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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Media Contacts

posted by on July 27 at 12:03 PM

If you’re pissed about the way the local media have been covering Friday’s Critical Mass altercation (i.e., as an attack on an innocent driver by a mob of bloodthirsty cyclists), let them know. Here’s the contact information for the local media folks who’ve been covering the Critical Mass story:

King 5 News Feedback (Attn: News Director) (Story)

Hector Castro, Seattle P-I reporter

Angelo Bruscas, Seattle P-I breaking news editor

AP Seattle: 206-682-1812 (Story)

All Headline News Media Corporation
(Story, which refers to the woman riding with the gay 23-year-old driver as “his girlfriend” and says no cyclists were injured)

As for the Seattle Times, here’s what you get when you click on “contact newsroom”:


[UPDATE: The newsroom link is still broken; however, a producer for the Times’ web page sent me a link to their general contact form.

Both yesterday’s and today’s stories, meanwhile, were written by anonymous “Seattle Times staff” with assistance from Times reporter Carol Ostrom.

The Times’ local news editor Jim Simon can be reached here; executive news editor Leon Espinoza can be reached here.

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I didn't think Hector Castro's piece was bad. Also it seems like the Times was responding to criticism when unnamed editors supplemented their original reporting (which came solely from the police) with testimony from cyclists.

Moral(s) to story: not all journalists are the same. And blogging can shame editors into trying to correct journalists who don't get the full story the first time.

Posted by Trevor | July 27, 2008 12:16 PM

I can't get worked up over anything that portrays those CM douchebags in a bad light. They deserve it and it's been a long-time coming.

Was the driver at fault? Sure. Is CM primarily composed of hyperaggressive dipshits looking to start a fight? You betcha.

I care about this the same way I care about a few crips getting killed in a drive-by: not at all.

Posted by ru shur | July 27, 2008 12:21 PM

Erica, still waiting...

Erica, I asked this in the comments on another post on this topic: Critical Mass started in what, 1992 or so? In 16 years, has it actually accomplished anything? More bike lanes? Improved bike lanes? Bike-only streets? Bike-only days on major arterials? Anything? Can you answer?
Posted by rb | July 27, 2008 12:26 PM

Er, a gay 23-year-old driver and his pregnant girlfriend? Somebody please explain THAT one!

Posted by yucca flower | July 27, 2008 12:37 PM

No, I'm more pissed off at an uncritical mass of Stranger writers trying to find tangential excuses for Critical Mass.

A mob went looking for trouble, and found some.

Posted by RonK, Seattle | July 27, 2008 12:39 PM

#3: What have gay pride parades accomplished? What have anti-war protests accomplished? What has that yearly little-kids-in-animal-costumes parade in Olympia accomplished?

It's a show of support for bicyclists in Seattle, MANY of whom have died from drivers who don't pay attention to them.

Anyway, I don't see what's wrong with the Seattle P-I story? It seems pretty fair to me?

Posted by girlgerms | July 27, 2008 12:44 PM

#5: If they were a mob "looking for trouble" they could find a LOT of trouble every month. Critical Mass riders usually show a LOT of restraint when dealing with aggressive/entitled drivers.

Posted by girlgerms | July 27, 2008 12:46 PM

To paraphrase from an earlier post, these testostoriders are akin to pumping their little sticks into a hornet's nest, and then crying to mommy when they get stung... in this case mommy being alarmist, I-can't-wait-to-paint-myself-as-an-alterna-victim Stranger writers... it ain't punk to bust your illegal-ass moves only to cry about when shit goes down... take CM off tha teat, Erica!

Posted by #7 Rider | July 27, 2008 12:51 PM

@6, gay pride parades typically a.) have permits, and b.) don't involve assault.

Who do we contact at the Stranger for its absurdly biased coverage of this story?

Posted by joykiller | July 27, 2008 12:52 PM

ECB complaining about biased stories has got to be the ultimate irony.

It would be nice if all the articles were honest and admitted that both the driver and the cyclists who attacked him were in the wrong.

Yet I keep reading posts from CM supporters claiming the guy wasn't even touched, which is an amazing claim given that others who were there admit the guy was dragged from his car, punched and ended up with stitches.

Posted by bob | July 27, 2008 12:55 PM

Come on! CM is probably made of a many find members who love riding bikes and want only for "caggers" to share the road. Then again their are several self-centered sociopaths in this group with a tremendous chip on their shoulder about their right to the road. Perhaps this guy's driving was negligent but he doesn't deserve to be beaten to death.

The stranger as usual, trying to act hip and cool, resorts to pandering to it's presumed base.

If I had a accident with another automobile driver, who may have been in the wrong, it doesn't give me the right to beat the shit out of him before the police arrive. This isn't the North of Ireland afterall.

Posted by artistdogboy | July 27, 2008 1:01 PM

@7 poor little things. avoiding trouble and confrontation.

and by all means erica, blame the messenger ALL the time. they are all hacks.

Posted by chet | July 27, 2008 1:02 PM

@10 "ECB complaining about biased stories has got to be the ultimate irony."

EXACTLY. ECB is a dipshit. How low on the news totem pole do you have to be to actually go out and MANUFACTURE NEWS, Erica?

Posted by Brad in Seattle | July 27, 2008 1:03 PM

A few years back here in SF, I was stuck on a hot bus on a rare hot day for almost 2 hours so the CM brats could have their tantrum. The bus driver would not let any of us off as he thought it was "too dangerous." I have a car that I don't use much; I only fill up about every 8-10 weeks. I primarily walk or use public transportation. While everyone (car drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians) are all rude and thoughtless (the exception seems to be motorcyclists), people in automobiles need to realize that their chosen mode of transportation can kill someone. That being said, the CM crowd are so out of control that it is no wonder people want to break their legs. The self-righteous numskulls who participate in CM have no standing at all in a civil society. None. They should go home and learn how to behave, or not be surprised when someone smacks them down when they act like a jerks.

Posted by Gary SF | July 27, 2008 1:06 PM

Local media outlets jump on early unconfirmed reports, and get egg on their face.

Stranger news department jumps on early unconfirmed reports, get egg on their face.

Because publishing unconfirmed, anonymous "eye-witness" reports supporting your ideological prospective is irresponsible journalism. In fact, the only person who put shoe leather on the ground was Jonah, who may be the only person left in your news department with any credibility.

Seriously, don't you just kind of wake up in the middle of the night shaking at the realization that your entire act is bullshit?

Posted by ECB, Journalistic Paragon | July 27, 2008 1:06 PM

Didn't realize so many supposed stranger readers were so ignorant about the purpose of critical mass and seemingly opposed to bicyclists. Makes one wonder how many of the hateful comments are actually from the cops (who have long had a grudge against CM).

Posted by skeptic | July 27, 2008 1:18 PM


Erica is without conscience or shame. She sleeps well.

Posted by Crackdown | July 27, 2008 1:20 PM

i think a lot of people in critical mass are first timers to the event, or people who actually don't ride their bikes that often because they are afraid of being hit by aggressive/oblivious drivers and left to bleed on the side of the road. the whole point of critical mass is to feel safe riding, for once, because there is a substantial MASS of other cyclists; the whole point is that cars cannot possibly claim they did not see the cyclist they hit. cars HAVE to yield to the bikes, for once.

the fact that a lot of regulars are hipster douchebags looking for fights does NOT mean that any driver has the right to just plow into a group of cyclists at will.

basically it's a slap in the face that this driver was reported as the victim. the guy who intentionally struck civilians because he was angry and worried about DINNER RESERVATIONS, the guy who was clearly speeding on a highly pedestrian-trafficked residential street - the same street i cross holding the hand of a 20 month old pretty much every day, the guy who drove over people and ran over bikes, the guy who INITIATED the of course the victim.

because hey, as long as the cyclists were "asking for it" or "making him angry" this suddenly alleviates all responsibility of the driver in slog commenters' minds. i wonder if the commenters would also take the side of the abuser in a domestic violence dispute. the victim was "asking for it" and possibly dared to fight back, therefore they are suddenly the person at fault? i don't think so. this is not how it works.

Posted by bridget | July 27, 2008 1:25 PM

@6, gay pride parades raise the visibility of the gay community. It's a day to celebrate and for a short time feel like we're not a minority. It's a chance to speak loudly for civil rights. They are planned events with permits and people are well aware in advance of the route, so that if they choose, they can avoid it. To my knowledge, pride parade participants don't generally assault people or cause property damage.

Anti-war protests (or WTO)? Well, obviously those haven't done shit, because we're stuck in a never-ending morass in Afghanistan and Iraq. HOWEVER, these protests are again, generally permitted and announced in advance, and organizers usually work with the SPD and city to ensure the safety of participants and passerby. Obviously that fails at times, like the WTO.

That parade for little kids in animal costumes? It's a fun time for kids and families, announced in advance, and my guess is that it doesn't routinely involve aggression and violence.

I have zero problem with organized rides. I'm totally looking forward to the car-free routes the city is planning this summer. I hate that our society is so car-dependent, and have never owned one. But the way CM goes about this is self-defeating, and it's not the first time that there has been violence associated with CM rides. It has happened many times, in many cities, because the routes are unannounced, drivers get frustrated, the cyclists can be pricks, and tempers flare. Why punish people when they're just trying to get home, or wherever, on a Friday evening?

If you are not a CM rider, it's confusing, because you don't know the route and how to avoid it, and potentially pretty scary if you get stuck in one and have jackass cyclists banging on your car and screaming at you. It's also frustrating that you can't get out once you're stuck, even if you're on public transit.

It makes cyclists look like antagonistic, arrogant and potentially violent pricks. Seriously, what is wrong with announcing a route and working with the city? Do they do this? Are they working WITH the community? Not in my view.

Posted by rb | July 27, 2008 1:34 PM
Posted by CM | July 27, 2008 1:46 PM

Oh, come off it, Skeptic (again, more bloody crying!). Yeah, I'm a fucking cop.

You know, the only thing more infuriating than your and CM's arrogant, fascist ('cars shouldn't be in such a hurry!' 'we slashed his tires so he wouldn't go out and harm more riders!' Four wheels bad, two wheels good!) bullshit is the fact that you are completely in DENIAL about the fact that your rude rides have generated 15 years of BADWILL towards the community at large is what really pisses people off here.

This whole conversation isn't about the guy who got beat or the guy who got hit-- it's about 15 years of simmering resentment from all sorts of people who see you for what you really are-- a bunch of arrogant, fascist, bourgeois whiners who are too deficit in character to go out and actually do something productive and selfless instead of indulging in your little urban-attention-getting stunts.

Ten years ago the reason I didn't ride a bike for commuting? I was afraid of cars. Yeah I think they can be dangerous jerks. The reason I don't ride now? I'd hate to get confused with being one of you fucks.

Posted by #7 Rider (that's BUS rider) | July 27, 2008 1:46 PM

Okay. We should all assume you're a "bus rider" because you say you are.

"What is wrong with announcing a route and working with the city?"
Um, because they would never allow it?

Posted by skeptic | July 27, 2008 1:51 PM
Posted by chet | July 27, 2008 1:52 PM

@16 - really? being opposed to critical mass means you are anti-bike? Go to the discussion boards at the cascade bicycle and see how many members are against critical mass. Does the fact that I am against trolls using volunteer park for anonymous public sex make me anti-gay?

Posted by Lanik | July 27, 2008 2:00 PM

Reposting or re-editing with a falsified representation constitutes an illegal act of defamation and copyright infringement. Please cease and desist at once.

Let me encourage those of you insensitive to what bicyclists of all walks of life go through everyday to benefit from reading this complaint, a small window into that world: bclu(dot)org/stories/abuse_reports/PRC-JasonMeggs- 20050626.pdf

Thank you and please be open minded, considerate, and work for the public good.

Posted by wheelsofchange | July 27, 2008 2:01 PM

Reposting or re-editing with a falsified representation constitutes an illegal act of defamation and copyright infringement. Please cease and desist at once.

Let me encourage those of you insensitive to what bicyclists of all walks of life go through everyday to benefit from reading this complaint, a small window into that world: bclu(dot)org/stories/abuse_reports/PRC-JasonMeggs- 20050626.pdf

Thank you and please be open minded, considerate, and work for the public good.

Posted by wheelsofchange | July 27, 2008 2:02 PM

@16: RonK (@5) is a cop, which isn't very heartening, since he's basically apologizing for people driving their cars into CM bicyclists.

Posted by Trevor | July 27, 2008 2:03 PM

You actually believe critical mass is the bicycling equivalent trolls using volunteer park for anonymous public sex? Interesting idea but way off base.
What do discussion boards prove? As demonstrated here there's plenty of people ignorant about the purpose of Critical Mass (as well as a few bad apple participants).

Posted by skeptic | July 27, 2008 2:09 PM

@28, and the purpose of CM would be.....?

Here's your chance. Educate us.

Posted by rb | July 27, 2008 2:18 PM

So, Trevor, how do you know that RonK is a cop? And even if he is, how could this statement:

"No, I'm more pissed off at an uncritical mass of Stranger writers trying to find tangential excuses for Critical Mass.

A mob went looking for trouble, and found some."

in any way be interpreted as "apologizing for people driving their cars into CM bicyclists?" He didn't apologize for them, he stated fact-- CM DID go out looking for trouble, and they found it.

If they weren't looking for trouble, they would get permits. They'd publicize their routes. They would STOP AT RED LIGHTS instead of running them en masse, endangering everyone. They wouldn't cork streets, which is ILLEGAL.

I have a hard time believing that, put in the same position (being blocked in, car getting pounded on, being taunted) even Mother-fucking-Theresa would have demonstrated the inner-strength, peace, and patience that the CM members and apologists are demanding of the driver of the Subaru.

What RonK said is completely true-- the reporters from the Stranger are no better than those of the Times, the PI, or any of the local television news outlets.

Just as the dailies shouldn't have taken the police reports as fact and at face value, the "reporters" from the Stranger shouldn't have reported the statements from anonymous CM participants as fact and at face value-- they were ALL wrong, the Stranger and the dailies alike.

The majority of reporters from the Stranger proved that they are lacking any sort of journalistic integrity-- reporting off of police blotters might be ill-informed, but at least it's not intentionally obtuse. Editing news to suit your your own political ideology is not ill-informed, it's just plain unethical.

The Stranger doesn't have corporate overlords breathing down their necks, demanding copy for tonight's Ten O'Clock News or the Sunday paper. They could have WAITED to run the story. They could have issued a brief statement, including only the facts that were confirmed, and then WAITED to report until Jonah (the only *real* journalist on staff) was done interviewing the parties involved and sorting through the details.

Instead, they jumped on the bandwagon and reported bullshit, just like everyone else.

Posted by And you know this because?... | July 27, 2008 2:23 PM

re @1, @16, @27 -- Trevor and 'skeptic' are unseparated conjoined twins, which isn't very heartening, since they could just pass notes to each other instead of sharing conspiracy theories through their keyboards.

What's my basis for this belief? Same as Trevor's basis for believing I'm a cop.

Posted by RonK, Seattle | July 27, 2008 2:30 PM

Both yesterday’s and today’s stories, meanwhile, were written by anonymous “Seattle Times staff” with assistance from Times reporter Carol Ostrom.

Outsourcing, maybbe? Perhaps there's a little office in Bangalore that writes the Times' stories now?

Posted by demo kid | July 27, 2008 2:34 PM

Everyone in this incident fails on an epic scale. Cyclists, driver, cops, media--all of them.

Posted by gadfly | July 27, 2008 2:40 PM

Look at me! I'm a biker! I save $100 a month on gas but risk my life while doing it! Yeah, in my my mind my life is only worth $100! I ride around busy urban streets in rush hour traffic wearing shiny orange spandex shorts with a dazed expression on my face! Hey...I'll be fine, I mean I am wearing a bright yellow helmet that only protects the top of my head. I'm sure that if some 2000 pound car runs into me this helmet will protect me! I could do the smart thing and buy a decent car that gets decent gas mileage, but I'd rather just risk my life!

Posted by I'm a biker! | July 27, 2008 2:43 PM

@15: Jonah is a reporter, I am the news editor. I assigned him to work on the story. Learn a little bit about how newspapers work.

Posted by ECB | July 27, 2008 2:45 PM

What difference does it make whether the Times and PI and other media do it right or not - thought the Stranger was Seattle's only newspaper.

Posted by brilliant | July 27, 2008 2:52 PM

Oh, ECB, you are there. Still waiting.

Posted by rb | July 27, 2008 2:54 PM

Wow, thanks for handin' down a little bit o' Media 101 to the uneducated masses, ECB!

But... Wait... If Jonah (the only one who didn't project his own personal opinions into the story) is just a lowly *news reporter* and you're the *news editor,* doesn't that make it EVEN MORE DISGUSTING that you decided to turn this into your personal soapbox and to spin lies and present them as truths.

(Hint: YOU'RE NOT THE "EDITORIAL" OR "OPINION" EDITOR! When the NEWS desk presents OPINION as NEWS, the system is broken and can't be trusted... But guess they didn't teach you THAT in j-school, did they?...)

Posted by Huh... | July 27, 2008 3:05 PM

gadfly@33 is right.

Posted by pox | July 27, 2008 3:16 PM

*rolls eyes*

Hating on ECB is, like, SO 2007.

Thanks for the links.

Posted by meggers | July 27, 2008 3:16 PM

And here is Erica's contact if you need anything (206) 323-7101

Posted by Thom | July 27, 2008 3:19 PM

The driver either intentionally or mistakenly rammed the cyclists. Drivers says mistake. The jury should decide. And hopefully it's the full on assault charges.

That said, CM folks intetionally smashed up his car and punched him. No one is saying "oops I didn't mean to punch him."

So both are guilty.

You can argue degrees of guilt and lots of other things, but CM only succeeds in confirming the idea of many people that cyclists are out of control.

This steps on the message, and the larger truth, that drivers are in general way more dangerous because they don't look out properly and they are in 2-7000 lbs of metal.

Thanks a lot CM.

You're taking us backwards.

You're like the gun toting blackpanthers that stripped moral legitimacy from the civil rights movement, stopped the progress of liberalism in the 1960s and helped freak out middle Americans resulting in electoin of nixon.

Aha! Got it!! CM is secretly funded by Exxon, Saudi Arabia, and Kemper Freeman!!

Posted by PC | July 27, 2008 3:20 PM
43 just like that time Hitler tried to kill all the Jews.

The car is the modern day concentration camp and bicyclists are its victims.

Posted by ru shur | July 27, 2008 3:21 PM

Speaking of blog comments, there's an interesting relevant report this week at .

Positive aspects of Slog's commenters include how funny some of them are. That's something not every community has.

Posted by Amelia | July 27, 2008 3:37 PM

Pretty amazing comments. As someone who's relatively recently begun commuting via bicycle, what I find most galling is how few drivers actually look around them before doing things like opening doors, pulling out into traffic, and making turns. It's this kind of clueless sense of privilege that makes cyclists somewhat less than sympathetic that you got delayed for a few minutes by the CM ride.

Defending this douchebag who could have easily killed several people due to his carelessness is really amazing. If it had been a traffic jam, and he drove into a bunch of cars, nobody would be defending him. If it had been a crowd of pedestrians blocking him, and he drove into them, nobody would be defending him. Because it's cyclists who have the nerve to assert their right to use the roads that THEIR TAXES PAY FOR TOO, you want to make excuses for this asshole's attack of road rage.

Posted by AMB | July 27, 2008 4:06 PM

ecb @ 35:

Some "news editor" you are. You're a third-rate shill for a third-rate agenda. Quit pretending you're a journalist, or anything close.

Your "coverage" of this story is a disgrace. You have tried, convicted, and sentenced the driver and canonized the Critical Massholes.

You're the one who needs to learn how journalism works. But it's clear that you're not interested.

Posted by ivan | July 27, 2008 4:17 PM

ivan's right. we should remove ecb from the judicial bench.

Posted by jb | July 27, 2008 4:23 PM

Erica, I ride Critical Mass often. I was not on this ride.

I read the Times' report (yes I am employed there) and I found it to be the most objective view of all the coverage.

It'd be ice if you focused on the real issue here and not your petty jealousy with your cross-town contemporaries.

Wanna chat? Hit me up.

Posted by I'm a Nuclear Bomb | July 27, 2008 4:28 PM

@45, and what I find galling is how many cyclists in this city weave in and out of traffic, run red lights, ride up between cars and the curb when there is no room for them to do so, especially in turn lanes, ride two or more abreast, blocking the lane and making it dangerous to pass, ride up on sidewalks and cut corners around buildings with zero regard for pedestrians, intentionally cause backups by riding slowly, barrel through crosswalks full of pedestrians, and then throw a big monthly tantrum.

In 14 car-free years here, I've had way more near-misses with careless cyclists downtown and on the hill than with cars. It's a two-way street, and cyclists need to follow the rules if they want any respect. It's really tiresome to have cyclists MAKE A CHOICE to ride, and then expect EVERYONE ELSE accommodate them, and when it doesn't happen they throw a hissy fit.

Posted by Pedestrian | July 27, 2008 4:36 PM

It's this kind of clueless sense of privilege that makes cyclists somewhat less than sympathetic that you got delayed for a few minutes by the CM ride.

The difference, of course, is that the CM cyclists are breaking the law.

Because it's cyclists who have the nerve to assert their right to use the roads that THEIR TAXES PAY FOR TOO, you want to make excuses for this asshole's attack of road rage.

But these fuckers don't assert their right to use the roads! They block them. They don't respect cars or pedestrians in favor of their little impromptu parade, and they should be nailed by the police for it, just as fifty people standing in the middle of an intersection should as well. I don't think anyone should be hit by a car for any reason, of course, but to think that CM should bask in some kind of righteous glow because they're championing a liberal cause with douchebag tactics is stupid.

Posted by demo kid | July 27, 2008 4:41 PM

jeff, im not sure erica is your type. glad to see you made it home after all those tranquilizers and coke though


Posted by derrickito | July 27, 2008 4:46 PM

Sometimes, when my mind is troubled and I can't sleep, I relax by imagining myself driving a gigantic steam roller down [insert street name], mowing down a two-block-long righteous crowd of bright spandex-clad bicyclists, practically purring myself to sleep as I hear the scrawny aluminum frames of their bikes and the brittle skeletons of their bony, over-aerobicized bodies crunching like june bugs beneath my ten-ton road roller.

Oh, and I say this as someone who drives a motorcycle, which I mention just to remind the CMers that it's not just four-wheelers who find them insufferable.

Posted by drewvsea | July 27, 2008 4:57 PM

Real tragedy is that none of the bikers died.

Posted by Bud Dickman | July 27, 2008 4:59 PM

Who do we contact if we don't like the stranger's "coverage"? Oh wait, this isn't media, it's "seattle's only (whiner) newspaper."
Honestly, move out of cell phone range again, it was much better with Jonah on this. Or grow up.

Posted by calvin | July 27, 2008 5:36 PM

"The difference, of course, is that the CM cyclists are breaking the law."

I wasn't aware we lived in a society where breaking a law governing behavior on the road granted irate drivers the right to kill you. Tell me demo kid, should drivers who are speeding (also against the law) be mowed down by irate drivers? How about drivers executing rolling stops at stop signs (also illegal)? How draconian do you want to get, Mr. Hypocrite? I'm certain if we looked hard enough at your life, we could find ample example of various minor legal infractions.

Of course, it's not entirely clear which law it is that CM cyclists are breaking. If the CM ride is viewed as a parade or a procession, then it's perfectly legal for cyclists following the leaders to continue through an intersection after the light changes - this is the same law that allows funeral processions to continue through red lights, provided the intersection is entered on a green light by the beginning of the procession.

"But these fuckers don't assert their right to use the roads! They block them."

Cars also block the roads, in exactly the same way.

"They don't respect cars or pedestrians"


"to think that CM should bask in some kind of righteous glow because they're championing a liberal cause with douchebag tactics is stupid."

Nobody is arguing for this either. But making excuses for the driver of the white Subaru takes a hell of a lot of nerve.

Posted by AMB | July 27, 2008 5:46 PM

I like how property damage gives you the right to run people the fuck over.

"Oh, no, they've blocked a road for a few hours! How ever shall I live!" Try almost getting run over every day you hit the streets.

Posted by Andrew | July 27, 2008 6:03 PM


That's apples and oranges rationalization. I agree with comment #50.

Posted by Creek | July 27, 2008 6:09 PM
Of course, it's not entirely clear which law it is that CM cyclists are breaking.


If the CM ride is viewed as a parade or a procession, then it's perfectly legal for cyclists following the leaders to continue through an intersection after the light changes

Parades require a permit, which the Critical Mass folks are too arrogant to bother applying for, as any other group who wanted complete access to the streets would. And no, they do not qualify as a funeral procession, even though their behavior suggests that some of them clearly have a death wish.

Posted by tsm | July 27, 2008 6:13 PM

It's awesome how the CM apologists are utterly incapable of seeing anything wrong with their behavior; It's almost sociopathic.

Posted by lol | July 27, 2008 6:16 PM

Sociopathic is the word. They're in this game for the violence and the risk. The hard work that gets laws changed and bike infrastructure build bores these Critical Mass kids. They're angry young men with something to prove, some humiliation to compensate for. They're dangerous as hell. The irony is that a self-style feminist would admire violent bully boys. Call Dr. Freud, eh?

If enough people get hurt at Seattle Critical Mass rides, you're going to see hooligans from across the country migrate here for the chance to hurt somebody. If anything the local media have portrayed them in too positive a light and that will attract more of their kind.

Posted by elenchos | July 27, 2008 6:30 PM

I like this idea that riding a bike is a war against motorists. What-- pedestrians are too low for consideration?

I see cyclists riding in public right of ways all the time with little regard for pedestrians. Most cyclists today don't even understand or respect the rules that made cycling popular in the first place-- like calling out your location, riding in uniform areas, slowing your pace, not passing the general pedestrian flow, riding in roads when possible.

To think that a lot of pro-CMers are surprised there aren't more rights for cyclists is confusing and almost enraging.

Learn the rules, learn the law, live it, love it, respect it and then you get your way.

Until then, respect this non-car owning pedestrian by not screwing things up for all non-car owners by default.

Posted by AJ | July 27, 2008 6:31 PM

I can't wait to vote against all of the b.s. bike lane, pro-cycling measures that this city is sure to promote. The critical mass riders that I've come across are ugly people.

If they care enough to make a difference, then they should hang out on Westlake and ask politely for my signature just like every other person with an agenda.

These guys are the Jehovah's Witnesses of the athletic/commuter world.

Posted by octaviastkid | July 27, 2008 6:47 PM

you know what the problem is? let me break it down for everyone.

it's not safe to bike. not for people like me, anyway, who don't have the ability to veer around people opening car doors while simultaneously trying to avoid hitting pedestrians and not going into oncoming traffic. there aren't enough safe places to ride because drivers completely disregard cyclists.

so here's what happens. a bigger percentage of cyclists who DO brave the unsafe conditions tend to be those reckless assholes everyone keeps referencing. but just because they exist does not mean cars can just mow us down at will! jesus christ the whole point of critical mass, like i said before, is to BE SAFE when you are riding, because when you are riding by yourself, or even in groups of 2 or 3, you AREN'T safe. because cars can't see you. or don't take the time to look for you.

i cannot reiterate this enough but it is not just the aggressive law-breaking cyclists that you guys are all lumping into one giant category who ruin it for everyone and make it hard to ride bikes without inciting road rage. it's the infrastructure of the city, the values of the elected officials, and the prevailing thought that driving a fuel efficient "green" car means others who choose not to have a car at all must be stupid or deservedly poor that leads to unsafe conditions for everyone. i'm so sick of people shooting down legislation about mass transit/alternative commuting such as cycling in this city. maybe it's time to move

Posted by bridget | July 27, 2008 7:30 PM

wow, was reading about this here, and then on the front page of

Posted by jean enersen's famous skin | July 27, 2008 7:36 PM


I wasn't aware we lived in a society where breaking a law governing behavior on the road granted irate drivers the right to kill you.

Good point about the rules of the road, but of course if someone damages your bicycle you are free to smack them in the head with a chunk of metal.

Oh, you too @56

I like how property damage gives you the right to run people the fuck over.
Right! No running over! just hit them with a chunk of metal, I mean a small chunk, like a bike lock, not a car.

Bureau of Intellectual Titans Crushing Hypocrisy

Posted by Epimetheus | July 27, 2008 7:42 PM

Read RonK's voluminous and detailed writing on slog about police accountability. Maybe he's not a cop, and never was one. Maybe.

Posted by Trevor | July 27, 2008 8:14 PM

hey ecb what if we are pissed about how you are covering the story? who is the official in charge we complain to at the stranger? please post their names and emails.

Posted by Harry Callahan | July 27, 2008 8:38 PM

I was keeping an open mind, since there are all sorts of contradictory "facts" floating around.

But if ECB is bringing her remarkable talent for outrage and moral opprobrium to bear for the cyclists and against the driver, I figure the driver almost has to be in the right here.

Posted by also | July 27, 2008 8:52 PM

Ask The Times why they turned down Josh Feit who tried to get a job there.

Posted by And Ask About Josh Feit! | July 27, 2008 8:52 PM

The most important thing is to read the charging papers from the Prosecutor's office. That's the be all and end all as far as what the police believe to be the facts and who is getting charged with a crime or not. They should be available to the public in a bit in PDF format.

Posted by John Bailo | July 27, 2008 9:07 PM

Where is Rodney King when we need him most?

I looked out the window and failing to see any canals, tulips, windmills or wooden shoes, realized I was not in Holland where considerate bicycle etiquette prevails. That will never be the case in the United States of Automobile - because.

Critical Mass vs People Who Drives Cars simply proves the following law of physics: For every action, there is a reaction; for every reaction, there is an over-reaction.

Deal, folks.

Posted by RHETT ORACLE | July 27, 2008 9:18 PM

Because it's cyclists who have the nerve to assert their right to use the roads that THEIR TAXES PAY FOR TOO...

Hey...I walk to work most days and my taxes pay for the roads too and yet I can't walk on them. I am forced...forced mind cross them in separately designated "cross walks". Otherwise I might get a jaywalking ticket. A friend of mine who lives in Washington D.C. got one of those some weeks ago, took it to court and lost. Who are they to say I can't use the road? I paid for it. But no...they keep us confined to these little cross walks scattered around here and there in the city and they make us obey their stupid little walk-don't walk signs. But we pedestrians paid for the roads too darn it. Okay...maybe not with a gas tax...but there are other taxes we pay for infrastructure so that makes them ours too. Car drivers should learn to share the roads with pedestrians. Truckers too.

And...your taxes (and mine) also happen to pay for the Interstates. And yet, you can't bicycle on them and I can't hike them. That's very unfair.

Posted by Bruce Garrett | July 27, 2008 9:31 PM

@25 & 26

"Reposting or re-editing with a falsified representation constitutes an illegal act of defamation and copyright infringement. Please cease and desist at once."

Don't threaten me you dick. If you have a problem with me posting a youtube link, take it up with youtube.

I watched your version (, and I love that you say a rider fell into the driver's windshield - a hole the size of a shoe.

Fucking liar, the full video is out there.

And the pathetic windshield wiper rippin "dad" using his kids as a pawn is disgusting.

"A motorist deliberately ran into a bicycle demonstration, then plowed into helpless people without giving them a chance to move. We will not rest until all motorists are corked, all windshields are smashed and bikes rule the world."

NICE, very nice, keep up the fight Jason.

Posted by chet | July 27, 2008 9:45 PM

Erica, you calling yourself an editor is a fucking joke. A real journalist isn't afraid to lay *all* the facts out there and let the reader decide. Your tactics: report only the facts that support your point of view; misrepresent the ideas of those who disagree with you; and then ridicule the 98 percent of the world that doesn't see things your way.

You're a hack, and you'll always be a hack. You accusing other journalists of accepting stories at face value is so absurd to be laughable.

But I'll give you credit for one thing: You have those in power at The Stranger fooled. Just not the rest of us.

Posted by rjh | July 27, 2008 10:19 PM

"Parades require a permit, which the Critical Mass folks are too arrogant to bother applying for"

Processions, like funeral processions, do not require a permit.

Regardless, I'm not sure how delaying traffic for a few minutes warrants attempted vehicular manslaughter.

Your rationalizations are bullshit. A car is a deadly weapon. If someone was delayed by vehicular or pedestrian traffic and they decided to start shooting people there would be zero compassion for that person.

All I see here is a bunch of whiny privileged douchebags who've been inconvenienced by CM rides trying to justify the dehumanization of cyclists based on being prevented from getting to some shitty Belltown bar on time.

Posted by AMB | July 27, 2008 10:26 PM

The city needs to step up and invest in much more and more well thought-out bicycle infrastucture. No question. This kind of crap would not occur if the city put their money where their mouth is in regards to bike culture.

How can you not realize that these kids were fearful for their lives? The man was driving a 2,000 pound machine and had already driven into many cyclists! What is a worse crime here? Assault with a deadly weapon or breaking some windows and slashing some tires?

Yes, critical mass breaks traffic laws. It's called civil disobedience and it gets people to pay attention. This is a serious problem with people's lives on the line. Drivers need to quit bitching and help be part of the solution. People have their priorities so ass backwards it's not even funny. Yes, congratulations on affording the car, please calm down and realize we value our safety above your newfound ability to stand up less.

Posted by Cale | July 27, 2008 10:49 PM

Just as with the CIA (cost is rättspengar from Egyptienavisningarna).
The Jews are much worse.
I believe that all military personnel should be brought.
Or when the embassies and missions etc.
Self defense and defense of others, etc. in Sweden (Swedish life threatening judgement as to the judgement threatened back)
Force Majeure
The defence is the responsibility of each individual (democracy = 1 vote 1 shares in the country 1 defense).
Law intention (sk civilkuragelag = be entitled to take rättsrekvisit in the country and eliminate internal threats or when external threats as they are).

Am Communist Party wrote a book, "We will never surrender" (named = but historical analysis of old austria hungary, was sold in few copies)


We can not survive without neoliberalism (am project = information, force, its own responsibility, etc).
Sex, violence and work.
Then, it is the Jewish question - many Jews in the labour movement (selling in intellectual solutions that kommunistpacket today "mass empty words without substance").
The same mentality today = perhaps that nature is moving towards eradication. The control of some media - and similar organizations.
The Devil's people (easy on eliminating).

Count 1 million times
What gave nybyggaranda etc

Spider, which can kill judgement

It was a jew girl who now is named Rebecca Lord
She was not horny, but well on the crafty manipulation of others (Rebecca mata hari).
She was fitted and dejected, but one day she committed suicide.
Then came a klumpedunsröv from israeli higher uni, Haifa, and would learn empiricism but then struck schizopartikeln Thursday, and it scratched at the robber and he pulled out a hemorojd
it was shown to contain a worm that later destroyed a large part of the human world

it was late in the history books
astroillium israelis

particle =
nervous system has, of course, new data on databasförmåga (activates when the schizophrenia of us)
Tex send nano-robots and religious cultural context and play on (socialpsykologi) and then endanger humanity
threat to humanity

when you sit in a solitary confinement (by 1000 mdr who would really gone to the West-am project) and attackhund who rape and våldsmusik

Chinese-Chinese person who he said
now gaining ground, we manchuriet
so hästarmén who was genklonad
and sold his Old Norse kýr
it turned out later that he was a little underestimated
so it impoterade a cow

(vv spread Wednesday)

Brainlaw for optional (energy used right tex alpha waves)
Props in EUrope

Obama = optional, and be able to govern, one should say have 300 iqpoäng otherwise is not optional.
Individuals should be able to control the environment (cf. chosen best in the past to defend the stem end, but today also the environment, science, art, personalities, creativity and above all the complexity).
Set is most important (based on 300 and a superstructure)

We would introduce the following countries

Posted by bjorn | July 27, 2008 11:00 PM
All I see here is a bunch of whiny privileged douchebags who've been inconvenienced by CM rides trying to justify the dehumanization of cyclists based on being prevented from getting to some shitty Belltown bar on time.

Bwahahaha. About 95% of my transport is by bus or on foot, and as a pedestrian one receives no more respect from cyclists than I have on those rare occasions I drive. Fuck your rationalizations for breaking traffic laws, assaulting perceived non-members of Team Cyclist for kicks, and then crying victim when called on it.

Posted by tsm | July 27, 2008 11:09 PM
Yes, critical mass breaks traffic laws. It's called civil disobedience and it gets people to pay attention.

Bullshit. It makes people think you are assholes with complete disregard for anyone but your own narrow interest group. This event has people calling for open season on cyclists on some blogs. Thanks alot, CM.

Posted by Nope | July 27, 2008 11:10 PM

I love CM. I dont' bike, but I once bought one just to be part of CM. Yes, some kids can be overly agro and here in new york you can be arrested for just biking in CM, but it does raise awareness, it does build community, and it actually is a pleasure to see for a lot of drivers and pedestrians. That said, when someone takes a vehicle that can kill and intentionally drives into others, rage is understandable, if not legally justified. Many of those aggressive bikers have known people killed by irresponsible drivers. The fault doesn't lay in bikers hands.

Posted by johnnie | July 27, 2008 11:26 PM

"Civil disobedience is the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying power, without resorting to physical violence. It is one of the primary tactics of nonviolent resistance"

The CM tactics are aggressive and often violent -- it is disobedience, but it is not at all civil. How dare they try to use the term to describe their thuggery. I've witnessed very hostile and aggressive tactics by CM riders, especially their "corkers".

They are clearly a threat to themselves and others. I endorse the "Critical Manners" rides which are so popular in other cities where multiple instances of very similar hostile abuse by CMers required police and court intervention to curb their crimes and preserve the peace.

CM has jumped the proverbial shark and drawn blood. That is wrong.

Posted by larry | July 28, 2008 12:15 AM

i have ridden on critical mass rides and can say that they are really a form of nonviolent protest. sure we may clog the streets with bikes and block traffic for a few minutes, but there's a message to be it political, environmental, whatever...i think what happened was an isolated incident. most bikers are not out to cause trouble and i'm sure most drivers are not out to run down cyclists, but there needs to be a better relationship between everyone on the road. it's too bad that the media seems to portray cyclists in a bad light and ignores the severity of a car DRIVING over a biker/bike.

Posted by Sera | July 28, 2008 12:47 AM
i have ridden on critical mass rides and can say that they are really a form of nonviolent protest. sure we may clog the streets with bikes and block traffic for a few minutes, but there's a message to be it political, environmental, whatever.

Yeah, here it is: "I'm a chill thug buddy who's so stupid that he can't even articulate an actual 'message' being spread. I don't give a shit about the rest of the community. I don't care what my bullshit might do to cyclist-motorist relations. I don't even care if there's violence."

Nice message, idiot.

Posted by Anti-Thug | July 28, 2008 2:32 AM
Posted by whatever | July 28, 2008 6:02 AM

You know who else was just fostering a "sense of community" through a thuggish mob mentality?


Posted by ru shur | July 28, 2008 6:47 AM

Quick. Please give us the Darcy angle on this story.
All stories lead to Darcy.

And, really, did Josh get turned away by The

Posted by A loyal Stranger reader | July 28, 2008 7:14 AM

Is this definitive? "There's a message to be spread...whatever". Brilliant.

Posted by Fnarf | July 28, 2008 7:21 AM

I have a guess as to who the drive was: Jubilation T. Cornball. He's been oddly absent such a popular discussion topic, he's self-described as a well dressed gay man who prefers to drive around town.

Posted by pragmatic | July 28, 2008 8:09 AM

God, Seattle cyclists have really become the insufferable militant vegans of the 00's. They make a lifestyle choice, then become angry and upset that no one else will accommodate them on their terms or live as they do, and when they don't get what they want, they act like indignant assholes. How tiresome.

Posted by Give it up | July 28, 2008 8:14 AM

"It makes people think you are assholes with complete disregard for anyone"

Yeah man, holding up traffic! How dare they!

Clearly they deserve to be killed.

Posted by AMB | July 28, 2008 8:15 AM

"They make a lifestyle choice, then become angry and upset that no one else will accommodate them on their terms"

You're an idiot. They're (rightfully) angry and upset because some shit-for-brains tried to RUN PEOPLE OVER with his car because they delayed him making his fucking dinner reservations.

Let's repeat: a guy delayed from making dinner reservations decided to drive his car into a bunch of people on bicycles.

Restating this as being upset for people not accommodating their lifestyle choice is fucking retarded.

Posted by AMB | July 28, 2008 8:18 AM

@88, no, sorry, not me. According to the reports I've read, the driver was about 20 years my younger. Ah, youth.

I'm sitting this one out because others are eloquently stating the position I maintain on this.

To be candid, though, 88, I bought a bike and have been trying to ride it as much as possible. It scares the holy fuck out of me to ride in this town, though, so I have been known to ride on a sidewalk on 50th in Wallingford, but usually I take less-traveled parallel streets.

Highly interesting debate to observe here.

Cary on.

Posted by Jubilation T. Cornball | July 28, 2008 8:21 AM

"assaulting perceived non-members of Team Cyclist for kicks"

Kicks? Preventing a guy from driving into more people and maybe killing someone is kicks?

It's pretty amazing how everyone commenting here is leaving out this part of the narrative. All they see is that people slashed this guy's tires. They completely ignore his incredibly dangerous actions mere seconds before.

Your CM hatred has blinded you.

Posted by AMB | July 28, 2008 8:23 AM

Maybe this would be a good time to point out that separate ROW for bicycles and cars - the sort of thing they have in places like Munich - is a good idea?

Posted by Greg | July 28, 2008 8:29 AM

Puget Sound streets have way too much car traffic on them. This is entirely the fault of the Sierra Club plants who sit on the highway committees in King County and Olympia. By failing to build highway capacity, streets are filled with people making lots of drives that are five miles or more. There is a shortage of bridges (there should be at least 4 over Lake Washington), of Interstates, of limited access highways and boulevards.

I posted my essay on this here:

Posted by John Bailo | July 28, 2008 8:47 AM

@92, my apologies, I guess my hangover assisted detective skills have failed me this morning.

I wonder though, if the drive is a reader/commenter on SLOG.

Posted by pragmatic | July 28, 2008 8:54 AM

Isn't everyone? Although, given he's young, well-dressed and seemingly able to interact with the opposite sex, I highly doubt he'd find anything of interest here.

Posted by Jubilation T. Cornball | July 28, 2008 8:56 AM

I'm concerned with something Elenchos brought up @60, with this getting national news coverage will it lead to others coming to Seattle for next month's ride to create an even larger Critical Mass and possibly cause trouble?

Or, on the opposing side, will it lead to a counter protest by drivers and pedestrians against next month's CM ride?

Posted by PopTart | July 28, 2008 9:30 AM

The morale of the story?

NEVER fuck with a fag late for a dinner reservation.

Posted by michael strangeways | July 28, 2008 9:35 AM

You are really trying to push this CM agenda are you?

Posted by yearsago | July 28, 2008 9:40 AM
God, Seattle cyclists have really become the insufferable militant vegans of the 00's. They make a lifestyle choice, then become angry and upset that no one else will accommodate them on their terms or live as they do, and when they don't get what they want, they act like indignant assholes. How tiresome.

Good line, and I basically agree with you with one BIG caveat. It's a small minority of cyclists who are this way. Most cyclists also have cars, and even if they don't have cars they just want to get where they're going without trouble. I'm in the both bike and car category, and nothing would please me more than if the Seattle Police Department would crack down hard on Critical Mass.

In no way, shape, or form do these adolescent bullies represent me! Please, folks, by all means vent about CM but do not take it out on the lone cyclist on the street!

Posted by Been Here | July 28, 2008 9:47 AM

Yeah...the real peaches are the drivers who need to be begged not to respond to CM by using brutality against other cyclists.

Posted by daniel | July 28, 2008 10:03 AM


Nice to see Godwin's law is still alive and well. All we need now is to blame something on Bush and this thread can be properly closed down.

Posted by crk on bellevue ave | July 28, 2008 10:03 AM

Next time you see a critical mass ride, call the police. Problem solved.

Posted by Greg | July 28, 2008 10:07 AM

@93 "Your CM hatred has blinded you."

I've noticed the same thing in these threads: a vitriolic hatred for CM. People really, really, really don't like Critical Mass. Automobile drivers hate CM. Pedestrians hate CM. Many cyclists hate CM. Is it rational to conclude that CM is blameless for the tide of ill will crashing down on it?

@103 Don't we need like 50 of his puckered visages to call this a wrap?

Posted by Linus Minus | July 28, 2008 10:25 AM
I'm concerned with something Elenchos brought up @60, with this getting national news coverage will it lead to others coming to Seattle for next month's ride to create an even larger Critical Mass and possibly cause trouble? Or, on the opposing side, will it lead to a counter protest by drivers and pedestrians against next month's CM ride?

What I really hope this leads to is a move by the Seattle Police to really enforce the law against these Critical Massholes on their future rides. Every single thing they do should be cited from here on out, and the people who block intersections and obstruct drivers should be jailed.

It is also time for the Seattle City Council to step in and take a closer look at the laws pertaining to bicycles. For starters, every bike should be required to be licensed and bear a license plate. That's the way it was when I was growing up in the Midwest. And the traffic code here should NOT allow cyclists to obstruct vehicular traffic.

All of this should be enforced by our police department. It is time for our civil children to learn about the tender mercies of adult supervision, up close and personal.

Posted by Been Here | July 28, 2008 10:28 AM

What does "traffic code here should NOT allow cyclists to obstruct vehicular traffic" mean BH?

Posted by daniel | July 28, 2008 10:43 AM

Incidentally, I've been chuckling over the "Massholes" label being attached to Critical Mass. I lived in Boston for a decade, and the drivers there are famously erratic on a scale that puts to shame anything that you see in Seattle. Everywhere else in New England, and especially in coastal Maine where people from Boston go on vacation, Boston drivers were called "Massholes" by the locals.

I would add that the Maine State Police were notorious for ticketing Massachusetts drivers for the slightest infractions, and for hauling you to jail if you tried to argue with them. Whenever I went to Maine, I was quite aware of the Massachusetts plates on my car and made sure not to even think about violating their traffic laws.

We need the Maine State Police to come to Seattle and train the police department in how to handle our own Massholes.

Posted by Been Here | July 28, 2008 10:43 AM

"Is it rational to conclude that CM is blameless for the tide of ill will crashing down on it?"

The answer to this questions is completely irrelevant. In civilized society we do not tolerate using violence and mayhem to express displeasure with people's views or actions, unless one is acting in self-defense.

Again, you are defending someone driving his 2000+ lb. piece of steel into a crowd of people on bicycles. Do you really think his behavior was justifiable?

Posted by AMB | July 28, 2008 10:45 AM
Again, you are defending someone driving his 2000+ lb. piece of steel into a crowd of people on bicycles. Do you really think his behavior was justifiable?

I am above all a realist. In a perfect world, no motorist would who what the one on Friday night did. But in a perfect world, you wouldn't have hundreds of thugs on bicycles flouting the law, common courtesy, and common sense at rush hour on Friday night, for the expressed purpose of raising tension on the streets.

If the police don't step in and shut down your group of petty bullies, someone's liable to be killed. If that happens, this city is going to place the blame squarely where is belongs: On Critical Mass, whose antics are virtually begging for a tragedy. So keep it up. Get someone killed. Won't it feel good?

Posted by Been Here | July 28, 2008 10:53 AM

p.s.: If the motorist had killed or seriously injured someone on Friday night, and I were on the jury, I'd acquit him faster than you can say "O.J. Simpson." Massholes, I wouldn't do what the motorist did, but I sympathize with the guy. You people had better watch it on the streets, because civic tempers are getting shorter.

Seattle P.D., are you listening? You need to enforce the law, and do it sooner rather than later. It's what you're there for.

Posted by Been Here | July 28, 2008 10:58 AM

What I hope is this leads to at least one thing:

- Police need to crack down hard on cyclists not following the rules of the road.

As a walker who doesn't own a car, I've had more near misses with cyclists than I've ever had with cars. Cyclists will blow past me all the time going down the hill on pike/pine and nearly clip me. In truth, I am usually far more worried about getting hit by cyclists than I am cars.

Police really need to enforce traffic laws and start pulling cyclists over.

If I were mayor, I'd require you to have some kind of permit/license to ride a bike on a public street. It's probably never happened because the details get messy (you are gonna require some 10 year old kid riding around a residential street to be licensed?)

Posted by crk on bellevue ave | July 28, 2008 11:03 AM

What I hope is this leads to at least one thing:

- Police need to crack down hard on cyclists not following the rules of the road.

As a walker who doesn't own a car, I've had more near misses with cyclists than I've ever had with cars. Cyclists will blow past me all the time going down the hill on pike/pine and nearly clip me. In truth, I am usually far more worried about getting hit by cyclists than I am cars.

Police really need to enforce traffic laws and start pulling cyclists over.

If I were mayor, I'd require you to have some kind of permit/license to ride a bike on a public street. It's probably never happened because the details get messy (you are gonna require some 10 year old kid riding around a residential street to be licensed?)

Posted by crk on bellevue ave | July 28, 2008 11:03 AM

Whatever, bring the pain BH. For all the bike commuters and normals the vastness of the anti-CM commenters are basically anti-bike assholes. Among their legitimate complaints (along with the exhortations to violence) you'll see "traffic code here should NOT allow cyclists to obstruct vehicular traffic" indicating what we really all know. Sure CM pisses them off, but so does the lone bicyclist riding Lake Washington Blvd do also. God they're so angry, how dare I have the temerity on a windy narrow road to not ride the last 2 inches of crumbling asphalt. Give me a good honk whydoncha.

Posted by daniel | July 28, 2008 11:08 AM

@114, if you looked into your heart, you'd see that most people get pissy with bikers because bikers are the most unpredictable things on the road. As a driver, I can usually predict what the dogs, kids, lions and tigers I see through my windsheild are gonna do. As a pedstrian, I'm faily sure what the cars I see in intersections do (why many of them will even make eye contact with me and use turn signals!). But bikes... bikers are like the wildcards of the road. Will you blow past me at 30 miles an hour 6 inches away from my arm as I walk down the street? Will you cut my car off? Are you gonna make a left turn from the right hand side of road? Are you going to use my backyard as a bikelane to get out of a city park? Who knows? Nobody does!

If you want the respect of pedestrians and drivers, you'd do well to disassociate yourself from groups like the CM. The only way to win this "war" is to treat others on our roads and sidewalks the same way you would like them to treat you. And as "them", I'd like you to just follow the rules of the sidewalk and road.

Posted by crk on bellevue ave | July 28, 2008 11:24 AM

CRK don't tell me what's in my heart. You don't ride do you?

Or maybe you do there's some truth to what you say but it's hardly the whole truth. I ride safely. I don't blow through lights, I *SIGNAL*. And yet I am not swamped with this reciprocating love from cars.

Yeah drivers are just great, if only they were treated better by bicyclists. Whatever. I don't want your respect. I know what I'm about.

The idea that the folks here thinking that deadly force and hitting people with your car is justified were *created* by CM is BS. The internet is full of tough guys looking for a fight.

The idea that you're all just decent citizens of the human race and then once again a bicyclist comes by does something unpredictable and forces you into a deadly rage. Sure....

Posted by daniel | July 28, 2008 11:38 AM

You dont get any car-love because a handfull of bad-apple bikers are spoiling it for everybody.

99.99% of all the metro buses will signal before pulling out of bus stops. Since they have the right of way on public streets, I expect them to damn near slam into my car if I dont let them pull out. It is that 0.01% (i.e. maybe three times in my 15 years of driving) where a metro drive failed to signal before pulling out of the stop and making me slam on my breaks that has caused me to distrust and almost dislike any metro bus I see on the road.

Likewise, 99.9% of all bikers I interact with as a pedestrian and a driver are predicable and courteous. It is a handful of times where some jackass as blown past me while on foot, or done something stupid in front of my car that has caused me to distrust and almost dislike any bike on the road.

Since a biker can seriously harm me while walking, those near misses I've had that scare the shit out of me leave quite an negative impression in memory that is hard to remove. Since while driving, I can seriously harm a biker, those near misses also scare the shit out of me and leave a very negative impression.

Since most everybody has had a bad run-in with bikers, everybody on foot or in-car treats bikers with a lot of extra mental energy. We have to focus hard on you guys so we dont get hurt and dont hurt you. That kinda pisses us off since the reason we need such focus is because all it takes is that 0.01% of you to really ruin our day.

The best thing that could ever happen is police nailing bikers who break traffic laws. Our entire transportation system hinges on the fact that everybody who uses it follows the rules most of the time. In fact, the sole reason we are able to drive around at the speeds we do is because everybody drives in a consistent, predictable manner. When you really think about it, driving perhaps the only time we all really follow the rules.

Bikers who don't play by rules really throw a wrench into the whole system.

Posted by crk on bellevue ave | July 28, 2008 11:54 AM
It's probably never happened because the details get messy (you are gonna require some 10 year old kid riding around a residential street to be licensed?)

Actually, when I was growing up in the Midwest, I spent half my summer on my bicycle. Our town required bikes to be licensed. We had little license plates. They cost 50 cents. It was a big deal to get the new plates every year.

For all the bike commuters and normals the vastness of the anti-CM commenters are basically anti-bike assholes. Among their legitimate complaints (along with the exhortations to violence) you'll see "traffic code here should NOT allow cyclists to obstruct vehicular traffic" indicating what we really all know. Sure CM pisses them off, but so does the lone bicyclist riding Lake Washington Blvd do also.

Lone bicyclists don't piss me off at all when I'm driving. I go out of my way to be courteous. I think Critical Mass actually erodes safety for cyclists, by stoking anger among the excitable.

The best thing that could ever happen is police nailing bikers who break traffic laws. Our entire transportation system hinges on the fact that everybody who uses it follows the rules most of the time. In fact, the sole reason we are able to drive around at the speeds we do is because everybody drives in a consistent, predictable manner. When you really think about it, driving perhaps the only time we all really follow the rules.


Posted by Seattle Resident | July 28, 2008 12:09 PM

I always notice how few CMers wear helmets. Where are your helmets? And isn't riding without a helmet a ticketable offense in Seattle? Start ticketing Massholes for riding without helmets!!

Posted by helmets anyone? | July 28, 2008 1:59 PM

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