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Monday, October 13, 2008

As the Conservatives Turn

posted by on October 13 at 16:34 PM

A video clip compilation from The Jed Report:

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All true. Still, go phonebank at the end of the month. Make sure your half-tuned in friends voting for the first time know that GOP means Republican. And let's all keep a civil e-tongue and let the Right do the mean-spirited shit-talking.

Posted by Grant Cogswell | October 13, 2008 4:54 PM

You know shit is bad when your homies turn on you.

Now is the time to turn up the heat. Now is the time to send in that $20 you've been meaning to donate. Now is the time to volunteer, and do your part.

Seriously. This is it, people. Get in there.

Posted by kerri harrop | October 13, 2008 4:56 PM

this confirms what i have suspected all along: they set up jonh mccain as the fall boy, to take a bullet for the republican team--they are going to let this mess fall on obama and let the country crash and turn him into another jimmy carter so then they can usher in arnold schwartzeneger as the new regan. these are not conservative talking points. these are ont, say BILL FUCKING O'RIELY'S real feelings. they are being fed. don't ask me by whome or exactly how it works...but i am so write it hurts.

Posted by adrian! | October 13, 2008 5:05 PM

I'm getting sick, but this video really cheered me up! Even the Carter comparison... is made to McCain/Bush!

It's almost time for another sea change on Fox News: "The President is Always _____" card will have 8 years of dust brushed off it and flipped back over to WRONG.

Posted by Zephyr | October 13, 2008 5:07 PM

and, um, please do not rush to point out my devastating typos in hte above post. i see them. thanks in advance.

Posted by adrian! | October 13, 2008 5:07 PM

so many old white men, so little time.

Posted by um | October 13, 2008 5:10 PM

and, um, please do not rush to point out my devastating typos in hte above post. i see them. thanks in advance.

Posted by adrian! | October 13, 2008 5:13 PM

Is Karl Rove talking shit about McCain as a campaign strategy, to distance the Bush admin from McCain?

Posted by idaho | October 13, 2008 5:19 PM

you're falling apart, adrian.

Posted by paulus | October 13, 2008 5:20 PM

adrian, they'd have to change the constitution to put arnold in office. that will happen in the next 4 years over the dead bodies of the democrats in control of congress.

Posted by max solomon | October 13, 2008 6:16 PM

Obama's 95% Illusion

"Because Mr. Obama's tax credits are phased out as incomes rise, they impose a huge "marginal" tax rate increase on low-income workers.

The marginal tax rate refers to the rate on the next dollar of income earned.

...the marginal rate for millions of low- and middle-income workers would spike as they earn more income."

Posted by John Bailo | October 13, 2008 6:18 PM

well, max, i see where you are coming from, but i think its foolish to imagine that a) republicans don't have a long-term plan b) that there is any length they wouldn't go to (um, bush? 2000? 2004?) c0 that there is anything the democrats won't tolerate from them. and its a matter of record--these people (in the vid) are pundits, they are propagandists--they take talking points from the republican administration. this total 360 is a red flag.

Posted by adrian | October 13, 2008 6:54 PM

Arnold as Republican President? Just like that the party will nominate a gay friendly, pro-choice candidate who's really only a repub fiscally? Don't think so. The Evangelicals will come back with Palin if she isn't a complete wash, and watch for it: Bobby Jindal. Obama opens the door and Republicans are ready to nominate their own person of color.

Posted by hal | October 13, 2008 7:23 PM

It is brilliant. The Democrats take over in the 90's, and run the country into unprecedented peace and prosperity. They are thrown out for excessive competence and obnoxiously having the facts of the issues at hand; at their very fingertips!

Cleverly, the Republicans take over all three branches of government, and ruin them. They ruin the country diplomatically, militarily, financially and indeed morally. They are universally loathed for their utter failure, thereby brilliantly laying a trap for the Democrats, who must inherit a beaten and broken country.

The Democratic leaders, and all decent Americans, will quit in hopelessness and despair, and indeed many will quit this Earth rather than live in the wasteland that is now theirs to watch wither and gasp its final choking sighs.

Who will be left behind, forevermore? The Republicans, and an electorate stupid enough to keep them in power forever.

Posted by elenchos | October 13, 2008 7:28 PM

Months ago I was scared I might end up in a country with McCain as president. Now I'm scared that I might end up behind him in a grocery store checkout line.

Posted by kinaidos | October 13, 2008 7:28 PM

Arnold could probably turn the Republican party around. Of course, it'll take decades for the Republicans to get to the point where they'd be willing to accept someone like him as president.

Posted by keshmeshi | October 13, 2008 7:38 PM

...looks like the candidate got thrown under the "Straight Talk Express" bus - literally.

Posted by Mr. X | October 13, 2008 7:49 PM

Hasn't anyone ever heard of the adage "all press is good press" ?

Seriously. All this coverage of McCain's supposed failings is adding fuel to the hateful fire! Seems to me like every time the media talks about how McCain's implied Obama's a terrorist he gets another uninformed ignorant conservative deciding to vote because he/she doesn't want a terrorist in the White House. I rather wish they'd just shut up about it all and focus on the things Obama is doing.

Posted by scotlanded | October 13, 2008 8:18 PM

McCain landslide McCain landslide
how sweet it is

Posted by 4f...sake | October 13, 2008 8:41 PM

I wonder if Obama would be doing nearly so well if he weren't running against such incompetent people....

Posted by sepiolida | October 13, 2008 8:49 PM

enchlos sees exactly what i mean.

Posted by adrian | October 13, 2008 9:27 PM

I wouldn't trust most of those shit-heels as far as I could throw them (George Will being the only one I can BARELY tolerate).

The idea that so many of them would go out and start spewing this presumed chagrin over McSame's campaign tactics all at once, just like they coordinate literally every other meme they put into play, just smacks as so much double-reverse psycho-loopy bullshit.

Maybe they figure, by spinning McSame as some sort of beleaguered underdog, they'll pull some sympathy votes from the undecideds, thereby giving him enough of a bump to make it continue to look like a horse race. Because after all, if McSame effectively drops out of contention this early, what are the pundocrats going to have to talk about for the next three weeks - what color drapes Michelle plans to install in the East Wing?

Posted by COMTE | October 13, 2008 10:55 PM

@Bailo - That's rich. I'm definitely going to go out there and work twice as hard so I can one day have the privilege of paying a lower tax rate as a rich person. That's totally how people work. You guys seem stuck in 1980.

Posted by David | October 14, 2008 9:34 AM

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