Blogs Oct 2, 2009 at 10:42 am


This blog/paper is SERIOUSLY going downhill. Dan, post this shit on your own blog.
Please stop this, Dan. I beg you.
not gay enough.
1 FTW.

That's some vomit material right there. The fact that it was done in front of dignified Aboriginal art makes it more nauseating. I'm so sick of seeing pasty white guys on youtube trying to imitate the dance moves of African American females, it's insulting to the artistry of these sisters. They just seem to not get that they're not females and they are not black no matter how hard they want to.
Yet something else goes over Loveschild's head.
i see a naughty baby who needs a firm hand....
I know—right?
@1 and the ignorant cunt known as loveschild

IIRC, this IS Dan's blog. He can post what ever the hell he wants to here.
@5 i'm sure the breeze is delightful.
Thank you Dan. You just made my day.
I just can't bring myself to push 'Play'.

There are freaks and freaks ... my freak fetish has limits...
aaaaah make the bad video stop!
LOVE this. Hot and funny. Win and win.

At least it was better than the linked one.
Is it wrong that when I watch this and hear "shoulda put a ring on it" , that my mind pictures him miming putting on a cock ring instead of a "ring" ring?

(I thought so.)
He's lovely, and he made me laugh. Thanks. I respect his committment to doing the task well.

But, now I have that song stuck in my head again. That's the down side.
I guess he didn't get the memo that men are supposed to shave all of the hair off of their bodies so that they can look like giant 12 year-olds. He's nice and fuzzy. Me likey!
That's one sexy baby. BILF.
irritated that he cheated and obviously had on underwear under the diaper...and for that, he needs a bare bottom spanking.
also, they played that song about 5 times on last weeks episode of Glee and I'm so over it...

(but Glee rocks)
Way hotter than that other baby video.
Oh, that reminds me. Have you seen this? It looks fetishy and horrifying -- adult babies wandering around New York, causing a scene -- but it turns out that it's just "viral marketing" for a maternity-wear store.

I wonder if they had no idea that they were creating a big-budget version of every infantilist's dream ... or if they knew ALL TOO WELL.
Ditch the pacifier and black(!) undies. Tighten up that diaper!
Now you're ready, baby
The goggles, they do nothing!
Poor guy. He lost a bet.
Whoa. That guy is freakin' gorgeous, yet nobody will ever want to have sex with him again. This is a human tragedy, people.
LOL! I predict that in a couple of years, the LITTLE baby will be rockin' just as good as this dude. Big win, Dan.
loveschild said:

" I'm so sick of seeing pasty white guys on youtube trying to imitate the dance moves of African American females, it's insulting to the artistry of these sisters."

1) Where does the "African American" crap come from? Either you're American, or you're not, unless you hold dual citizenship. And if you do, and you like the other country's policies better, then by all means feel free to move there.

And they're not your sisters. They wouldn't even agree to be your friend or meet you at the local Starbucks. In fact, you disgust them. They told me so.

2) Where's the artistry in jumping around and slapping your own ass?

Loveschild continued:

"They just seem to not get that they're not females and they are not black no matter how hard they want to."

Want to...what? Work against flaming bigots like you who call people out for your bigotry when you want to deny equal rights to a minority? Yes, I'm sure that's what the rest of your sentence would have read. Too bad "The Young And The Bigoted" came back from commercial break before you could finish the sentence.

Just think...50 years ago, the same people you now work against could have been working against your right to vote. But they didn't.

Suck that, ungrateful mytho-Christian tart.

The guy can come over and dance for me in his diaper.

For about 30 seconds, then all bets are off.

That took me back to my ex who had a diaper fetish. Your readers may laugh, but there is nothing less sexy (unless you are in the 0.0001% who share the fetish).
I imagine a real diaper fetish involves pooing in it. I can see how that isn't very sexy.
I don't think so, #33. But I've read some porn that has them peeing in the diapers.

But pee is far, far more manageable than shit.
It's different for each person, but I'm pretty sure no real DL would be caught dead wearing underwear underneath or using the pin that comes with stupid baby costumes.

And just so everyone is clear, the vast majority of DLs are pee-only.
I don't care how freaking cute he is, I am not changing that diaper. I figure if you are older than 3 then you should use a bathroom like a normal person. Tho he is cute in the diaper. But, no that doesn't make me want to rethink my aversion to the infantilism.

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