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Bogus. His drunk buddies were getting even with him for not buying his round of beers.

Posted by Sargon Bighorn | November 3, 2008 12:58 PM

No. You should stay and feed the birds.

Posted by Mr. Poe | November 3, 2008 1:09 PM

NYT did a piece on Ballard and Fremont what was it, Sunday? Like in the travelling style section.

Ballard and Fremont take note: You are now in the New York Times official list of interesting places. Henceforth all claims to uniqueness, quirkiness, etc. are bogus.

Pls. make a note of it. And move over for the next condo while you're at it.

Posted by PC | November 3, 2008 1:09 PM

Susan, now you're opening your big yapper and spewing about Ballard? Where do you get the gall? You are an ignoramus, and I want you to shut up about Ballard. And everything else.

Posted by elenchos | November 3, 2008 1:26 PM

My dear friend mr. e:

1. Thank you for your observations. So kind of you to check in once again! I am glad to see you are healthy and well.

2. As to the NYT writing about Ballard and Fremont -- well I declare this is noteworthy. So it shall be. It is noted!
And noted again!!!
And yes there's more: this makes Ballard and Fremont, officialy no longer hip or authentic in any way. Noted, challenged and what's this -- noted again!!!

My god mr. e. don't you realize this is the same travellin' style magazine that writes about Edgartown and Georgetown and Chamonix and "Learning Tango In Buenos Aires" !!!!
Thus making all those things and places officially not quirky or off the beaten path and thus not hip in the world of alt urban third worldy "we are so quirky and unlike everyone else" hipsterdom?
It's kind of funny isn't it? Ballard in the NYT.

3. Oh and again -- you know "PC" ain't Susan ....Perhaps you keep up that canard (duck to you, meaning a false claim) because you never, ever, deal with the content or merits of what I say? Now why would that be?? You don't challenge what I say only vent a few random attack words, cuz, um, cuz cz what....oh I know!! You agree with me!!

So we have lots of legislation to get passed, to make change really happen, right??

Stay organized, keep blogging and most of all when Pres. Obama issues e mails asking all of us to fucking get on the phone and make Rep. Hastings vote for health care reform, we're gonna do it.

Right, mr. e?

Posted by PC | November 3, 2008 1:54 PM

Dear PC.

Half of the article in the NY Times, which I picked up on Friday, about Fremont and Ballard was about at best one-fifth of what makes Fremont, and to a smaller extent Ballard, unique and different.

But, hey, Vancouver's been in the NY Times too and it doesn't give a flying f... about that either.

Posted by Will in Seattle | November 3, 2008 2:05 PM

I welcome our Ballardian condo overlords.

Posted by bobcat | November 3, 2008 2:18 PM

tl; dr

Posted by elenchos | November 3, 2008 2:19 PM

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