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Jury Acquits Man Arrested In Violent University District Incident

A jury has acquitted Michael Lujan of obstruction and pedestrian interference charges filed against him following a violent altercation with police officers in the University District last year.

From my November 2007 story:

According to the police report, Michael Lujan, 26, and Mark Hays, 36, crossed out into traffic on 45th Street, right in front of an unmarked police SUV. When Lujan approached the vehicle, the driver—Sergeant Shane Anderson—instructed the men that they were “committing the crime of pedestrian interference.” According to the report, Lujan and Hays walked away making “disparaging remarks” about the police. Officers—all members of one of the SPD’s elite Anti-Crime Teams—ordered the men to halt. Lujan and Hays ran, but one officer was able to grab Lujan. Moments later, the officer was tackled by Hays and all three men tumbled to the ground.

In February, a jury convicted Mark Hays—the man on the ground in the video—of assaulting an officer.

Comments (5)


The punching and head pounding look like excessive force, but it also looks like Hays was resisting. Kind of hard to feel sorry for him.

Posted by yuiop | September 11, 2008 3:20 PM

looks like these pricks got what they deserved. Why would you cross out into the front of traffic, who would you mouth off to police, and why in the hell would you tackle a cop? Drunken idiots.

Posted by menelaus22 | September 11, 2008 3:59 PM

Next time you want to stop traffic, sail the biggest luxury yacht you can afford underneath I-90.

Posted by John Bailo | September 11, 2008 4:41 PM

Fucked. Up. Yes, they were dipshits for jaywalking & talking shit to cops. Then again, a man prone on the ground with three cops on top of him probably doesn't have to be kneed multiple times. And that shite with the cop getting in the other guy's face, while he was standing there CUFFED (clearly they weren't worried about him, huh?) is the sign of a dipshit, too.

Posted by anonymous | September 11, 2008 8:40 PM

Nobody, but nobody, fucks with pedestrians in the U Dist.

Get it.

Got it?


Posted by Will in Seattle | September 11, 2008 11:56 PM

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