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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Previewing Tonight’s VP Debate: Part 3

posted by on October 2 at 16:23 PM

Just a quick roundup of what some of the pundits are saying in anticipation of tonight’s VP debate:

Tom Hayden thinks Palin will come out swinging with some of the dumbest-sounding votes Biden has made during his 26 years in the Senate, and suggests some ways of countering such an attack.

Washington Monthly on the expectations game.

The BBC has a rundown of Biden’s and Palin’s most memorable gaffes.

The Washington Independent notes that nearly one third of all vice presidents have taken over as President eventually.

Biden’s comfortable, Palin’s stiff, when delivering party talking points.

The McCain campaign tries to drag Biden down.

One pundit thinks Democrats should ignore tonight’s debate.

Ooh! Sarah Palin shares a debate coach with Jerry Falwell.

Wonkette’s VP debate drinking game.

The AP reports that only 25 percent of likely voters think Palin is prepared to serve as president.

One foreign policy expert thinks that unless someone tells Palin the world can’t be broken down into “good guys and bad guys,” we’re in for “one uncomfortable debate.”

The New York Times compares Palin, unfavorably, to Dan Quayle.

Jason Linkins suggests Palin go for “silences of epic length.”

Steve Benen thinks Palin will be helped by low expectations.
An independent candidate who’s debated Palin more than 20 times says she’s a “master of the nonanswer.”

Paul Abrams thinks Biden needs to work hard to counter Palin’s prepackaged speaking points without coming across as condescending.

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That 30% figure scares the heck out of me. Globally, we'd be toast - even France would attack us.

Posted by patti | October 2, 2008 6:05 PM

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