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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Currently Hanging

posted by on August 7 at 9:00 AM

Jim Riswold’s Basquiat Gets Famous and Dies (2008), archival pigment print, big

At G. Gibson Gallery. (Gallery site here.)

It’s time for me to bring the hammer down. I’ve posted Portland artist Jim Riswold’s images before, and I even appreciate one of them for its unintentional pathos and politics (Frida’s Owies, an anatomical map of her injuries, including her abortions and miscarriages).

But other than Frida’s Owies, which I saw about a year ago at Tacoma Art Museum, and including a more recent show of Riswold’s work at Vermillion (which I hear has lovely food and drink), I have to disavow basically Riswold’s entire catalog. It’s grating, shallow, and self-satisfied. I’m sorry to be so rude, but I honestly never thought I’d actually have to come out and say it, because I didn’t think it would rise to the level of ubiquity. But why on earth is this stuff getting so much play? Because art flirting with advertising is risky and post-ironic and fun? No, it’s old, dull, and cynical. Bleh. It sort of hurts.

I was doubly reminded of this when I noticed on TJ Norris’s blog (pointed out to me by Howard House’s Sara Callahan today) the list of artists that Tacoma Art Museum is considering for its next biennial, and Riswold is on it. Please, people of the art, please.

(Jim, I’m sorry. You seem like a fine fellow on email, and I fear the email I know you’re about to send.)

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At the very least there should be some sort of "art antivirus" to put a stop to people satiring people who mocked the art world.

Posted by John Bailo | August 7, 2008 9:29 AM

there is too much art, and too many artists.

Posted by max solomon | August 7, 2008 9:35 AM

This is the best image you've posted in ages.

Posted by slick rick | August 7, 2008 9:37 AM


I admire your decision to step ever further out from behind the cloak of reticence you sometimes adopt when it comes to critiquing the Currently Hanging. People will never agree with all your opinions, but I respect the fact you share them (more than I respect the simple ability to post a work of art sans commentary).

As you said, these were posted earlier on Slog and I hated them then. I hate them now.

Posted by Jubilation T. Cornball | August 7, 2008 9:41 AM

Whaaaa! I wasn't short-listed for the TAM biennial. But then again, I don't create work that "flirt(s) with advertising (in a) risky and post-ironic and fun" way.

Posted by fARTing | August 7, 2008 9:54 AM

Seconding Vermillion's great happy hour. Their prices on small bites are fantastic! The beets were delicious, along with the salamis and cheeses. Swing by.

Posted by Joey | August 7, 2008 10:00 AM

I agree with JTC @4 about your decision to sometimes include commentary on these posts.

And your commentary on this piece/artist was tactfully put and...well...right.

Posted by homage to me | August 7, 2008 10:10 AM

this from the same critic who gives Jack Daws good reviews?

Posted by bing | August 8, 2008 11:22 AM

It’s grating, shallow, and self-satisfied. YOUR WARDROBE. I’m sorry to be so rude, but I honestly never thought I’d actually have to come out and say it, because I didn’t think it would rise to the level of unpleasant . Where did you THINK it would rise to? Really, I would love to know. It might help explane much of your spew. But why on earth, ARE YOU, Jen Graves, getting so much play? Wait, your not. Your so all over the board my head spins just thinking about your next EJECT.

What artist doesn't want to be ubiquitous?

Posted by teabag | August 11, 2008 10:39 PM

Why are the local critics so cranky about this exhibit & this artist?! It is meant to be a humorous show, with some historical insight. So far the curators and out of state collectors that have actually come in to see this get it, & laugh, & buy his work as well.


I love ya, but hey ouch! Why are you pulling the tape off so fast?

Posted by gail | August 12, 2008 2:22 PM

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