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Deep Thought*

During an election year conservatives can be just as vile and hateful and dishonest as they wanna be. Liberals, however, must be on very our best behavior at all times.

Because we can’t risk giving people inclined to believe that all liberals are America-hating baby rapists the impression that we’re looking down our noses at them. Because conservative voters inclined to believe the worst about liberals will consider voting for America-hating baby rapists—but only if we’re nice and polite and graciously refrain from fighting back.

Please make a note of it.

* With apologies to Atrios.

Comments (17)


I hate my notepad almost as much as I hate my country.

Posted by I love fucking my baby tho. | September 11, 2008 11:49 AM

I LOVE my country; it's the ignorant, bigoted, fanatical 50% of my fellow citizens I can't fucking stand.

Posted by COMTE | September 11, 2008 12:01 PM

the fight isn't over CONSERVATIVE voters, its over LOW-INFORMATION "independent" voters. AKA flibberdigibbets. AKA fucking idiots with their heads buried in the sand. the kind of people who qualified to sit on the OJ trial, except white.

obama will fight. but he's got to walk a careful line, because the "liberal" media has the knives out for dems. always.

Posted by max solomon | September 11, 2008 12:04 PM

Hm. That sounds a lot like the way 'Mericans talk to feminists. "If only you'd be reasonable - you know, less strident - we'd be more willing to work with you on women's issues. But you're so angry all the time. Here's how you should frame your message..."

Posted by elm | September 11, 2008 12:06 PM

effective: John McCain doesn't know how many homes he owns. He wants to be in Iraq for 100 years. He wants to bomb Iran. Republicans think Americans are a bunch of whiners.

ineffective: retards and beauty queens are hilarious.

Posted by chicagogaydude | September 11, 2008 12:09 PM

Excuse me if I feel that John McCain is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. If after five years of being held in captivity and forced to endure relentless tortures, he is simply too twisted to realize what the real price of war is, then we’re all doomed. After all if he could survive such mind numbing cruelty and still want to play war whore, what the hell are the rest of us all whining about?

Posted by Gurldoggie | September 11, 2008 12:10 PM

Excuse me if I feel that John McCain is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. If after five years of being held in captivity and forced to endure relentless tortures, he is simply too twisted to realize what the real price of war is, then we’re all doomed. After all if he could survive such mind numbing cruelty and still want to play war whore, what the hell are the rest of us all whining about?

Posted by Gurldoggie | September 11, 2008 12:11 PM

Not being sexist, racist, or prejudiced should not define our best behavior. It should be our only behavior. Displays to the contrary should be a concern to ourselves, and not just out of fear of Republican attacks.

Posted by Tom | September 11, 2008 12:22 PM

We should not underestimate the political cost of Bill Clinton's blow-jobs. True, half the country (give or take) didn't even care about the scandal. But, the half that did care has gotten an unimaginable amount of mileage from Monica's cum-stained dress.

Democrats - sordid, immoral, adulterous

Republicans - religious, moral, family values

Complete and utter bullshit, but that is the perception. I think it's safe to say that without Clinton's blow-jobs, we would not have had 8 years of Bush.

Posted by Mahtli69 | September 11, 2008 12:33 PM

Oh for god's sake.

Misogynistic attacks on Sarah Palin aren't wrong because they're rude, they're wrong because they're morally offensive -- they're morally offensive to Republican values and they're morally offensive to Democratic values. So the end result is that we look like assholes and hypocrites, while Republicans have the luxury of just looking like assholes.

Another distinction is that you, and most liberals, fucking know better. When some twat on Pajamas Media or Powerline starts raving about Obama's existential crisis or how the media thinks Obama is Jesus, it's hard to attribute those rants to Republicans generally because the person delivering them is clearly unhinged. The Unhinged are a significant demo for the Republicans, but they don't represent the main stream of the party and nobody on the right seems to want to take responsibility for them. But when one of the Stranger writers reposts a rumor about Sarah Palin's son actually being her grandson it totally obliterates your credibility. You want me to regard the Stranger as the liberal version of Pajamas Media, or do you want to be considered a reputable news source?

I guess that last bit is the real issue. The shit that comes out of FOX and Rush Limbaugh is undisguised propaganda. Nobody seriously regards it as anything else, and if they say they do -- they're lying. If that's what you aspire to, fine. But if you aspire to journalism -- even journalism that says "fuck" -- you'll have to do a hell of a lot better than credulously repeating obvious falsehoods from a string of embarrassing and offensive left-wing smear campaigns produced by amateur propagandists with blogs.

You whining solipsistic hack.

Posted by Judah | September 11, 2008 12:37 PM

You're missing the point, Dan. You have to attack with a smile on your face. That's the Republican way. Otherwise you look shrill and angry. Republicans are always accusing us of being humorless. Well, give them some humor. McCain only picked Palin because his colostomy bag was backed up.

Posted by Fnarf | September 11, 2008 12:52 PM

Exactly why the "Trig Palin blog" posted below is such a BAD IDEA, not to mention extremely offensive.

Posted by WTF | September 11, 2008 1:08 PM

I've been screaming about this for years. Dems/libs have to be perfect; republicans get to do and fuck whomever they want and no one holds them accountable.

I don't know how they established this paradigm, but it sure has held true this year.

I just hope and pray Obama can over come this.

Posted by Mike in MO | September 11, 2008 1:08 PM

is judah serious ?
it really is all about appearances for you. the total obscenity that gushed directly from the last 8 republican years gets a pass, while the suggestion that there might be some inbreeding (or fucking)in some high places is enough to completely dismiss journalistic integrity. THAT'S what seems unhinged to me. republicans get to extol, perpetrate,and uphold some of the most wicked crimes upon our country and its people in american history, you harumph the complicitous propaganda of fox and rush limbaugh as mere lies. and THEN describe dan savage as whiny and solipsistic.
..hmmm hmmm hmm..

Posted by reverend dr dj riz | September 11, 2008 1:16 PM

@ 10 and 14

I'm pretty sure that to accuse someone of being a true solipsist would negate your existence. At least if they were actually a solipsist, thus negating your assertion.

In other matters, what we should be arguing is that the liberal platform is the correct platform: why the war is wrong and should be ended, why we should help those who are poor, why the economy is failing and how our plans make more sense than the Republican's "give-profits-to-the-rich" plan. This is not taking the defensive, it is pure issue politics.

Not that it matters. Because, according to Menand, there are enough apathetic voters to skew the election either way. Unless someone has a polling advantage of over 8% going into the election, it'll be a coin-flip.

Posted by Will in STL | September 11, 2008 1:48 PM


Posted by Obama is smarter than you and me.... | September 11, 2008 2:44 PM

You're all fucking nuts and pathetic.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | September 11, 2008 2:59 PM

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