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RSS icon Comments on Sarah Palin to Rape Victims: Drop Dead


Dan, you must remember, God has a plan. For you. For me. For that rape victim, and that rape victim's unwanted baby.

Posted by Mr. Poe | September 9, 2008 9:37 AM

@1: And that rape victim's money! Ka-ching!

Posted by Ziggity | September 9, 2008 9:46 AM

So, first she tells low income pregnant teens to drop dead, and now rape victims.

What's next? Are we going to find out she likes pit bulls?

Posted by Mike in MO | September 9, 2008 9:47 AM

I have a hard time believing that a person can be so callous and cruel. Plus, pregnancy was not mentioned as part of the expense. The way I read it was that taxpayers would accomodate the cost of investigations so that the victim wasn't charged. Is that a bad thing? I am not defending Palin in any way, I am just trying to understand her mind.

Posted by trufe | September 9, 2008 9:48 AM

Nevermind. I just re-read. Gov. Knowles was trying to correct Palin's previous law.

Posted by trufe | September 9, 2008 9:49 AM

@4 uh, your taxes pay for police, so it stands to reason that taxpayers NORMALLY pay for rape kits... which is something she stopped.

so, yeah, she's just a callous and cruel bitch.

Posted by UNPAID BLOGGER | September 9, 2008 9:52 AM

Hey Mike @3 she does like pitbulls and refers to herself as one with lipstick.

Posted by Palintheass | September 9, 2008 9:52 AM

@ 4, I wouldn't try. You might end up with brain damage.

So maybe I'm missing something here...but doesn't Alaska have a huge $5 billion surplus due to oil? Personally, I would have rather had my $1400 state check go to a young rape victim trying to prove her (maybe his) case.

But hey, I don't live in Alaska. What do I know about humane treatment of victims?

Posted by Jesse RS | September 9, 2008 9:54 AM

Yet another correct, smart, gotcha against Palin. But unless this motivates the troops here to donate or take action, so what?

NYT today saying Obama donor fatigue setting in; the legions of small donors aren't regiving for the general election as much as expected and natch the HRC donors ain't lining up to swell the Obama bank account. Huh, wonder why?

So if the continual gotchas on Palin motivate you to give, wonderful, and go give right now to Obama online.

The key finding recently is Obama is totally dropping among white women. We will look with interest on new state by state polls and hopefully they don't parallel those national polls showing Obama behind. But methinks Wal-Mart moms in Medina Ohio and Terre Haute and outside Pittsburgh don't care about rape victim rights so much though they might be moved by the kind of stuff Hillary is focusing on -- she said the change you get with Obama is you will be able to afford a gallon of gas AND a gallon of milk.

Don't just be a spectator in Washington State. Give online, or go to NM or CO or NV and volunteer, or call all your pals in Ohio and VA and Mi and tell them why Democrats make them better off, that's the change Obama will bring.

Wash post poll is source for white women statement, McCain's share of their vote has gone up 20% recently. This despite relentless liberal type attacks on Palin. Clearly, those attacks do not work, no matter how right and just and smart and correct they are. Clearly Palin represents some kind of change or positive force for many women (obviously not liberals or feminists, but we can't win the general election with their votes alone, duh).

Posted by PC | September 9, 2008 9:55 AM

Subject, verb, object. Give it a try sometime, PC. Or better yet: shotgun, mouth, trigger.

Posted by Fnarf | September 9, 2008 9:59 AM

I don't see Palin's name in the story.

Posted by Danisparanoidandhysterical | September 9, 2008 10:00 AM

@10 brilliance in the threads

Can the Stranger just kidnap Fnarf and force him to write for you?

Posted by Non | September 9, 2008 10:06 AM


Posted by tsm | September 9, 2008 10:07 AM

Good news bad news:
While we the Slog readers are keenly aware that Palin's record has more in common with beliefs and policies set out by the administrations of the Taliban and President Ahmadinejad than those of mainstream Americans, a large portion of America does NOT know this.
In reference to Eli's post: my shrink did not realize even a quarter of this when I was talking with him this morning. Just a week and a half ago most Democrats were expecting McCain to pick a moderate and pander to the swing voters. Indeed if there is any true "Manchurian Candidate" out there it is Palin. Otherwise the GOP has only a few policies outlined and the few they have are not only out of touch with mainstream America, but violate any common decency.

Posted by Sasha | September 9, 2008 10:16 AM

Doesn't Alaska have one of highest rape rates in the country? Palin is looking more and more like a Schafly type of woman, even making excuses for rape -- or just plain sticking it to rape victims.

Posted by keshmeshi | September 9, 2008 10:17 AM

@11 lets connect the dots:

This story is from 2000, and Palin was Mayor of Wasilla from 1996 to 2002. So, the fact that Gov Tony Knowles had to step in on the issue shows her inaction and/or outright endorsement of this despicable law.

Either way, it's pretty damning evidence to her character.

Posted by UNPAID BLOGGER | September 9, 2008 10:20 AM

@11 - Palin's name isn't in the story. Palin was mayor of the Wasila from 98-02, which was the time that they decided to charge rape victims for the cost of investigating the crime. That she knew about it and approved it is just us connecting the dots.

Posted by Jaxxi Hax | September 9, 2008 10:21 AM

Those checks from the state aren't a surplus, they're rainy-day rape kit funds. Keep 'em under your pillows, ladies! You never know when you might need 'em!

Posted by Greg | September 9, 2008 10:29 AM

@18 "Rape-kit/Snow-machine Fund" sounds much more catchy than "Permanent Fund Dividend" any way you slice it.

Posted by UNPAID BLOGGER | September 9, 2008 10:39 AM

@18: Perfect.

Posted by Aislinn | September 9, 2008 10:57 AM

what a disgusting display of ignorance. sarah palin makes me sick. i watched her speech this morning before work, and the basis of her claims were generally false... but no one is holding her accountable!

the personal controversies are distracting from the real issues. she is already a established psycho.

Posted by tiffany | September 9, 2008 10:58 AM

What's wrong with liking pit bulls? Pit bulls I've known have been playful, intelligent, and affectionate. Sarah Palin comparing herself to one was trading up.

Gah, but the revelations just keep on coming, don't they?

Posted by Nikkiru | September 9, 2008 11:27 AM

This article and the many others that have sprouted up in the last days smack of the worst sort of political hyperbole. Just as the Obama Selective Service issue does as the right spews it. Yeah... there was no Selective Service registration in place in 1979 when Obama finished high school, but it came back soon after and there's no reason to assume the worst about his recent statement to Stephanopolous on this just because the timing from almost 30 years ago is a little hazy to him.

Likewise, maybe the 'progressives' could look a little deeper rather than painting Palin as 'pro sexual assault' as some are now doing. Has anyone looked to see if the law was in place prior to her becoming mayor? Has anyone looked into whether she had power, as mayor, to unilaterally change this, or was it controlled by an unmoving city council? Has anyone looked into her role? Or... do we just go and demonize someone on the flimsiest of reasons just because we are so racked with hate that we'll stoop to the sleaziest of tactics without any regard for what the reality of the situation was?

I don't know if she was all in favor of charging rape victims, and I don't know if Obama just lied about his Selective Service history, but I do know that the rabid partisans on both sides are disgraceful molesters of donkey private parts... or at least that's what I'll be able to read at some internet site as soon as I hit 'Post', so it must be true.

Posted by Eid | September 9, 2008 11:35 AM

@11: It's not just that Palin was Mayor at the time, it's that when she took office, she fired the long-standing chief of police. He sued her but lost, because the judge said under State law the mayor had the right to choose whoever she wanted for top cop. So Charlie Fannon, the yutz cop cited in the newspaper article as being more concerned about saving $5,000 to $14,000 in taxes (at a time Palin was increasing tax revenues in Wasilla by nearly 40%) than billing costs to rape victims, was hand-picked by Palin.

Posted by kk | September 9, 2008 12:06 PM

@26 Eid, please, please stop being so sane, so reasonable...damn man, this is US politics. No place for reason.

Posted by matty | September 9, 2008 12:12 PM


It appears the new Winger definition of "lied" extends to utterly ambivalent statements.

What Senator Obama said to George Stephanopolous was that "when I finished" with high school he was required to register with Selective Service and [then? later? before? in that context? He didn't say and George S didn't ask] considered joining a US armed forces service.

On the clearly stated point of registering for Selective Service, the Wingosphere lit up like a bonfire. Ah, but more's the pity, within a day of getting a major buzz on over the prospect of 'proving' Obama lied, and with dozens of posts and hundreds to thousands of posts showing thousands to tens of thousands of Wingers ready to piss their pants at early Christmas, the meme was struck an apparently fatal blow- reminiscent of the Wingoshpere's frenzy over Senator Obama's Hawaii birth certificate - by the news of confirmation from a source with an impeccable reputation for credibility- or what passes for such in that parallel universe: Pajamas Media- a Winger flagship- confirmed uncovering official proof that indeed Senator Obama had registered in contemplation of the Selective Service program, the same having been revived by Congress as a precautionary measure in case it be needed.

Now, some might say Senator Obama's use of the word "when" in relation to the timing of these two unspecified but at least roughly contiguous events: registering in accordance with legal obligation & contemplating for whatever unspecified period the possibility of pursuing at least some military experience - could encompass a pretty broad period of time.

As in something like - when I got out of high school I still wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life, so I drifted a bit- which would not necessarily obviate a semester or two at a community college or a stint in sales or a tour of duty with the Peace Corp, and perhaps all, and more.

But having invested so much political pre-coital energy in the hope that such an obvious fraud- someone afterall who despite the paperwork actually "probably" wasn't born in the US and actually "probably" is a secret Muslin and actually "probably" spent many a happy hour with Bill Ayers plotting to blow up another corner or two of the Pentagon- the Wingosphere was in need of SOME relief - and thus was "when" converted to mean - "obviously" - "right at the moment I went out the front doors of good old Saul Alinsky High ["Go Rads Go"] for the very last time as a student, I said to myself: Assemblyman/State Senator/Congressman/US Senator/President Obama, my boy: why don't we spend the next 30 seconds or so in serious contemplation of building up a little military cred just in case 29 years and change hence we might find ourselves in a close race for POTUS with, who knows, a captured Navy flyer who was tortured and kept a POW for a half decade or so- sort of like that McCain chap with the US Navy pedigree going all the way back to the Battle of the Nile...on second thought: no War to end all Wars at hand or obviously pending. Oh well then, Plan B: its the life of a community organizer for me.

So Eid: Plan B? An election over Public Policy Issues and Choices?

Oh, I forgot- you don't do that sort of thing. So I gather with that settled we can return to the matter of Governor Palin?

Posted by LabDancer | September 9, 2008 12:44 PM

I'd love an election over Public Policy Issues and Choices, but since the GOP and Dem wings of the RepubliCrat party have no interest in doing so, I'll have to continue to endure the foolishness and personal attacks. I'd join in, but I don't do thaaaat sort of thing ;-)

Posted by Eid | September 9, 2008 1:05 PM

Ahhh, Attack of the PanTrogCavewoman! Why should the child suffer because the proximate cause of its conception was a crime committed by someone else?

Posted by jackseattle | September 9, 2008 3:31 PM

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