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Man, it is good that Musharraf's getting pushed out. Now if only people could fire Putin, Mugabe, Ahmadinejad, Bush...

Posted by Greg | August 16, 2008 10:09 AM

Additional news:

1. Big Rick Warren TV show tonight with Barack Obama and John McCain.

Comment: ignored by Slog?
Oba,a's first TV appearance nationwide after vacation? First head to head, sort of, with McCain? WTF???
Because of religious overtones of Mr. Warrren? While not in org. religion, I wouldn't say a purpose driven life is a bad thing. Oh well.

2. ?? don't quite get i2. Fundraising stories noted at real clear today. You can glean togethr this info: roughly the cash on hand totals of the D side and the GOP side are about the same. Obanma crushing McCain in candidate fundraising; RNC crushing DNC in party fundraising. 66+ 28=94 for D side; 24+75= 100 for R side. Yes, we know, OBama's donor base is bigger than McCain's.

Still, the idea that Obama has tons more cash isn't true, now, if you add the party cash on hand.

3. Al Gore for VP would be a smashingly great choice.

Suggest Mr. O tell him he's needed to save our nation. How could he refuse?
Obama folks would like, Clinton folks would like.


4. Great story in NYT today how Obama is ignoring Arkansas and really only focusing on VA NC GA. Local Arkansas D's are wondering if there's some big roadblock keeping the OBama campaign from finding their state.

WTF? Where's the 50 state campaign?

CNN last night reported that Obama + HRC does about 5-6 points better than Obama alone (Obama alone was about 3 points ahead of McCain nationally in the poll they cited; thus the Obama Clinton ticket is about 8 or 9 points better than McCAin Rom,ney. As noted here, this really means the current Obama McCAin head to head without VPs added is a tie which SUCKS folks because of the closeness of the swing states in a state by state system).

If a three point lead nationally is just a tie, I would suggest that a 8-9 point lead nationally is necessary for a sweeping, change election that brings in more senators and D's everywhere, as we all want -- right?

Why all Dems wouldn't want to grab that opportunity is beyond me, the anti Clinton feeling seems so petty compared to our ideals and hopes for change, apparently the Obama base is afraid that Obama isn't strong enough to handle the Clintons in the White House. OR somehow, Obama's too petty and has bad feelings cuz he got fought against hard byt he Clinton team.

Poor baby.

Ah well.

Anyway on a electoral college basis I would think HRC also could put Arkansas' six ECVs into the Obama column. Plus the bump in OH IN MI CO NM NV etc.

Anyway with or without HRC I sure hope Obama ramps it up in the other Southern states like Arkansa and Louisiana....we need to keep Landrieu...and lots of folks in La. are pissed at Bush because of Katrina. And that Obama Gore thing is a dream ticket for sure.

Enjoy the sunny day. Sure loving my new Obama togs. People connect and start conversations in coffee shops, very cool, I am very happy to tell them how great Obama is.

Unity y'all--

Posted by PC | August 16, 2008 11:02 AM

If weed could legally be grown on private property it would not effect National parks at all.

Posted by elswinger | August 16, 2008 12:03 PM

@2: Concern Troll is Concerned.

Posted by lol | August 16, 2008 3:40 PM

I am very concerned that John McCain had yet another record breaking month of fundraising for his campaign while Barack Obama didn't even match last month's fundraising.

As a very concerned Democrat, I shall immediately relay my concern to the nearest reporter.

Posted by ru shur | August 16, 2008 4:31 PM

SEATTLE WA --Sen. Barack Obama continued his downward slide in the realclearpolitics averages today. This site shows an electoral college result were the electiong held today (no toss ups view). While Sen. Obama leads in this presentation, according to one commentator, PC, the race is essentially tied now.

"In the last ten days three states went from the Obama column to the McCain column," he said, referring to VA, NV and CO. "This thing is basically tied," he explained, because Sen. McCain only needs to gain a half a point in Ohio and Indiana to capture a majority fo the electoral colelge votes -- and win the White House.

"For some reason, some Obama supporters freak out if you mention this reality," PC noted. "The're truly taking an ostrich like approach, instead of dealing with reality."

"It's too bad, because we all need to be united and to deal with reality, to bring about the sweeping changes America needs," he said.

Posted by PC | August 16, 2008 5:02 PM

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