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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Maria Cantwell, Ed Rendell

posted by on August 26 at 16:38 PM

Maria Cantwell got a standing ovation from the Washington delegation a minute ago, but she spoke very briefly—I’m guessing three minutes or so. Her topic was energy, of course, and… uh, yes, it was very succinct and had next to no detail.

That was part of a series of little speeches running up to Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, who is also speaking on energy, and is also a prominent superdelegate who supported Hillary Clinton’s candidacy. There’s some concern that this evening is way too Clinton supporter-centric, on top of her being the headliner.

Rendell’s speech is very tough on John McCain. “It’s clear the only thing green in John McCain’s energy plans are the billions of dollars in tax cuts he’s promising to oil companies.” He wants to “end the age of oil once and for all.”

There’s lots of “green collar jobs” cheerleading in this speech, criticism of outsourcing followed by vows to reduce energy consumption. The press people didn’t give me a transcript—though I have like five others sitting beside me—but I’ll try to dig up a transcript later if I can.

It’s not terribly rousing, though. The floor is restless.

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We need ... BLOOD!

America-hating Republican BLOOD!

Start ripping the Red Bushies heads off and stomp them into the FLOOR!

Posted by Will in Seattle | August 26, 2008 5:18 PM

What proportion would you allocate her, given that (a) traditionally all losers get to speak, (b) she won almost half all the votes, and (c) the professed aim is unity?

If Obama can't run his own convention, if he makes it too Hillary centric, how can he run the country?

You ought to stop the constant whining about HRC as she is getting about the same treatment that other folks who aren't winners get in Democratic conventions. LBJ in 1960, Kennedy in 1980 etc.

In fact, it would be quite novel for someone to just drop out.

Oh wait, she's apparently going to drop out when they get to NYS in the roll call vote. My that's going above and beyond what most prior (MALE) losers have done. LEt's give her a round of applause for being even more unity minded that LBJ in 1960 or Ted Kennedy in 1980 shall we?

Btw MSNBC saying Obama team saying they just love Hillary's speech.

I'm making another donation to Obama in view of how he's going downhill. I urge all other Slog readers to do the same.

Posted by PC | August 26, 2008 5:21 PM

Steny Hoyer just spoke, totally attacked Bush & McCain, and was ignored by most of the crowd. They all look exhausted.

God. This "homemaker" speaking now sounds like a fourth grader reading a book report.

That was embarrassing.

Posted by meggers | August 26, 2008 5:25 PM

Hmmm, would have thought Cantwell would have spoken to how she continues to vote to fund an illegal war. Oh well. I am sure we will all support her and give her money when she runs for reelection.

Posted by Cato the Younger Younger | August 26, 2008 5:25 PM

I keep confusing the governor of Arizona with the lead singer from Concrete Blonde. Stupid similar names.

Posted by Abby | August 26, 2008 5:29 PM
  1. Maria Cantwell. Wishy-washy, passionless, pandering, painless, politically correct, pareve.
  2. Ed Rendell. Tough, no-nonsense, frank, fearless, occasionally stupid.

What a contrast between Democratic politicians. It's a bit like the difference between Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill.

I know Maria is the way she is because Washington is the way it is: a state full of Scandinavians and liberal intellectuals who are exceedingly polite, especially towards bullies like Tim Eyman and Kemper Freeman.

But I would say, we're never going to overcome the Eymans and Freemans, and the next generation of Eymans and Freemans, until we start growing some Rendells of our own.

(Hmm, that sounds a bit like I'm saying, we should grow a pair of Rendells. Well, he wouldn't be the first PA pol whose name has been appropriated, shall we say, by polite folks up in WA.)

Posted by cressona | August 26, 2008 5:31 PM

We will not support No-Sama Bin Biden in November go Hillary Hulk! Hillary Hulk will smash puny No-Sama Bin Biden!

Let me go! Get that straightjacket off me! LET! ME! GO!

Posted by Slock Puppet | August 26, 2008 5:39 PM
Posted by um | August 26, 2008 6:08 PM

Annie, I will take a Hillary sign from the convention floor!...enough of the Hillary haters. give her tonight. ok?

Posted by elva | August 26, 2008 6:36 PM

Did Maria Cantwell wear a hat while she was speechin' that showed she was someone who worked in the "Energy Industry" like in her 2006 campaign spot?

Posted by John Bailo | August 26, 2008 7:17 PM

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