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The stuff about "marginal tactics" is always a red herring meant to divide people who could be united on issues over social and cultural politics. Never fall for it.

Posted by Trevor | September 24, 2008 5:50 PM

Just broadcast it on CBC and then refer to it constantly to shame the MSM.

Posted by Will in Seattle | September 24, 2008 11:35 PM

**Nonetheless, KOMO billed thousands of
**dollars in production costs for recording
**the show its studio, then refused to air it

Of course KOMO charged for renting out its studio. Why wouldn't they? And why would anyone assume they would air the show just because it was made in their studio?

Posted by Missy Miss | September 25, 2008 12:22 AM

Do not anger the Rick Steves. You would not like the Rick Steves when he's angry...

Posted by Green and Mean | September 25, 2008 8:54 AM

"Marginal" is not a good word for things like rallies and marching in the street. "Invasive" would be a lot better. "Retarded" might be another good one. Blogging doesn't in a million years belong on the same list with marching and rallying. Blogging is the best form of advocacy because it does not get in anyone's way or block streets. It is 100% consensual unlike being stopped on your way by a march or harassed by some dipshit with pamphlets. They should have just posted their video on youtube. A rally is not as bad as a march through the streets, but the implicit message: "there's lots of us and we have a PA system, so we must be right!" is a shitty one. Rational adults resent having their attention forcibly taken.

Posted by Luke Baggins | September 25, 2008 9:43 AM

@ 3) Read the linked article about it. KOMO pre-approved the script then changed its mind after the show was filmed.

Posted by Dominic Holden | September 25, 2008 10:04 AM

@6 - It says they gave KOMO the script, and "never heard any objection". That's not at all like pre-approval. If I apply for a job and never hear back about it, I'm not going to blithely assume that means I got it.

Posted by Missy Miss | September 25, 2008 11:09 AM

Miss @7 - And you generally pay your hopeful employerd thousands for your job interviews right?

Posted by Donolectic | September 25, 2008 5:16 PM

No, but if I bought a big fancy costume to audition for a play, the theater wouldn't be obligated to hire me.

They weren't paying to have the show put on TV, or even to ASK to put the show on TV. They were paying to make the show.

If they were counting on having their show on KOMO, they should have got a direct, written yes or no answer before they spent that much on it. As it is, they have the show they paid for. They paid for a show, but they're not guaranteed an audience.

Posted by Missy Miss | September 25, 2008 5:25 PM

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