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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Re: Worry

posted by on September 25 at 13:59 PM

I am the last person in the world to begrudge people their election anxiety, but looking at some of the electoral college vote prediction sites that I frequent, I don’t see as much cause for Obama-related alarm. At least not today.

Here’s the current Real Clear Politics map. It’s close, but Obama wins:


FiveThirtyEight and ElectoralVote agree: If the election were held today, Obama would be the victor (and, according to their models, by an even larger margin than RCP is showing).

The key phrase, of course, being: If the election were held today. Which it will not be.

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No comment on Chopp's plan for the viaduct?

Posted by did I miss it? | September 25, 2008 2:02 PM

Can I just drink a bunch of jack and eat some pills and wake up on Nov 5th?

This election is killing me.

Posted by john | September 25, 2008 2:06 PM

well lookie here, a map that doesn't have obama winning ohio or florida yet still winning the election. and people mocked me for pointing this out.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | September 25, 2008 2:08 PM

What a fine-lookin' republic.

Posted by Ziggity | September 25, 2008 2:10 PM

Thanks for the reality check, Eli. People are freaking out over nothing. The math is substantially in Obama's favor.

McCain has a chance to win, but only an increasingly small one. Everything has to go his way, and then he still needs luck.

Obama wins, McCain is done. It's a mathematical certainty.

Posted by Medina | September 25, 2008 2:13 PM

@3: But it does show him winning Colorado, which is totally iffy.

Posted by Aislinn | September 25, 2008 2:13 PM


No, it's not. Obama is even doing well in Virginia and Florida. In 40 days or so, that map will have much more blue on it.

Posted by keshmeshi | September 25, 2008 2:23 PM

@6 Obama winning Colorado is a lot less iffy than his losing Virginia. Both 538 and EV have VA blue.

Posted by Mike of Renton | September 25, 2008 2:25 PM

Ah, but the election will be held after McCain and Palin totally flame out in the debates.

Posted by Greg | September 25, 2008 2:26 PM

@6 I agree with Aislinn, Colorado still seems like a toss-up. But I find it hard to believe Obama won't win Virginia.

If it remains this close, I think it will stay up in the air, even on November 5th, because attorneys for both sides are already lining up the vote challenges.

Of course, McCain could drop dead, we could learn a shocking secret about one of the candidates (though God knows what anyone would find shocking at this point), or Bush/Cheney could pull an October surprise out of their asses and that could completely change the game.

Posted by PopTart | September 25, 2008 2:29 PM

And take away New Hampshire- which has always liked McCain, and gave Hillary that primary surprise-- and you come out with 269-269....

Also bear in mind, undecideds will definitely favor McCain....

Hope our anxieties are leading to donations and volunteer efforts...

If Obama doesn't take a commanding lead after the debates we're in trouble.

Posted by mcbush | September 25, 2008 2:40 PM

Another key phrase: if the vote count is fair.


Posted by distrust | September 25, 2008 2:41 PM

8 electoral votes? This map makes me feel neither better nor worse.

Posted by Julie in Chicago | September 25, 2008 2:42 PM

@Poptart: I have family in Virginia and recently visted there. Trust me, it could easily go McCain.

If it isn't already leaning that way.

Posted by Original Monique | September 25, 2008 2:46 PM

mcbush @12:

And take away New Hampshire- which has always liked McCain, and gave Hillary that primary surprise-- and you come out with 269-269....

I've been meaning to mention the distinct possibility of an electoral college tie. As you say, mcbush, take NH off the blue column in that RCP map and you get 269 apiece. Take NH and VA off the Electoral Vote map and you get 269.

The thing is, though, even this "worse" case scenario gives an indication of Obama's cushion. Because an electoral college tie goes to the House of Representatives, and the House is Dem-controlled. See: Pelosi, Nancy.

Which means, Obama could lose NH, VA, OH, FL, and NV and still win the election. Actually, I'm pretty darn confident in Colorado and New Mexico.

Does this mean I'm confident on the whole? Well, not enough to rest easy. On that front, I'm with john @2. An Obama victory would be just so historic that, until it actually happens, you have a hard time believing it will happen. And though I don't put much credence in the Bradley effect, I do put some credence in the general fearfulness of the American people to take any kind of leap.

Posted by cressona | September 25, 2008 2:53 PM

While I'm going to keep this map in mind, I'm going to continue to WORK like he's coming up short. We need more than a close-win if we want any sort of mandate for an Obama administration. That means more votes, more states, and more down-ticket Dem wins to increase majorities in both houses of Congress.

Posted by Andy Niable | September 25, 2008 3:17 PM

@3: You were probably being cocky/snotty when you pointed it out. Seriously though, people need to relax and save the crazy meltdowns for after the election. Clearheaded people get better results, and if people are actually trying to accomplish something here then that would be helpful.

Posted by Mikki | September 25, 2008 3:21 PM

I'm with @13 there: Assuming no dirty tricks from the GOP. Like the last two elections. Just ask investigative reporter Greg Palast.

Posted by treacle | September 25, 2008 3:27 PM

uh, what numbers are you looking at and where? Colorado has been polling similar to Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan for Obama and the numbers have been consistent.


Despite the narrow margins, Minnesota and Wisconsin and Michigan and Pennsylvania WILL stay blue. Ohio is a big question mark, but Obama CAN win without it.

The race in Virginia is VERY tight and Obama has been making consistent gains in Florida and North Carolina and surprisingly, in Indiana and West Virginia.

But it is spooky that little New Hampshire or Nevada could decide the race.

Posted by michael strangeways | September 25, 2008 3:42 PM
21 has a pretty map but I don't find it reliable. is a better choice as a source but people should look at several sites to get the best overall picture.

Posted by michael strangeways | September 25, 2008 3:50 PM

dearest cressona,
could you imagine the house dems "stealing" a tied electoral map decision? kiss mandate goodbye. kiss 2010 mid-term goodbye...
just sayin'...
and again, i stress the undecideds. figure them to go at least 60% McCain, if not 70 or 80, because as we all know, the first thing people need in a president is trust. and that last thing white americans do is trust a black man....
so, that gives mccain at least a 1 point cushion, if not 2. a recipe for disaster in a close election...

hope these cell phone unable to reach youth voters are gonna be out there....
in the voice of clay davis- "shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit"

Posted by mcbush | September 25, 2008 3:59 PM

Every time I see maps like this, I am thankful to live on the West Coast all over again.

Posted by kerri harrop | September 25, 2008 5:24 PM

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