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Monday, October 20, 2008

“I Am Really Sorry You Went There”

posted by on October 20 at 15:51 PM

On Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barack Obama, Pat Buchanan goes there.

And if Obama—who has always insisted that his campaign isn’t about race—wins, what do bet Buchanan and company will be on television claiming Obama brought up the race issue to get elected?

In case you haven’t seen it yet, check out this interview with Powell after he appeared on Meet the Press. He shreds McCain’s campaign and provides more reasons for supporting Obama, none of which are related to skin tone.

I think I’m in love.

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Buchanan, Limbaugh, George Will.

Desperate times calls for playing the race card.

Posted by Ziggity | October 20, 2008 3:53 PM

Just after his endorsement, Powell proceeded to pass up a chance to apologize for his shilling for the Iraq War on Meet the Press, in fact he was completely unapologetic, still insisting it was a good idea at the time...

Posted by ugh | October 20, 2008 4:00 PM

I'm with ugh. Colin Powell used to command massive respect. He sold out, sold all of us out, and despite his admirable intelligence and elocution, is a massive disappointment.

He has no moral authority after his going along with the Cheney gang.

Posted by Karlheinz Arschbomber | October 20, 2008 4:05 PM

When will the white man be able to finally overcome this enormous advantage that the black man has over us? They've been lording it over us for four hundred years, ever since the awful days when the slaves ruled over every aspect of our lives, down through the segregation era, when whites could not use "colored" drinking fountains and toilets, and were forced to sit in the front of the bus while the cool kids sat in the back, to today, when every economic and social advantage lies with these haughty Negroes? When will a white man finally catch a break?

In other words, fuck off, Buchanan. And take your whore of a sister with you.

Posted by Fnarf | October 20, 2008 4:10 PM

I love how Joan said it too. It was as if she were saying, "Oh, you poor old man, peeing all over yourself like that."

Posted by jimmy | October 20, 2008 4:12 PM

If the Republican Party wasn't run by a bunch of racist white men, they would have nominated Colin Powell to be President and he would beat Barack in a landslide (and I'm a liberal).

Posted by elswinger | October 20, 2008 4:18 PM

Powell's approval rating is 80%.

80% of amurrika is un-amurrikan!

Posted by AJ | October 20, 2008 4:34 PM

Whatever. Pat Buchanan was a key figure in deepening the role of identity politics in electoral politics. His work with Nixon was all about mobilizing traditionally Democrat-leaning Catholics to support join the Republican party based on social rather than economic issues. For him to now claim that identity politics has no place in electoral politics is insane.

Posted by Trevor | October 20, 2008 4:37 PM

I guess this should be good news, but I can't be anything but sad about it. Pat Buchannan playing the race card - he's not my favorite, but he's usually at least informed and able to disagree on the basis of policy. The fact that he isn't doing that just says that they're desperate. They don't have any credibility in disagreeing with the substance of what Powell said, so they're race baiting...just as they've done with Obama.

Posted by bohica | October 20, 2008 4:44 PM

Colin Powell is one of those icons that gasbag pundits go on and on about (like Ted Kennedy), but when it comes to votes -- CP (and TK) doesn't play.

Posted by John Bailo | October 20, 2008 4:53 PM


Posted by Jessica | October 20, 2008 5:25 PM

Finally, the racism of the RNC is front and center. This is so vulgar, and I really can't understand how Buchanan and Limbaugh get away with it. This is so indicative of how much race matters to them. Choosing a President based on economics and Supreme Court justices are silly and the 'kitchen sink'?

Posted by left coast | October 20, 2008 5:37 PM

This just in, Pat Buchanan thinks that the economy and the Supreme Court are not important issues. I really hope he's on Rachel Maddow's show tonight...

Posted by Julie in Chicago | October 20, 2008 5:41 PM

Pat Buchanan is gonna be one surprised mofo when he finds himself burning in the fiery depths of hell.

Posted by wow | October 20, 2008 5:45 PM

i get a thrill when you talk like that, fnarf. go, tigerrr!

buchanan. well, he's still in the party, so that says something. everyone else with any brains has already bailed.

Posted by ellarosa | October 20, 2008 6:02 PM

Dominic: is this the same Colin Powell who helped create the Don't Ask/Don't Tell/Don't Pursue "compromise" in 1993?

I agree his excoriation of the McCain campaign is on target and a great listen, but until he completely repudiates his Iraq War cheerleading and his part in DADTDP--and calls for it's repeal--I will resist any feelings of love.

Posted by Andy Niable | October 20, 2008 6:14 PM

@16: Ummm, "don't ask don't tell" was actually a step forward relative to the status quo of "ask and discharge."

Posted by Sean | October 20, 2008 6:22 PM

Powell is trying to buy his soul back from the neocons. Too late. Also, he waits until it appears Obama's got it in the bag. Not exactly profiles in courage.

You people are surprised that Buchanan is a racist shit? Obviously none of you that are have paid much attention to the man.

Posted by Bob | October 20, 2008 10:15 PM

when a man, however he may have sinned, does something smart and good, why not recognize it? Jeez people. Good for Powell.

Posted by take'em down | October 21, 2008 12:00 AM


And good for Obama.

The particularly wonderful thing that seems to have come about as a result of Powell's late endorsement (which will help make Obama a "safe" vote in the minds of a significant number of low to medium information voters) is that it has really laid bare the over-the-top racism of the Republican Party - and right at the very instant when they have been trying to pin the racism that has occurred to date in the McCain/Palin campaign on Obama.

It couldn't have worked better if they'd planned it. Who knows, with absentee ballots just dropping now in many states - and with too little time to try and spin this endorsement to have any effect on those who vote as soon as they get their ballot - maybe they did.

Posted by Mr. X | October 21, 2008 12:31 AM

"At one point, [Powell] even threatened to resign if Clinton pressed the issue further than the compromise "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy..."

But pushing W's BS at the UN wasn't anything to resign about.

Posted by chicagogaydude | October 21, 2008 3:30 AM

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