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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I am Legoland

posted by on July 8 at 11:59 AM

For those who know the famous sequence in I am Cuba:

The liberation of Legoland from capitalist exploitation!

Another version of that sequence is in Boogie Nights;

The pool (or being under water) is an excellent metaphor for capitalism: total pleasure, immersion, suffocation.

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I think the metaphor actually works better the other way around - with water being a suffocating support system for everyone in it, apart from the few who get to look down from poolside.

Posted by Dougsf | July 8, 2008 12:11 PM

Lord, that's funny. That scene in the film, and the one at the end with the camera flying over the funeral for a revolutionary, are two scenes that I don't ever want to find out how they were done -- I don't want the mechanics behind the magic to be shown to me.

Posted by --MC | July 8, 2008 12:18 PM

Jesus turned water into wine. Capitalists turn water into property. But in the end they both do the same thing. They rely on liesure to give rise to decadence which allows for the arbitrary creation of wealth based on whim. Jesus did it via religion and capitalism does it via marketing. Baptism in both cases amounts to the same thing, turning a natural act into one that is owned by the captialist/prophet and thus alienated economically/existentially.

Posted by kinaidos | July 8, 2008 12:46 PM

Americans do not deserve life.
They live only for today, the
evil singularity word bastards.


Singularity "education"
inflicts a dog brain upon
Students - ability to be
taught servitude - but
an inability to ever think
opposite of brainwashing
and indoctrination - very
unlikely to ever recover
to acknowledge Nature's
Harmonic Simultaneous
Rotating 4 Corner 24 Hr.
Days in 1 Earth Rotation.

Posted by umvue | July 8, 2008 1:16 PM

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