
C'mon commenters, you're going to let that bad troll who mentioned this story on The Morning News take the glory?

You can do more. Enough with the speeches. Enough with the pretty words on Savage's horny letter of the day—particularly lifted ones.

Fuck you, you silent creeps
@1 Taking your meds: You're doing it wrong.
@2 excellent comment. too bad i can't say the same for this one.
Either way, hats off to you Christopher, clearly you were the only gay person in the office with any amount of balls to post about this story.
When I first read about this story over the weekend, I confess myself horrified. The more I read about it, the angrier I get. And I'm not an angry person.

The actions taken by these young men are atrocious, and I only hope the hate crimes laws in New York are severe enough to deal a proper punishment. These eight individuals tortured, degraded, and raped these four men. This is not just an assault, or malicious harassment, it is violence towards the gay community at its worst, and the giggling and joviality of the bunch after the fact? Fuck them.
i'm thinking about the scary latinos who almost kill Ethan Hawke in Training Day.
@5, I know. Reading the Times accounts especially, the 30-year-old openly gay Honduran man was quite free and flirty in the neighborhood where he lived. The premeditated brutality with which he was entrapped, and the youngsters he'd been seen with tortured into saying they'd had sex with him and then beaten along with him, all just adds up to a nightmare of "how dare you be openly gay around us" and "how dare you act friendly toward a faggot."

This afternoon the final suspect was put into custody.…
@4 - I don't get it. Why does it take balls to post about this story?

It's just a reference to Dan's tragic accident last year when he pinched his testicles off with the toilet seat.
Both of them.


(let that be a lesson to the rest of you who sit down to pee.....)
Free Lunch, @4 seems to agree with the unregistered comment on the Morning News that Slog only posts stories about white people. Or something. Personally, I find @4's "spoken word poetry slam" comments a little confusing, but that's just me...

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