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Thursday, November 6, 2008

One Toke Over the Line

posted by on November 6 at 17:23 PM

The White House drug-policy office, with less than three months before Obama replaces the drug czar, is launching one of Bush’s last anti-pot campaigns. The announcement comes from the drug czar’s blog, Pushing Back—which sounds like an instructional resource for bottoms. Strangely, it doesn’t “push back” against the marijuana decriminalization law that just passed in Massachusetts, but it does announce that this is where your tax money is going:


The ad warns, “Hey, not trying to be your mom, but there aren’t many jobs out there for potheads.” Oh, snap. You see, if you smoke pot, you could end up like these pot-smoking layabouts: Barack Obama, Carl Sagan, Michael Bloomberg, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Rick Steves, Jennifer Aniston, Steve Martin, Stephen King, Montel Williams, Peter Lewis, and almost every musician and actor on earth.

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Just because talented people smoke pot, doesn't mean that smoking pot makes you talented.

One thing the Potheads suppress:

The coming down off pot is worse than any other drug. Watch out when someone had a "great time last night", because it means your in for an earful.

Posted by John Bailo | November 6, 2008 5:28 PM

What? You mean I wasn't supposed to be able to hold down any of those jobs I've worked for the last 30 years? Now you tell me...

Oh, and "pothead" is so 1970s.

Posted by Reverse Polarity | November 6, 2008 5:31 PM

@1: No, but the claim by the government, was that pot makes you unable to hold a good job. So examples of pot-smokers who hold good jobs are actually RELEVANT, unlike your blather.

Damn, but I'm in a mood today. I need to smoke some fucking pot.

Posted by lusk | November 6, 2008 5:32 PM

Hey, is that Evan Mosher in the poster? I bet he could sell a lot of burritos.

Posted by Amanda | November 6, 2008 5:35 PM

Ha! Awesome.

Not that stoner jokes are any reason not to smoke.

Posted by Eric Arrr | November 6, 2008 5:36 PM

One toke over the line sweet Jesus
One toke over the line
Sittin' downtown in a railway station
One toke over the line

Awaitin' for the train that goes home, sweet Mary
Hopin' that the train is on time
Sittin' downtown in a railway station
One toke over the line

Whoooo do you love, I hope it's me
I've bin a changin', as you can plainly see
I felt the joy and I learned about the pain
that my momma said
If I should choose to make a part of me,
surely strike me dead
Now I'm one toke over the line sweet Jesus
One toke over the line
Sittin' downtown in a railway station
One toke over the line
I'm waitin' for the train that goes home sweet Mary
Hopin' that the train is on time
Sittin' downtown in a railway station
One toke over the line

I bin away a country mile,
Now I'm returnin' showin' off a smile
I met all the girls and loved myself a few
Ended by surprise like everything else I've been through
It opened up my eyes and now I'm
One toke over the line sweet Jesus
One toke over the line
Sittin' downtown in a railway station
Don't you just know I waitin'
for the train that goes home sweet Mary
Hopin' that the train is on time
Sittin' downtown in a railway station
One toke over the line

Don't you just know I waitin'
for the train that goes home sweet Mary
Hopin' that the train is on time
Sittin' downtown in a railway station
One toke over the line

I want to be
One toke over the line sweet Jesus
One toke over the line
Sittin' downtown in a railway station
One toke over the line
Don't you just know I waitin'
for the train that goes home sweet Mary
Hopin' that the train is on time
Sittin' downtown in a railway station
One toke over the line
Sittin' downtown in a railway station
One toke over line
One toke, one toke over the line

Posted by Brewer & Shipley | November 6, 2008 5:39 PM

Before you get too excited, don't forget that Biden is one of the biggest drug war shills we've got. Just sayin'.

Posted by Greg F. | November 6, 2008 5:41 PM


1. Idea no. 1:

"Just because talented people smoke pot, doesn't mean that smoking pot makes you talented"

Therefore ban pot and throw people in jail for it!

2. logically equivalent "idea" no. 2:

"Just because talented people drink milk, doesn't mean that drinking milk makes you talented" .....

therefore ban milk and throw people in jail for drinking it!

3. Logically equivalent "idea" no. 3:

"Just because talented people have a cocktail now and then," etc. etc.

Note the subject also said "your" in place of "you're"....and capitalized "Pothead" when anyone knows it's not capitalized.

[suuuuuuuuucking sound of inhalation....]

Conclusion: the subject is unable to connect ideas or apply rules of grammar in a logical or coherent way. The data shows the subject, my friend John Boy, is a "Pothead" himself or that someone gave him a "funny brownie" recently...

Uuuuuuuuuniiiiiiiiityyyyyyyyyyyy--man --
[sounds of exhalation...]

Posted by PC | November 6, 2008 5:43 PM

potheads in seattle must have the worst jobs in the world then. The burritos here are crap. Except the ones Mikki and I make.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | November 6, 2008 5:48 PM

also, smoking pot and being a pothead aren't the same thing. the former is a recreational activity like drinking alcohol, the latter is like alcoholism.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | November 6, 2008 5:51 PM

did you notice the website name?



Posted by bobcat | November 6, 2008 5:51 PM

I smoke pot—and my boyfriend makes AWESOME burritos. Coincidence?

He's pretty good at that pushing back stuff, too.

Posted by Dan Savage | November 6, 2008 5:53 PM

@12: And THAT's why I read Slog comments.

@1: The idea that you actually "talk" to anyone in real life has been well-refuted by your Flickr pool.

Posted by Ziggity | November 6, 2008 6:02 PM

That ad is actually pretty funny. It's like they don't even believe their own arguments any more. They've descended into self-parody.

And if they're going to throw people in prison for not having a job, they're going to need to build more prisons.

(Then the government can sponsor ad campaigns for "Get a lucrative job in the fast-growing field of prison construction!")

Posted by flamingbanjo | November 6, 2008 6:09 PM

This irritates me almost as much as the "viral" truth anti-smoking ads.

I liked it when the government was telling me that I was going to shoot my best friend with dad's revolver or run over a little girl on a tricycle in my car because of marijuana more than this "ironic" drivel.

Invariably, all anti-substance propaganda makes me want to consume that substance even more, out of spite.

Posted by Elliott | November 6, 2008 6:10 PM

because consuming substances out of spite is really sticking it to the man.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | November 6, 2008 6:14 PM

I think it's totally unfair of this ad that is trying not to be my mother to fail to mention the numerous other things that you could be a taster of after a nice smoke, and no shit this ad isn't my mother, 'cause she'd bake some tasty chocolate chip oatmeal cookies to cure munchies rather than nagging me to get a job... drug czar jerk...

Posted by David | November 6, 2008 6:15 PM

I'm failing to see how this ad is a disincentive to smoking pot for their target audience, usually teenage boys. I'm not even a teenage boy and being a burrito taster doesn't sound half bad to me. Bring on the Montana meth ad version of anti-pot ads!

Posted by Lara | November 6, 2008 6:19 PM

There is no way the person who made this ad doesn't smoke pot.

Posted by Mr. Poe | November 6, 2008 6:23 PM

They just don’t know how to write a resume replace burrito taster with Product Development Specialist for Ortega Food LLC and you are living in a swank condo in Santa Fe, pulling down five figures.

Posted by Product development | November 6, 2008 6:26 PM

Santa Fe home of Iron Saint Nick.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | November 6, 2008 6:33 PM
don't forget that Biden is one of the biggest drug war shills we've got.

I'll remember that if there's a tie vote in the senate about drug policy. Remember what vice presidents are supposed to do?

Posted by jrrrl | November 6, 2008 6:33 PM

In case anyone's curios, this actually IS someone's freelance gig:

Very informative, if you're local.

Posted by Dougsf | November 6, 2008 6:54 PM

@22: No need to get all snarky up in my grill...yes, I know what vice presidents do. You saying it's not relevant that he has a history on that issue? What if he was a huge hawk on Iraq, or wanted to push creationism in the schools? Yes, it probably won't effect much, but I think it's worth noting.

Posted by Greg F. | November 6, 2008 7:09 PM

The guy in the ad looks like Thomas Friedman, neocon apologist fuckwad editorial writer for the NYT...

Posted by eliza | November 6, 2008 8:08 PM

this ad is RACIST! it is attributing a supposedly mexican food item to the qualities of laziness and worthlessness and unemployment. the obama administration will not stand for this!

Posted by wong-weezy | November 6, 2008 8:10 PM


I know we are in liberalville here in the Emerald City, but come on!

Dude, you have KIDS!!! What the fuck are you doing with drugs in the house? Seriously man, that is some fucked up shit.

Someone ought to report your dumbass to CPS.

And spare me the bullshit about trying to teach him "responsible drug use". There is no such thing. All drug use is irresponsible. Not that there is anythin inherently wrong with irreponsibility from time to time, but when you have a child, your job is to BE FUCKING RESPONSIBLE!

You gonna tell me that someday your dream is to share a joint with your son, like other dads share a beer with theirs? I've heard it all.

Posted by ecce homo | November 6, 2008 8:56 PM

Add to the "pot-smoking layabout" list: Sarah Palin. She also smoked pot when she was a student at one of six colleges.

Posted by Shay | November 6, 2008 9:22 PM

Dude, please. I'm fine with people smoking pot, but do not try and convince me that a large number of successful people regularly smoke weed. Pot makes people lazy, end of story.

Obama, Gore and Clinton smoked weed in high school or college. I doubt they still blaze up. (Okay well, maybe Clinton!)

Posted by Suz | November 6, 2008 9:36 PM

Actually, I can think of 30,000 jobs available to potheads at just one Redmond based company. Some businesses couldn't give two shits about what you do on your own time as long as you show up and get your shit done.

Posted by Queen_of_Sleaze | November 6, 2008 9:47 PM

Simple declarative sentences without any evidence provided to back them up are stupid, end of story.

Posted by Smade | November 6, 2008 10:02 PM

Welcome back, E.H., how was rehab?

And FWIW, smoking pot with your father is really sort of anticlimactic...

Posted by COMTE | November 6, 2008 10:14 PM

Don't forget 1/2 the NBA, 1/4 of Academia, et al.

Posted by Ben Lyon | November 6, 2008 10:38 PM

Am I the only one who thinks this ad is FUNNY and effective? and, um, accurate

Posted by Kevin | November 6, 2008 11:06 PM

That pothead burrito taster looks an awful lot like Thomas Friedman.

Posted by NapoleonXIV | November 6, 2008 11:38 PM

My dad's drug talk:
"Don't do drugs cause you're young and they'll screw you up. But if you do do something, do pot. It's not that bad as long as you don't do it every day."
I knew where his stash was growing up and still never touched the stuff til I was 19. Toked up with him on his last visit to Seattle at 25. And I'm still holding down a job.

Posted by Enigma | November 7, 2008 12:38 AM

"The coming down off pot is worse than any other drug. Watch out when someone had a "great time last night", because it means your in for an earful."

seriously? you.. you really believe that? snort a few lines of coke and the next day tell me which come down is worse.

Posted by eroot | November 7, 2008 4:10 AM

Jennifer Aniston? Really?

Also, @ 2: I love the term "pothead."

Finally, @ 33: 1/2 the NBA? That is a very conservative estimate.

Posted by Mike in MO | November 7, 2008 4:16 AM

Wow, this ad gets the trifecta- stupid, racist, and dishonest.

So, if I smoke pot, I'll become a stupid fat lazy Mexican?

I don't think so. That "pot munchies" thing is so 1969. As is pot from Mexico, come to think of it.

And numerous studies have shown there is no difference between regular marijuana smokers and others when it comes to health or employment.

So we have a federal agency still standing proud with Elvis and Nixon to "fight drugs". A brain-dead zombie from the past.

I guess if pot actually did make you too stupid to work, you could still always get a job- fighting drugs.

Posted by serial catowner | November 7, 2008 7:22 AM

Who said anything about keeping pot in the house?

I work at the Stranger, ecce, I don't need to keep pot at my home.

Posted by Dan Savage | November 7, 2008 8:09 AM

This ad can hardly be considered racist considering that eating mexican food doesn't equate you to being mexican. If that were true I'd be pancho fucking villa.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | November 7, 2008 9:09 AM

@Ecce Homo:

Please contact us, via the URL. It would be amazing if you would help us....

Posted by Original Monique | November 7, 2008 9:10 AM

Seriously, E.H. When the weather is nice, and the wind is blowing in the right direction, I can get a contact-high from the clouds of smoke pouring out of "The Stranger" offices clear down the block, just by opening the fire-escape door.

Posted by COMTE | November 7, 2008 9:12 AM

I cant believe you let her off so easy Dan. Disappointing. So tired of the "ITS FOR THE KIDS!" panic people put forward. Do this to protect the kids, dont do this to protect the kids, donate money 'cuz its for the kids....there is such a thing as responsible use just as there is such a thing as paying attention to your own parenting skills before critizing others.
Im sure her house has plenty of sugar and caffiene and other "drugs" herself and her children are subjected to in their own daily lives but since they're LEGAL those mind altering, body chemisty changing drugs are ok to I mean use.

Posted by drone5969 | November 7, 2008 9:21 AM

This ad is a great reminder to me, as I haven't had a burrito in like 5 weeks... If only I could burn one down before walking across the street from my well-paid, steady job to have a nice, meaty burrito. Alas, there's work to be done, and there's a time of day for all activities.

That poster is completely awesome - I'm glad to see my tax dollars are now being spent on worthless comedy rather than worthless prosthetizing.

Posted by uncle baggy | November 7, 2008 9:48 AM

@27: ecce, you can't be serious, or you don't have teenage kids.

we've been open & honest about past & current weed use with our 2, and they're both on the dean's list @ UW, and drink/smoke out WHEN APPROPRIATE. as in, not before class, not when studying for a test, not before work, not in front of a cop unless obama just got elected.

the only reason you'd have to hide it, or lie to your YOUNG kids about it, is the propaganda they're subjected to in elementary school makes then likely to rat you out to the po.

Posted by max solomon | November 7, 2008 9:48 AM

Remember folks, don't drive or operate heavy machinery when you're inebriated, no matter what got you that way.

Pot, alcohol, 80 java shots, whatever.

Oh, and when you're really high and telling the funniest story ever, trust me, it's not that funny. No, really, it isn't. Unless you just inhaled from a helium balloon before you said it ...

Posted by Will in Seattle | November 7, 2008 9:58 AM

according to my election data, it's now more acceptable in america to be a stoner then to be a fag. thanks prop 8....

Posted by stoner DBA | November 7, 2008 10:25 AM

A burrito sounds really good right now.

Posted by Greg | November 7, 2008 11:09 AM

I don't think the "Above the Influence" campaign is that bad. They have had a few ads I thought were okay. I think it is a better approach than the "in your face" pot will kill you 80's ads.

I don't smoke pot anymore, because it did make unmotivated. Plus it stopped doing much for me.

Posted by WTF | November 7, 2008 11:51 AM

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