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I told you guys, he wants to chuck the GMA.

He also lied in saying Gregoire supports his transportation projects: she supports the principle, but not the execution. He wants an expensive tunnel, too many lanes, etc.

He has no clue, that's why I don't trust him on transportation issues-- he's an idiot. You can widen the roads all you want, but the access points are always the choke points. Congestion will happen, regardless, if you don't fix those choke points.

Posted by AJ | October 1, 2008 7:23 PM

ECB, others, you need to pursue this "Give me three ways you are different from GWB?" question he dodged, ducked and deflected. He didn't answer her question (and hasn't really answered any).

Posted by AJ | October 1, 2008 7:28 PM

Oh damn it, I'm watching the Blaine debate and not Yakima.

He just said he's going to blow out the entire government and stock it with cronies in the Yakima debate.

Posted by AJ | October 1, 2008 7:40 PM

Er, in the Blaine debate. You know what? This shit is pissing me off.

I hate you Dino Rossi.

Posted by AJ | October 1, 2008 7:41 PM


Is he still blatantly lying about how much those projects will cost?

Posted by keshmeshi | October 1, 2008 8:12 PM

Third debate? I hadn't heard about the other two. I have been worrying too much about a possible future under President Palin.

(I am told by someone that all signs point to the world ending in 2012, which would be the end of her/McCain's first term).

Posted by elswinger | October 1, 2008 8:14 PM

@5: Yes, very yes. He's basing his tunnel figures on a conversation he had with someone from Sound Transit after visiting the Beacon Hill tunnel. He wants to put the tunnel under 1st or 2nd Ave and tear down the viaduct when it's done.

He claims he'll get mandate in Seattle to do all this. Unfortunately for him, his tunnel idea defeats the purpose of the original (shoring up the Seawall) and poses problems in vibration mitigation, access and potentially expensive property purchasing.

He says he figured this all out "without the help of transportation engineers."

No shit.

Posted by AJ | October 1, 2008 8:49 PM

Was I the only one who thought the bumpersticker at the end was a little gimmicky and desperate?

Posted by Dino Saucey | October 1, 2008 9:07 PM

@5 for the win.

Only people who hate America vote Socialist Republican.

Posted by Will in Seattle | October 1, 2008 9:51 PM

The scary thing is people are stupid and will vote against their best interests almost every time.
Next Guvna: Dino Rossi.
After that: Tim Eyman?

Posted by WhyAreTheseCrooksStillFree? | October 1, 2008 10:43 PM

I went back and looked into a 1st or 2nd ave tunnel-- holy shit, I mean, seriously, holy shit. The options are staggering: 2 mile tunnel costing billions, plowing over Pioneer Square to get into a 1st or 2nd ave tunnel, expanding Battery Street Tunnel, etc.

That Great Northern Tunnel may save downtown Seattle from Rossi yet. Oh, and Nickels for all his doofery will probably keep Rossi in check with this bull if people end up losing their minds and voting for the sneak.

Posted by AJ | October 1, 2008 10:56 PM

The national press seems to be doing a better job with avoiding the "faux balance" trap ("some people say the moon is made up of rock, some say green cheese, you decide") - but not so our local press.

Dino is, quite simply, lying a lot. I'm not talking about the fact-free hyperbole ("change the culture in olympia") or statements about Gregoire spending a lot of money.

His roads plan, regardless of the merits or where the money will come from, will cost 10x what he claims. He's proposing we do more than anyone else (not less), and there are no estimates, from the low to the high, that support his statements. Republicans are already railing about the costs for the various big road projects, and yet Rossi claims he can do them all for less. He gets away with it, and it makes him look like he can put a "chicken in every pot" for free. This is classic Republican hand-waving, but Rossi is the worst at it I've ever seen (he doesn't even float any plausible theory as to how this stuff will be cheaper than anyone else has estimated).

His collusion with the BIAW is a huge scandal. Taking his word that there wasn't anything wrong, esp. when the BIAW was just found guilty of illegal contributions, is ludicrous. Completely ridiculous. Up there with believing anything that comes out of Sarah Palin's mouth without verification.

I doubt non-local corporate overlords would be great, but the Blethen-controlled Seattle Times editorial room has got to go. It's like the WSJ editorial board at this point - an otherwise reasonable paper that veers off into John-Birch land when it comes to editorializing.

If Gregoire weren't such an ineffective campaigner (btw - I like the stem cell and Plan B ads - fuck what the Times says about them) Rossi would be behind by 10%.

Posted by jcricket | October 2, 2008 8:48 AM

The national press seems to be doing a better job with avoiding the "faux balance" trap ("some people say the moon is made up of rock, some say green cheese, you decide") - but not so our local press.

Dino is, quite simply, lying a lot. I'm not talking about the fact-free hyperbole ("change the culture in olympia") or statements about Gregoire spending a lot of money.

His roads plan, regardless of the merits or where the money will come from, will cost 10x what he claims. He's proposing we do more than anyone else (not less), and there are no estimates, from the low to the high, that support his statements. Republicans are already railing about the costs for the various big road projects, and yet Rossi claims he can do them all for less. He gets away with it, and it makes him look like he can put a "chicken in every pot" for free. This is classic Republican hand-waving, but Rossi is the worst at it I've ever seen (he doesn't even float any plausible theory as to how this stuff will be cheaper than anyone else has estimated).

His collusion with the BIAW is a huge scandal. Taking his word that there wasn't anything wrong, esp. when the BIAW was just found guilty of illegal contributions, is ludicrous. Completely ridiculous. Up there with believing anything that comes out of Sarah Palin's mouth without verification.

I doubt non-local corporate overlords would be great, but the Blethen-controlled Seattle Times editorial room has got to go. It's like the WSJ editorial board at this point - an otherwise reasonable paper that veers off into John-Birch land when it comes to editorializing.

If Gregoire weren't such an ineffective campaigner (btw - I like the stem cell and Plan B ads - fuck what the Times says about them) Rossi would be behind by 10%.

Posted by jcricket | October 2, 2008 8:49 AM

#10 I would vote for Tim Eyman for governor. He would finally have to actually do something and see how impossible it is to govern a state where any yahoo can get enough signatures to hamstring projects.

Posted by elswinger | October 2, 2008 10:40 AM

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