Blogs Apr 30, 2011 at 10:08 am


What the hell is Forever 21?
The sluts are out in force today. any chance you could post a hirez
I never heard of it and have never cared.
"What the hell is Forever 21?"

What Dan wishes he was....instead he's chosen to simply keep the immature, high school snarkiness of his youth going.
Inexpensive clothes and jewlery, 5280. I wonder in the new H&M store had a reception like that here. Not being into clothes/fashion the excitement is lost on me, though. Give me my jeans and t-shirt..
@1 Do you really want to know? Because I have a 20 year old daughter, and I could write a dissertation, or at the very least an essay on the subject...

A bulimia-inducing merchant.
zombie chic.
'bulimia-inducing merchant.'

How so? Should they only sell clothes for fat chicks?
Good morning, Kim! I do like clothes and fashion, and yet the excitement is lost on me as well...I have a feeling it may have something to do with the name of the store, versus our--how shall I put this?--wisdom and savvy...because, unlike our dear Dan, we just aren't 34 anymore... :)
Forever 21 is also, unsurprisingly, a crappy corporation that steals designs from smaller companies and has been cited numerous times for labor law violations:…
When they open a store called "Forever 45", call me.
They were hiring "enthusiastic" people at Cornish a while back, although how you can get a bunch of art students to be enthusiastic about anything but themselves is beyond me.

"When they open a store called "Forever 45, call me"

they have, it's called Eddie Bauer.....
@15: I think you killed your own joke.
Be nice. The Stranger can always use new ad revenue.
Ugh, it's a block away from my work. My coworker was excited because I guess the first 400 people or something get giftcards?
Do none of the idiots in line realize that there are already at least two other F21s in the Seattle area? Or XXIForever or whatever the fuck they're calling themselves? Either way, it's a store crammed full of fast fashion ripoffs built for 5'3" women with no curves who feel like they desperately need a $9 minidress. They also started carrying a maternity line, which I'm pretty sure will be worn by the horsemen of the apocalypse. It's the most sensory-overload, headache-inducing store in the mall.

I do admit to enjoying the hell out of their cheap jewelry, however.
"Forever 21" is a fair description of my developmental arc, but I've never heard of this store.

@19: So they specialize in petites? Not necessarily a bad thing, as options for petite women tend to be limited in many stores.
And to think this was once an I. Magnin. It makes me wish I could retire, leave Seattle and never come back.

But I'll get over it. Just like I got over Nordstrom destroying the Frederick & Nelson building. I just need to accept that Nobody's got no class anymore.


And we suburbanites have had a Forever 21 at Southcenter mall like so all the time.

But the "CITY" is completely different from the "BURBS".

Yes, that's right is so totally different...reason?


But PLEASE...KEEP TELLING US how the CITY is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo full of CULTURE and all the things YOU do that everyone doesn't do.

Like how they projected Goddard movies on the sidewalk or some other BS.
Forever a bunch of fucking idiots.
I liked some of their stuff - some of it is too kitsch for me - but then I gained 15 lbs. They only go to size 12, nothing higher...totally uncool
What would the Supreme Leader of the Universe be doing hanging out at Southcenter?
To each his or her own, Dan. You sound like a whiny elitist bitch.
@25: Working at the Sunglasses Hut.
"How About Your Age?!" is a place I would shop.

seemed apropos
It's a store for young women. I personally think young women are terrific, and think telling them that the store they sometimes shop in is the most horrible thing that ever happened is kind of rude. And pointless. Unless your aim is to convince young women that your heart is even older than you are.

Christ, if you people ever saw a Wet Seal you'd have a stroke.
@20 I'm not sure if they "specialize" in petites, but their clothing definitely trends towards smaller sizing. I'm 5'2", A-cup-on-a-good-day boobs, and skinny and I do end up buying a good portion of my clothes at Forever 21 because I have a hard time finding clothing that fits someone as short as me, especially in department stores.

Of course, 90% of what they sell is absolutely hideous, they always play shitty music and I would never, ever wait in a line to get into one, but I'm so short their trampy dresses end up looking normally-sized and cute on me!
I just walked by there really stoned and could not figure out what the hell was going on.
I live in Palm Springs. Forever 21 is the "classy" store at the mall.

They know their market.

But if they were giving something away the first day, I forgive those people standing in line. The line for the giveaway at Urban Craft Uprising is twice as long.
Catalina Vel-DuRay,

Part of what used to be our I. Magnin is now a Cheesecake Factory. I picture placing one of I. Magnin's elegant, floral shopping bags next to a "Big Brown Bag" from Bloomingdale's and letting the two speak for themselves.
Oh come on! Teenagers shop here. They will go to college, grow up, and read your column in 5 years. I'm sure your kid would've shopped there if he were a girl. Get over yourself.
@33 FTW!
Yes, it's horrible! These are the same "kind of people" that lined up in the rain in NYC, SF, LA and Vancouver. What horrible people. What a tragedy to have a robust and thriving shopping district downtown. You guys are boring and old sounding. And I'm prolly much older than you. What would you prefer to see there? Having lots of shops (even ones you don't like) is actually a good thing for Seattle.
@38: I think, and I bet a majority of Stranger blog readers agree, that a downtown is made more vital and vibrant by the presence of primarily local businesses, not national big-box stores like this place. Seattle's downtown core has been increasingly overrun with the Bananas, Abercrombies, and Cheesecake Factorys of the world, and doesn't all that corporate sameness bug you just a little bit?

To me, part of remaining "forever 21" is to maintain a youthful, rebellious and healthy skepticism of rapacious, tax-dodging, sweatshop-running clone stores.
#38 I don't give a shit if there's a forever 21 downtown or not. I'm sure as hell not the kind of person that would wait outside for hours in the rain for the "honor" of shopping there opening day. Also, if you stand in line for hours or days for the next Iwhatever, I think you're a fucking moron too.
Imagine my surprise when a friend with teenage daughters left a bag containing a degenerate poetry book on my door knob. Forever 21 - bright yellow - with John 3:16 printed on the bottom. Keep your bible verses to yourself, I say.
Forever 21 is an awful company, not only do they make awful clothes, but they support the wosrt kind of bigotry and intolerance. Protesters of San Francisco's Pride 2009 gathered in front of their store on Market street holding signs that said, among other things "Get AIDS and DIE". A responsible company would never tolerate such grotesque displays, much less provide a venue to communicate such awfulness. I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt on this, but it's really difficult when they print bible references on the bottom of their bags (JOHN 3:16). Fuck them.
38, I am old. And boring as well. You can't that away from me. One day, God willing, you will be as old and as boring as I.
@43- Catalina- you may be old, but you will never be boring. You are a gift to SLOG!
@42 - if they were in front of a downtown SF store, wouldn't the bigots/protestors have been standing on the public sidewalk? How is that the store's fault?
Thanks for saying that, Fnarf. Come on folks, these are kids. Why are we sitting around judging them for what they wear like we're the ones in junior high. "OMG ! Did you that cheap, trampy thing she was wearing!!!"
@43, Catalina, you're a gem. I love reading your Slog comments and have ever since I can remember starting Slog. Old perhaps, but not boring.
22 maybe the big box store was slow to move into Seattle for the same reason walmart won't come into Seattle city limits. It's not because there isn't demand, but it's expensive for them to do business here. Larger profit margin in south center.

Anyways, have you guys checked out their array of cardigans? I hate to say it but my favorite piece of my business casual wardrobe is from forever 21.
@42 I was opposite the Westboro display around Market and 3rd in 2009 (what are the chances, haha!) and yeah, they were on a public sidewalk - not much to be done there. FWIW, while no one seemed very happy they were there, it seemed to me the general opinion was that they should be ignored and left to themselves. Further, while I'm not a Christian, I see no problem with John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".

Forever 21 is kinda dear to me because in my experience in various US cities they've been extremely trans-friendly with respect to fitting rooms and giving sales advice, etc. I've bought a lot of cute androgynous stuff there, without paying too much, either.
We had a Forever 21 near my college campus. It was affectionately known as the Ho Sto'

I was 5'10" by the time I was 12, hence I have never been able to fit into their clothes. Even when I was a skinny teenager with no boobs or hips, the dresses wouldn't come down far enough to cover my underpants.

But hey, that is the case for 90% of clothing made for juniors. Although there are many big & tall men's stores around the country, I have found only one chain on the continet that specializes in tall women's clothes (Long Tall Sally in Canada - women in the U.S. have to be content with their catalogue)

In my perfect world, every department store with a petites section would have a "tall woman" section too. Sigh...

Hear, hear @39! As an events director for a small nonprofit, I can attest to the fact that locally-owned retailers are MUCH more likely than chain retailers to donate to community organizations and causes. Whether it's a prize for a silent auction, or items for a family in need, the small business owners come through every time. They also let us put up flyers on their bulletin boards, set up a table to let folks know about the services we offer, wash cars in their parking lot to raise money, etc. It's rare that a chain will do that.

It's also much quicker to ask for a donation from a small business - with the chains, you generally have to apply a month in advance, or go through their corporate office (in which case they don't wanna talk to you unless you are a nationally-known nonprofit that can give them a lot of advertising about their donation)
And you too can be Forever 21!! That's forever acting like an adult who is barely out of puberty, has no direction or goals in life, is freakishly self-absorbed while at the same time claiming to be "socially conscious"

This is the PERFECT store for all Americans!! Shop away. Now excuse me, I've got Will and Kate down in the swimming pool on the TARDIS.
again, as someone stated earlier, people are waiting outside of F21 because the first 400 people in line received $100 giftcards. again, you are all old. also, teenagers are not as moronic as you think.
Anybody want to put some real money on whether or not Forever 21 will be there in 10 years?
...and wait a minute, didn't the stranger publish a cover story on someone's experience with denny's 'free grand slam breakfast day' last year?
If a store I liked was giving away 100 dollar giftcards opening day, and I was going to go there anyways, I probably would have waited in line.
No idea what Forever 21 is though :) We don't have those in Winnipeg. Dunno why people are bashing it, the name itself basically tells you it's for young people.. and regardless of what it is, all women shop a little bit in a TON of stores! I bet any woman could find SOMETHING in there she liked. Accessories? Cheap tops? yes please.
When the stores changed the name from Forever 21 to the Roman numeral nonsense, the little girlies at the mall were beyond confused. They could be heard calling it " x x i", marketing might want to have some awareness of the comprehension level of the target demographic (just a suggestion).

On a side note, can we please limit the number of times anyone is allowed to write 'new Forever 21 location' in a single sentence? 4x is one sentence is just too much.
I was there during the soft opening Friday and they had at least three trannies employed. I don't like their business model (sweatshop labor) or their blatant religiosity, but as someone who would rather spend $ on experiences than clothes, I like their affordable designer knock-offs and basics.
Good lord, that place looks enormous. Given that even the normal-sized locations don't so much as attempt to grasp the concept of logical organization, I can't imagine how anyone will ever fucking find anything in there. You could get lost for days trying to find out if the shirt you're holding comes in another color.
Forever 21 is a South Korean clothing company that has been selling its low-quality, Chinese manufactured merchandise in Korea for a number of years (under their original name). They have very successfully moved into the American market and target girls who are of similar stature (translate, anorexic American teens and meth whores). It is a more successful iteration of American Apparel and is one of the fastest growing companies in the world.
@55 I'll put $50 on *not*.

@58 Heh.

Other than that, meh.
I needed a skirt for a formal outing. 1. I went to an expensive store and found a skirt that kind of fit me and had threads streaming off its iffy workmanship. 2. I went to Forever 21 and got a similar skirt that kind of fit me and had iffy workmanship for half the price.

That's what it is.
Maybe they misunderstood and though they had found a real fountain of youth...
@63 ftw!
Downtown store selling colorful non-burqa clothing for petite girls infuriates Stranger comment board.
I hate to dig up poor I. Magnin again, but it really is amazing that there are no pictures of it - it was such a big part of the fashion scene on the west coast, even as recently as the early 90's - and I wanted to share it with the youngsters here on the slog.

It was an absolutely gorgeous building, prior to the Old Navy renovation. A very severe facade of black and white marble. Basically, a miniature of the flagship store on Union Square in San Francisco. I used to buy stuff there a lot, because they had a little-known men's department. Since it was so little-known, they often had sales.

The inside screamed both class and money. You don't see that much in stores any more. It was expensive, but you could buy something at I. Magnin, and still have it twenty years later, if you took care of it.

It's funny: The old downtown Nordstrom was a dreadful place - a chintzy, tired-looking knockoff of Bloomingdales. Magnin and Frederick's were much better stores. But since Nordstrom had the perception of being both classy and accommodating (they got a lot of mileage off that old story about their accepting a pair of tires for return) they won in the end. But couture corner (which was the name for the intersection of sixth and pine back before even I was around) is but a shadow of its former self.
Catalina, I wonder if that had a lot to do with catering to a clientele that favoured timeless styles, rather than following trends so aggressively, the way people tend to do today. (People don't want to spend money on an overcoat they know they'll have for 20 years anymore.)
Thing about F21 is that their stuff is cheap -- in every sense of the word. Costs nearly nothing (makes me wonder about sweat shop conditions), will last *maybe* a few months because both materials and construction are cheap. I suppose if you are following fashion trend changes each year, that can make sense -- why spend much if you are going to swap out your entire wardrobe (or most of it) each year.

It is also for the very small crowd -- if you are much over 5'4" or so and not HWP, forget it. That said, I pick up things now and then over there -- not going to turn down three cami's for $5 or an occasional $10 pair of jeans. But it's a sizeist and ageist place to be, that's for sure.

It's getting harder and harder to find any places that make good, durable, well constructed stuff. Guess that's what you get when you allow trades and companies but not people to work anywhere globally.
Wow, a clothing store downtown that's affordable AND has clothing that doesn't all look the same? Color me excited.
Do all y'all not remember when Jay Jacobs was down there? Pretty much the same deal. High School girls have to have someplace to shop Geeze! At least they weren't all lined up on your lawns, so stop shaking your canes at their tiny little asses already.
@61 - I smell jealousy - seriously - if a young woman has a petite figure it makes her anorexic or a meth whore? Wow..... A few of us are just naturally slender, we don't require drugs or eating disorders to look good. Unfortunately, this is the kind of bullshit assumptions I've had to endure for many many years. I'm glad there are stores out there that have selections available for smaller sized people. God knows there are plenty of options for full figured women out there. Don't be mad cause you can't fit into the clothes in the Forever 21 window.......
Hell, I've been known to buy the occasional top at Forever 21, and I'm past 50. Some of their stuff is kind of cute: yeah, it's poorly made, but for $3, is that really a huge issue? I might have stood in line myself for a $100 giftcard.
I bet I know what Supreme Swine of the Universe was doing hanging around at Southcenter Mall. I bet it rhymes with "Blotting a Blidblapping."
Forever 21 opened a flagship store here in Dublin a short time ago and the newspapers made a huge deal about it - they also made a huge deal about the fact that they are a bible bashing company too. Unfortunately the store seems to be a success here and they are expanding throughout Europe with here as their base - at least that's what's being reported.
I find it offensive to print a single religion's message on their merchandising (not that I would be buying from them anyway - not quite in their target demographic). But then, I also found it offensive when flying with Alaska Airlines to be preached to by my napkin.
I wouldn't want to be forever 21. Forever 30, fine.

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