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Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Mental Recession Continues

posted by on July 10 at 13:35 PM

Could this get any better for Obama? Former Sen. Phil Gramm, one of McCain’s top economic advisers and a co-chairman of the McCain campaign, is refusing to retract his statements about America being a “nation of whiners“—whiners who, according to Gramm, are only facing a “mental recession.”

“I’m not going to retract any of it. Every word I said was true,” Gramm said.

Obama is having great fun with this, McCain is trying valiantly to distance himself, and Democratic ad-makers are no doubt putting a big red star on this exchange so they can remember to use it—along with McCain’s famous line, “Economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should”—in their fall commercials.

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Finally. It's about time we got to discussing the really important issues.

Posted by umvue | July 10, 2008 1:43 PM

I suppose it could be penis envy. Or fear of castration. I have noticed that those who make less money than me or who have worse jobs do tend to be attracted to phallic Dodge Ram or Ford Expedition trucks, or else those small economy cars with the phallus-extending rear wings or exhaust modifications.

I know you think a Civic with a fart-sounding exhaust is due to Anal-stage arrest, but you need to look at the phallic size aspect. Consciously they're trying to unconstipate their car, but subconsciously they want a car more capable of mounting and penetrating other cars.

I acknowledge that the lower suspension, lower tires, and larger exhaust hole suggest a desire to be mounted and penetrated. It's not a perfect theory, and who says some poor people aren't subconsciously bottoms and tops? Not me.

So yes, I think much of our failure to prosper economically can be ascribed to a weak father and consequent desire to erect a longer and larger family penis in shame at the transferred emasculation he did to us. To you, I mean. Not me, but to you people. Crazies with no money. How I pity you.

Posted by elenchos | July 10, 2008 2:00 PM

it's called "small dick syndrome"

Posted by ha | July 10, 2008 2:02 PM

Next thing you know, Phil Gramm will be marching for Obama in Gay Pride Parades!

Posted by Andy Niable | July 10, 2008 2:08 PM


Because, when you get down to it, McCain is not capable of coming up with a plan that 80 percent of America won't laugh at.

Posted by Will in Seattle | July 10, 2008 2:08 PM

he might not be so hot at the economics, but his plans for killing off all iranians is ingenious.

Posted by chops | July 10, 2008 2:13 PM

According to Obama Americans are bitter too. Just a bunch of bitter whiners...

Posted by You_Gotta_Be_Kidding_Me | July 10, 2008 2:14 PM

No, shithead, the ones he said were bitter are the ones who've been left behind by Bushinomics. And he was right.

Posted by Fnarf | July 10, 2008 2:54 PM

@8 - yeah, but that's only 99.9 percent of America, the other 0.1 percent are quite happy.

You know, they need a new TV show "Left Behind".

Kind of like The Rapture, but it's about Economics. The 0.1 percent can be the ones raptured.

And, as an online game, you can shoot those "raptured" with a "blessings gun".

Posted by Will in Seattle | July 10, 2008 3:00 PM

americans ARE a nation of whiners. that part isn't wrong.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | July 10, 2008 3:12 PM

I move that the phrase 'pain at the pump' be banned under all circumstances save those actually involving certain penile-enlargement appliances.

Posted by dbell | July 10, 2008 3:37 PM

We won't support ball-less NO-Bama and will re-defeat him in November!!!!

Posted by clintonsarmy | July 10, 2008 7:25 PM

The international central bankers love that you believe you are whiners, because it prevents you from standing up for yourself. It gives the central bankers the license to walk all over you, which they are. They purchased Obama and McCain, didn't they?

Posted by Renee | July 11, 2008 7:53 AM

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