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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Overheard in a Coffeeshop Outside the Xcel Center

posted by on September 2 at 13:47 PM

Bob Barr (Libertarian presidential candidate, former Republican congressman from Georgia, and famed hypocrite), sitting next to me drinking an orange soda and giving a phone interview with Lou Dobbs:

The only option is to vote Libertarian, Lou… The market works—because of the rising price of gas, people have been driving less. If we allow the market to operate, it will adjust itself!

He and his people are trying to get into the convention. I asked one of his staffers, Andy MacPherson, who he’d pick if he had to choose between Obama and McCain.

“I have no preference,” he said. “They’re the left wing and the right wing of the same buzzard.”

“I had a strange dream last night,” one of the other staffers said. “I dreamed I was being lynched in a small town.”

Then they all left to go buy cigars at a shop across the street.

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i give credit to libertarians like myself; we are entertaining till the end.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | September 2, 2008 1:50 PM

libertarian thinking seems to be what you get if you strip all history out of the human condition and start from a blank slate of total wishful thinking. the market! the market! you gotta love it, it's so cute...

Posted by douglas | September 2, 2008 1:54 PM

I agree, the only sane choice for former Republicans is to vote Libertarian.

But Independents and Democrats, being of sound mind, should stay away from those Libertarian anarchists who engaged in property destruction at the out-of-control Republican convention ...

You know, the one where they tear-gassed Gwen Ifill of the PBS Newshour and bashed in the head of other major media reporters ... showing that the Chinese police at the Olympics were far more restrained than Republicans are.

America's core values of Truth, Justice, and the American Middle Class way of life are being tested - and Republicans have only shown their incompetence, greed, and failure to lead.

Posted by Will in Seattle | September 2, 2008 1:57 PM

douglas, the best part of libertarianism has always been its ideals it ascribes to. At the core of libertarianism is liberal thought about rights which is the basis for much of our basic rights in this country.

and "markets" have played an integral role to the development of our nation. the market isn't just the stock market, but anything where there exists a supply and demand of something and there are incentives on both sides. information markets, financial markets, social markets; all markets.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | September 2, 2008 2:24 PM

well, bellevue that's nice. but a liberal stance on one's 'rights' isn't exclusive to libertarian thought or values. most political doctrines ascribe to these same rights, at least on paper.

and i agree that markets have played an integral role in the development of our nation and of the world for that matter. but so has regulation of said markets, which is the issue i generally have with the oversimplified worldview of most libertarians. this idea that if you leave these markets alone they'll regulate themselves is pure fantasy. and it doesn't match up with the professed libertarian position on the basic rights of people. after all don't we all have a right to not have our drinking water poisoned by industrial waste? the only method of enforcing such broader views of rights is to, in some measure, curtail the 'market'. there has to be an authority above the corporate and their has to be a value higher than the market.

Posted by douglas | September 2, 2008 2:43 PM

curtailing the bad parts of the market means internalizing externalities. which can be done many ways. Tort is one of the most interesting and necessary ways.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | September 2, 2008 3:06 PM

The "Buzzard Left/Right Wing" line is cute, but Libertarians are the Lower Intestine and Cloaca of the bird.

Posted by Karlheinz Arschbomber | September 2, 2008 3:29 PM

One book I read summed up Libertarians as people who throw great parties, but never win elections.

Posted by east coaster | September 2, 2008 3:38 PM

Completely off-topically, I hate the name Xcel Center and the name of its namesake, the electric company Xcel Energy. When I lived there, I always wrote my checks out to the old name, NSP or Northern States Power (and my gas checks to Minnegasco or Minneapolis Gas Company rather than the new name of Reliant Energy).

Posted by Andy | September 2, 2008 3:45 PM

Completely off-topically, I hate the name Xcel Center and the name of its namesake, the electric company Xcel Energy. When I lived there, I always wrote my checks out to the old name, NSP or Northern States Power (and my gas checks to Minnegasco or Minneapolis Gas Company rather than the new name of Reliant Energy).

Oh, and I was kind of a libertarian at the time. My libertarian phase was started mostly by Clinton signing the Communications Decency Act. I've since learned that most self-styled libertarians are mostly about not paying taxes and having the legal freedom to smoke crack.

Posted by Andy | September 2, 2008 3:47 PM

A libertarian is just a liberal who hasn't yet been denied health insurance based on his medical history.

Posted by Furcifer | September 2, 2008 6:08 PM

bellevue ave a libertarian? that explains his grumpy-ass demeanor.

Posted by scary tyler moore | September 2, 2008 6:42 PM

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