a frothy mouthed rejoinder in 3,2,1....

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