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Consistently Conservative

Dr. Laura:

I am extremely disappointed in the choice of Sarah Palin as the Vice Presidential candidate of the Republican Party…. Role models are very important. Children and young adults look to those who are visible and successful as a road map of what is acceptable behavior and emulate those actions over the morals and values their parents and churches have taught and tried to reinforce. It’s a tough go these days, when the “bad that men or women do” is used for entertainment purposes without judgment, or is excused because of political or financial considerations.

I’m stunned—couldn’t the Republican Party find one competent female with adult children to run for Vice President with McCain? …I am haunted by the family pictures of the Palins during political photo-ops, showing the eldest daughter, now pregnant with her own child, cuddling the family’s newborn. When Mom and Dad both work full-time (no matter how many folks get involved with the children), it becomes a somewhat chaotic situation. Certainly, if a child becomes ill and is rushed to the hospital, and you’re on the hotline with both Israel and Iran as nuclear tempers are flaring, where’s your attention going to be? Where should your attention be? Well, once you put your hand on the Bible and make that oath, your attention has to be with the government of the United States of America.

Comments (18)


Oh, snap. GIT IT, "Dr." Laura!

Posted by Non | September 3, 2008 9:08 AM

Well she is consistent. Though she has said some awful things, she was also taken of a number of Christian talk radio stations for supporting gay adoption.

Posted by TheTruthHurts | September 3, 2008 9:09 AM

Wait, I'm confused. Which ignorant bitch am I supposed to be rooting for now?

I guess Dr. Laura is consistent these days, at least.

Posted by Chris in Tampa | September 3, 2008 9:14 AM

Wait... I agree with Dr. Laura? Truly, the fires of hell are icebergs.

Posted by Suze | September 3, 2008 9:21 AM

Yeah... whoa, she has a good point. I kinda passed out for a minute.

Posted by Nixor | September 3, 2008 9:23 AM

Consistently Sexist. Obama has young children, too. Argh!

Posted by Christy O | September 3, 2008 9:24 AM

She's off-message.

Posted by Fitz | September 3, 2008 9:28 AM

Here's an example of an editoral in a smaller city conservative newspaper that is also not 100% behind Palin:


"She ought to stay close to home and take care of her children."

Posted by stinkbug | September 3, 2008 9:33 AM

@6, listen, I'm a feminist working mom (seriously, I have real political and publication credentials as an outspoken feminist) and the truth is, taking care of kids is HARD and requires ATTENTION. Yes, Obama has young kids, AND he has a partner taking care of those young kids. If Palen's husband were staying home to help with their kids, fine, but he isn't. The fact is they have a baby with special needs, a pregnant teenager -- if they really do believe in family, for fuck's sake, someone in that marriage should get off their career ass and help take care of those kids who need help. It doesn't have to be Sarah, but if it isn't her, fine, where the hell is the dad? (Heaven knows she probably could have picked a better father to her kids if she hadn't had premarital sex and felt the need to marry the idiot who got her pregnant.)

Posted by Feminist Working Mom | September 3, 2008 9:34 AM

This makes me like Palin a little bit more.

@9: I'm sure that on a VP's salary, they can afford a decent nanny.

Posted by Dan | September 3, 2008 9:40 AM

Yeah, but he's like, a world champion snowmobiler. Those guys really know how to fuck.

Posted by tiktok | September 3, 2008 9:40 AM

@11: Well, at least in terms of frequency.

Posted by Ziggity | September 3, 2008 9:42 AM

Word up, Feminist Working Mom. *Someone* should be taking care of those kids.

And you know, that's the weird contradiction of conservative bitches like Palin. Somehow she's internalized the message that she can be exactly who she wants to be when she grows up - yay - but completely rejects the other, very necessary, flip side of that: that men need to step up and assume some of the responsibilities women have had for millenia. No one person can do it all; there are only 24 hours in a day, for the love of Christ.

And finally, no amount of paid staff can substitute for parenting. As we see ample evidence of in this family's case.

Posted by TVDinner | September 3, 2008 9:55 AM

Didn't we just learn that Competent women with adult children look too old for the media & the public to handle, even when they are the same age as their male counterparts?

Posted by mytwocents | September 3, 2008 10:11 AM

Let's hope there are MANY, MANY more out there like her, for Obama's sake.

Posted by GK | September 3, 2008 10:49 AM

Rock on, Feminist Working Mom, I completely agree and, for the record, I would disapprove of her choosing ambition over children just as much if she were a man. Yesterday I asked my own staunch feminist, former hippie, career woman mom if she would have accepted a promotion that kept her away from home more if I'd gotten pregnant as a teenager and she'd had a handicapped infant to take care of. She said "Of course not." And that promotion would not have been to the second highest office in the country. Or required a campaign that kept her hundreds of miles from home in the late months of my pregnancy. And my mom's not making a career of touting conservative "family values." These are the realities of balancing family and career, which both mothers and fathers must do. I'm sure the Palins can afford a nanny, but I don't think paying other people to raise the kids that you are forced to have is in the standard family values rhetoric. Standard conservative hypocrisy and classic valuing the child until it's actually born. Sarah Palin's had 5 children, including one with special needs, and so conservatives must worship her. Once they're born, it doesn't matter if she's actually raising them.

Posted by Working Feminist, Not a mom yet | September 3, 2008 11:53 AM

What do mom normally tell their 16 year old daughter when the daughter insists that she's gonna marry and have kids with her high school sweetheart?

Posted by stinkbug | September 3, 2008 12:09 PM

The other issue that stands out to me about Palin's choices is returning to work 3 days after birth. What is her stance on family leave? Does she believe women (and/or men) who choose to stay home with their children deserve support? Does she support humane family leave--paid, with benefits, and a guarantee that your job will be there when you return? At least six weeks, ideally three months?

Sarah Palin has a right to choose her career path and how to raise her family. I disagree with many of the choices she's chosen to spin for the media--encouraging her pregnant 17yo to get married, returning to work 3 days after giving birth, flying her young children all over the country for photo ops...but I won't say she's a bad mom or these decisions make her a bad potential VP. I really don't want to see the debate re: her fitness turned into a flame war over mothering/parenting decisions.

What makes me believe she'd be a terrible VP, and a terrifying POTUS, is that the decisions she's made in her personal life reflect how she votes and what kind of policy she supports.

Let's keep the focus on her political agenda. Sarah Palin reflects a set of "family values" that makes me cringe as a person and outrage me as a voter.

Posted by Feminist, trying to get pregnant and scared about family leave | September 3, 2008 12:15 PM

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