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boredom doesn't come from being together physcially, it comes from being apart emotionally

also, don't indulge in the food fetish in the bedroom

Posted by 4f...sake | November 3, 2008 4:03 PM

Why not just by one of those over-the-counter yeast infection treatments and squirt it into your pussy right after sex?

Also: vegetables and shellfish are not exactly huge sources of yeast. Strawberries: go for it. Bisquick: skip it.

Posted by Yeek | November 3, 2008 4:07 PM

you don't have a vag, do you?

Posted by erin | November 3, 2008 4:16 PM

and i say that because a)strawberries are full of sugar, and applying sugar to a vag would definately encourage yeast growth. maybe bisquick would too, but fruit for sure.

and b) the suggestion to "squirt" such a lovely substance as over the counter yeast infection meds willy nilly into a vag after the man-pleasing woman-grossing out sex is pretty dismissive of the delicate balance of vaginal flora and fauna, not to mention said woman's issues with her partner's weight gain.

Posted by erin | November 3, 2008 4:24 PM

Food aside..the wrestling thing is a common fetish, isn't it?
There are entire websites dedicated to chicks who wrestle their men into sumbission, before crotch throtling em...Do this for a few months to help him work off the #s then introduce the foods...just my thoughts

Posted by Julie Russell | November 3, 2008 4:29 PM

"Or something sexier—Stratego?"

Have you thought of making T-shirts, Savage?

Also, Risk FTW.

Posted by Matt Fuckin' Hickey | November 3, 2008 4:32 PM


Fresh strawberries (as compared to jam, pie filling, or anything loaded with sucrose) do not have that much sugar.

Posted by keshmeshi | November 3, 2008 4:40 PM

#1 is correct.

Posted by max solomon | November 3, 2008 4:50 PM

Hi Erin -

Nope, no vag. Just work with 'em.

Strawberries do contain fructose, but are full of acetic acid Mr. Yeast won't enjoy that very much. (Vinegar and water anyone?) Besides, she said he just wanted to eat food out of her vagina, not crush food into an oozing pulp and leave it there for 48 hours to bloom into a mushroom farm. If he just plucks it out with his mouth, she really shouldn't get tons of strawberry goo inside her hoo-hoo.

I'm not exactly sure how squirting some mycelex up there there would affect the hubby's weight gain (now, putting it up there *before* might make a difference). The delicate vaginal flora and fauna is by her admission already prone to swings in favor of yeast. Since she wants to indulge her husband's kinks, and since she's afraid of developing a yeast infection, and since she tends to get yeast infections even if she doesn't have sex, it might be reasonable to prophylactically treat herself once in a while both for her comfort, sex life, and peace of mind.

Posted by Yeek | November 3, 2008 4:52 PM

@1 is very insightful.

But I'm surprised Dan didn't just say: "Dump his ass."

That would have been more useful.

Posted by Will in Seattle | November 3, 2008 4:52 PM

and Chess is sexier than either Stratego or Risk @6.

Posted by Will in Seattle | November 3, 2008 4:55 PM

Fuck that. Shougi, bitches.

Posted by Greg | November 3, 2008 4:57 PM

putting any food with sugar into a vag is a no-no for me (pretty much anything staying in there gives me the yeasties, really) regardless of its inherent pH as acidic fruit.

i think it was the "just squirt some meds up that pussy and fix it up " mentality that really clued me in. now, i resort to a little tea tree oil or yogurt in pre-emptive action when my fella has not pulled out in time, but there have certainly been some general guidelines laid out for avoiding setting my insides off balance.

and it was dismissive of her concerns about his weight gain in that same way - fix her snatch and the semi-dirty, hopefully respectfully sugar-free sex will make everything ok, even if the result is a week of treatment where it may be neither of them
wants to go near her vag.

the yeast issue isn't the core issue, is my point (though i've spent the time on it, having some empathy for the sitch) and her getting her vag in shape to please him isn't the first solution i'd go for.

Posted by erin | November 3, 2008 5:27 PM

@3 is right, @2 obviously doesn't have a vagina and doesn't give a shit about vaginal health. (Or maybe is just really really ignorant.) Besides, Dan already gave a completely adequate suggestion (saran wrap) that protects her interior ecology and lets him indulge his kink.

I got no clue what they should do. I kinda doubt that these little kinks are the underlying problem with the relationship.

Posted by puzzlegal | November 3, 2008 5:33 PM

@9: Most fruit, including strawberries, has wild yeast on it and, acetic acid or no, will ferment if crushed. Whether it has Candida specifically, I don't know, but Saccharomyces is very acid-tolerant, and so are many other yeasts.

Posted by christopher | November 3, 2008 9:20 PM

who would want anything with that much citric acid in it in her peach? dude, dunk your dong in a glass of lemon juice to give yourself a clue what that might be like.

the vagina is not a garbage disposal, you can't just go tossing things in there and then follow it with some medication and call it good - it's not like bleaching the kitchen sink after handling raw meat. what kind of asshat even thinks that way about vaginas? is there any limit to how willfully stupid a person can be?

Posted by happyhedonist | November 3, 2008 9:30 PM

OK class, repeat after me:
Vaginas are for fucking.

Got it?

Posted by Luke | November 3, 2008 11:05 PM

All this talk about food and vaginas - food IN vaginas -
I see a canned ham reference in 5...4...3...2...

Posted by Madashell | November 3, 2008 11:12 PM

Oh dear.

I seem to have upset the vaginal ecologists. Let's try one last time:

@13: So you'll try some yogurt or tea tree oil in there for contraception but a strawberry is out of the question? Frankly I think you're kind of going for the "just squirt some meds up that pussy and fix everything up" approach yourself, just with an organic spin which somehow makes it different. I guess that's fine...since it's your snatch and all. But why not give this woman the same chance? Her concerns about weight gain are a separate issue, and pleasing her husband is separate issue.

@14 - Actually, while I may be rather coarse, I bet I know more about vaginal health than you. Tell me, how would you treat a pregnant woman with a bad case of bacterial vaginosis? What type of cell do you find on the wet prep? Bet you had to look that one up on the internet. I think I just pissed you off with my tone. But if my facts are wrong, I'd like to see you call me on them.

@ 15 - Finally someone with some science background. Wild yeasts are acid tolerant, but remember that every vagina has a normal degree of yeast growth at baseline anyway. It is only candida albicans that tends to cause yeast infections due to overgrowth in the human vagina (I don't know why). I agree that crushing the fruit and leaving it in there leaves substrate for yeast and bacterial growth - kind of like yogurt, or the torrent of blood, dead tissue, and iron that washes out every month. But a washed strawberry plucked from the surface of her vagina isn't likely to cause huge problems.

@ 16 - citric acid is actually ascorbic acid, not acetic acid. As far as her "peach" goes, I guess all of you guys are determined to argue that I want gallons of fruit puree poured into her vagina and up her urethra and just left there, despite my statements to the contrary. But, just in case it makes a dent, here's some more science for you:

A strawberry has a pH around 3.3, and normal vaginal pH can go as low as 3.8. Not that much difference, especially when you consider that many women douche with a dilute vinegar solution with a pH of about 2.4 and do just fine. So fuck you. Your lemon juice has a pH of 2.1, more than 10 times the acidity of a *crushed* strawberry, so the comparison really isn't valid. Your analogy of bleaching the sink is similarly stupid, but stupid people usually go for hyperbole rather than information. Again, try at least a little research.

I think all of you are running on indignancy rather than knowledge here (except for 15). Sure, sure, my flippant tone pissed you off, but for people with vaginas you sure don't know too much about them.

I still stand by my argument: the woman in the letter has a lot of issues, but if her fear of yeast infections is one of them she can at least address that issue with post-exposure topical treatment (not lemon juice or bleach, you idiot) if she's really worried. It's an option that might help. Or she could just have unsafe sex and dump a pile of yogurt up there afterwards while listening to her Joni Mitchell tapes. It's up to her.

Posted by Yeek | November 4, 2008 6:21 AM

@19: Citric acid is a tri-protic acid with molecular formula C6H8O7 and a non-cyclic structure with no carbon-carbon double bonds. Ascorbic acid is a di-protic acid with molecular formula C6H8O6 and a structure that includes a ring with a carbon-carbon double bond in it. They're both organic acids that are found in citrus fruits, but they're otherwise unrelated, and citric acid does nothing for scurvy.

Posted by christopher | November 4, 2008 8:12 AM

Strawberries appear to be a little too controversial. Perhaps brussel sprouts would be a better choice.

Posted by Charm | November 4, 2008 12:56 PM

Yes, wrestling is a common fetish--certainly one of mine. So the idea of this woman having to fight her much bigger husband for dominance is hot to me. Of course, in the real world, that doesn't mean it is a reasonable request. I would say, though, that there's no reason why she couldn't fight him, if she *wants* to--set up rules that equalize things. I'd say, tell him to make a list of three suggestions of possible handicaps to make things fair, and pick one. Or better yet, all three! But that's me.

More practically: She's a sub but has NO desire to be topped by her husband? I think that's really strange and not a good sign. Can't they each take a try at topping? I could see myself occasionally fighting my fiancee for what we do that day (assuming we can do it in a safe, no-one-gets-hurt way), but I would never say "we're not doing X ever unless/until you beat me in a fight."

Posted by Brett | November 5, 2008 11:56 AM

@ 20 - Whoops! That fucking extra oxygen atom. I always hated orgo...thanks for the tip!

Posted by Yeek | November 6, 2008 10:24 PM

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