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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Praying for Obama

posted by on September 10 at 11:39 AM

God sends some good news to Obama:

Obama’s white evangelicals

Today’s Fox poll has McCain leading Obama among white evangelicals by 61 percent to 25 percent. Bush beat Kerry among white evangelicals by 77 percent to 23 percent. So in spite of Sarah Palin’s selection, Obama remains ahead of Kerry’s pace in this demographic. Should he win his share of the undecideds, he’d reach 29 percent—not as good as Bill Clinton but a significant pickup nonetheless.

Big evangelical support was central to Bush’s victory in 2004. If McCain fails to generate the same level of support, it will almost be impossible for him to win the election.

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Spoiler: it IS in fact impossible for John McCain to win this election

Posted by Just Sayin' | September 10, 2008 12:06 PM

Every five or ten minutes there is going to be another poll showing Obama winning and another one showing McCain winning. There are most like just as many showing support for Palin over Biden but does the Slog need to report on every single one? This race has dragged on too long already and the minute by minute play by play works for sports but its getting old in this medium.
I also took a poll and the results show that with a 95% approval ratting that the Slog should make one post at the end of the day summarizing all the polls and then make one official end of the day poll.

Posted by Polls, Polls, Polls and more Polls | September 10, 2008 12:19 PM

one word = electoralcollege.

Posted by cochise. | September 10, 2008 12:21 PM

That's why the Obama campaign needs to run ads showing all those old clips of McCain supporting abortion, being at the top of the NRA's shit list, his stance on immigration, and such. Even if some of those opinions dovetail with Obama, it needs to be made clear that he's "The Maverick" because he's gone against so many of the traditional core Republican values. Many Republicans have been -and still are- repulsed by the idea of voting for McCain. They need constant reminding why.

Posted by JC | September 10, 2008 1:00 PM

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