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Guns and Roses gives me an itching swelling brain, now more than ever. Please post more videos with Big Black in them.

Posted by Cookie W. Monster | October 23, 2008 8:13 AM

Show a little Phillies love!

Posted by Jen | October 23, 2008 8:16 AM

I really hope we don't see Joe the Plumber in drag ths Halloween.
Zogby's got Obama up by 12 this morning.

Posted by kinaidos | October 23, 2008 8:17 AM

From the Times story: "I loved economics so much that I got a degree in it from Harvard," ---- There's NO reason Burner couldn't've said, "I loved economics so much that I minored in it at Harvard."

Posted by idaho | October 23, 2008 8:21 AM

We will never support and not re-defeat terrorismist Yo Mama Slo-Mo-Bama in November and 2012! Burgle Bargle Burgle arf snarf fnarf barf!

Posted by dieboldsarmy | October 23, 2008 8:26 AM

We will never support and not re-defeat terrorismist Yo Mama Slo-Mo-Bama in November and 2012! Burgle Bargle Burgle arf snarf fnarf barf!

Posted by dieboldsarmy | October 23, 2008 8:26 AM

We will never support and not re-defeat terrorismist Yo Mama Slo-Mo-Bama in November and 2012! Burgle Bargle Burgle arf snarf fnarf barf!

Posted by dieboldsarmy | October 23, 2008 8:27 AM

We will never support and not re-defeat terrorismist Yo Mama Slo-Mo-Bama in November and 2012! Burgle Bargle Burgle arf snarf fnarf barf!

Posted by dieboldsarmy | October 23, 2008 8:27 AM

We will never support and not re-defeat terrorismist Yo Mama Slo-Mo-Bama in November and 2012! Burgle Bargle Burgle arf snarf fnarf barf!

Posted by dieboldsarmy | October 23, 2008 8:28 AM

A Nickelback skatepark? Cool! I think. No wait, bad idea.

Posted by jon.e.rock | October 23, 2008 8:29 AM

shut the fuck up diebold, I'm in pain from surgery and I don't want to read your repeat bullshit. Diaf.

Posted by wisepunk | October 23, 2008 8:39 AM

So there are only 10% of 2500=250 citizens on the watch list, but somehow "Edward Kennedy" managed to be one of them? Nice work, Teddy!

Posted by Ad | October 23, 2008 8:39 AM
13 is reporting that Burner's now got a four point lead...

Posted by shitbrain | October 23, 2008 8:41 AM

Pretty sure Joe Sixpack don't wear no Manolos either. You Betcha! Just sayin'.

Posted by Old_Mama_Chips | October 23, 2008 8:41 AM

We will never support and not re-defeat surgery victim Visine Skunk wisepunk in November and 2012! Burgle Bargle Burgle arf snarf fnarf barf!

Posted by dieboldsarmy | October 23, 2008 8:55 AM

I really, really want my CD8 to go Blue this year. But Burner said she got a degree in Economics from Harvard, and she didn't. Should this mean we abandon her? No. Was it a mistake for her to say? Hell yes.

Posted by Big Sven | October 23, 2008 8:55 AM

what do you want her to wear? candies?

Posted by max solomon | October 23, 2008 8:57 AM

Much as I dislike Sarah Palin, the clothing thing seems like a no-win situation. She will be mocked if she doesn't wear fashionable clothes, she will be mocked if she does. And if it weren't for the celebrity-glorifying infotainment media exemplified by shows like the View, I wouldn't even know what Manolo Blahniks were.

I thought the "400 hundred dollar haircut!?" criticism of Edwards was bullshit, and while this is on a grander scale, it seems similarly beside the point to me. Yes, campaigning costs a lot of money. Yes, it's disingenuous to portray yourself as Laura Ingalls Wilder while spending money on your wardrobe like Paris Hilton. But the fact is she'll be photographed every second of the day and we the public place certain demands on appearance.

Posted by flamingbanjo | October 23, 2008 9:06 AM

@18 - I'm with you. I don't mind seeing a Republican catch a little bit of that $400 haircut/$150k wardrobe attack crap this time around, but it's still crap.

Posted by cdc | October 23, 2008 9:14 AM

Its all about the Phillies. You want a big voter turn out in big cities like Philladelphia than join me in cheering the city of brotherly love! Though ocassionally, we've been known to bust a cap, it is nevertheless the greatest city on earth and a blue city at that. where would we be without soft philly pretzels and cheesesteaks? why would u want to cheer for a red city in a red state like tampa?


Posted by SeMe | October 23, 2008 9:21 AM

@4 - She couldn't say that because there is no such thing as a minor at Harvard. I'm not going to take the DailyKos post at face value, but it sounds like it might have been some kind of specialization/joint degree type thing.

She probably shouldn't have said she "has a degree in economics"... but I don't think it's that big of a deal. There's not really a succinct way to explain how the specialization thing works at Harvard.

I majored in chemistry and minored in anthropology and I typically just say I "studied chemistry and anthropology" rather than I "got my degree in". She probably would have been better off saying something like that...

Posted by Julie in Chicago | October 23, 2008 9:59 AM

Wow, reading the comments after the Daily Kos "calling bullshit on the Times" post is a sad reminder of how shrill politics has become. I wish we libs were above that kind of strident, myopic crap.

The story in the Times is totally legit, and I'm a big-time lib. Burner was playing semantics intentionally. You do NOT say you have a degree in something when you don't. Period. The comeback by Sandeep (something to the effect of saying she has an emphasis in economics "doesn't roll off the tongue") may be the dopiest and weakest response from a political consultant in this state all year.

Reichert was sheriff. But he can't say he has a degree in criminal justice. She took classes, several classes even, in economics. But the fact is she does not have a degree in economics. Period.

Burner herself said she needed to use "shorthand" to describe her educational background. OK, how's this?

Instead of "she earned a B.A. from Harvard in computer science and economics" how about "she graduated from Harvard with extensive studies in economics and computer science." It's spin. It even puts economics ahead of computer science. But at least it's factual.

What Burner has done here, I think, is confirm concerns that those of us who have monitored Burner's career closely already have ... she hasn't paid her dues and believes she is above doing so.

Sorry, brother and sister libs, but she's a really lousy candidate and hers is a really embarrassing campaign. And this inexcusable gaffe, built upon the kind of smugness and arrogance that we come to expect from the GOP, just confirmed it.

Posted by Let'sGetReal | October 23, 2008 10:11 AM

Florida's bluer than Pennsylvania this time around, SeMe. I'll be happy to see the Phils win one, but the Rays -- now there's a team I really admire. They're the team I wish we were. They're the team we never will be, because we're too stupid (even with the new GM).

Posted by Fnarf | October 23, 2008 10:12 AM

Read Jeffrey Goldberg's piece in the Atlantic here: if you are still confused about why the no-fly list is stupider than fuck. ANYONE can get around it; if your name is "Osama bin Laden" you can fly any carrier freely; you simply buy your ticket with a stolen credit card and a false name.

Posted by Fnarf | October 23, 2008 11:42 AM

You're just plain wrong on the facts, Let'sGetReal.

Posted by Fnarf | October 23, 2008 12:01 PM

I voted no on Parks - doesn't mean I hate skateparks, just I don't want SDOT destroying the ones we have.

Posted by Will in Seattle | October 23, 2008 2:19 PM

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