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Dear Eli,

Like most people who have heard about "Cd players" and other new-fangled inventions, I voted almost 2 weeks ago for John McCain by mail.

I was proud to cast a vote for someone who served our country to the utmost and has a mainstream record that can appeal to everyone.

However, my guess is that King County "election" workers looked up my name in a database, saw an "R" and failed the vote for signature verification reasons (I often sign my name sloppily).

So, the Tyranny of Liberalism will probably enslave us for years to come here in Wash-IN-TON.

J. A. Bailo
Kent East

Posted by John Bailo | November 3, 2008 9:59 PM

All of these comments are not so mysteriously making me cry. I am so patriotic right now. I love my country so much. I'm a global citizen, and this election represents more than I can express. Let my constantly streaming tears do the talking.

Posted by SippinALatte | November 3, 2008 10:39 PM

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