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Sorry, chuckles. Your posts are too long to read without the girlie pix.

Posted by butterw | July 24, 2008 11:33 AM

What, nothing on gays in the military?

You guys seem to be ignoring KUOW a lot nowadays.

Posted by Will in Seattle | July 24, 2008 11:41 AM

I too read that piece by Shelby Steele in the Wall Street Journal a few days ago. In fact, I sent it to an Obama backer buddy of mine in suburban Chicago. Rev. Jackson is now irrelevant. He won't be speaking at the DNC, that's for sure. Clearly, Rev. Jackson either envies or loathes (it's more likely both) Sen. Obama. There's no doubt there has been a tetonic change in the civil rights movement's leadership. As a result, it's possible that the election of Sen. Obama may actually NOT benefit African-Americans. With the "moral leverage" element removed, some African-Americans will have an even harder time proving racial discrimination especially to liberal whites.

As for Rev. Jackson, he could end up being the poster boy for the "absentee father" that Sen, Obama called into account on (lack thereof?) Father's Day. He has an illegitimate child who's about 6 or 7 years old now.

Posted by lark | July 24, 2008 11:41 AM

Old school black power people are not relevant in the 21st Century.

They need to wake up and realize we've moved on.

And about fricking time - it was a long long time a coming.

Posted by Will in Seattle | July 24, 2008 12:03 PM

lark @ 3, Will in Seattle @ 4:

It is refreshing to know that there are people out there who know less about black politics than I do.

"Old school black power people?" My ass! The racism that Jesse Jackson has spent a lifetime fighting against is as alive and well as it has ever been, and we have not "moved on" from it. That battle, and those who fight it, are never "irrelevant."

House n----rs like Shelby Steele, bought and paid for, are nobody's authority, any more than Armstrong Williams or Thomas Sowell are.

Beside that, both of you are too dense to get the scam. Obama and Jesse set this up months ago, and Jesse is playing the part Obama needs him to play.

Conflict between them? Old vs. new? Bull shit! The WWF couldn't pull off a better act than this. Jesse is the Washington Generals and Obama is the Harlem Globetrotters, and only the rubes think it's a real conflict.

Posted by ivan | July 24, 2008 1:07 PM

That first one had me up until the last paragraph. Who are these idiots who over-analyze things to the point where they don't even know what they're talking about anymore. Gratitude for not holding someone's feet to the the fire is not power, it's complicity. A city that refuses to confront a polluting company in its backyard gains no power in the corporations' gratitude, it only parades its own weakness. No, the gratitude will not come from looking the other way; the gratitude will come from making the shift from an obsession with revenge to a desire for mutual rewards.

Show your enemy that it's in their best interest to work with you and you've gained a friend.

The black community will see the obvious advantage to ceasing it's adversarial blame-laying tactics and actually working towards some cohesive inter-racial understanding. How Jackson and his buddies ever thought that driving a wedge between blacks and whites and pointing fingers would lead to racial unity is beyond me. Or, perhaps they ultimately had no desire for unity since it would erode their own relevance. Humans are, inevitably, selfish, civil rights leaders included.

I don't dispute that their tactics were not effective at the time, but no single strategy is ever effective end-to-end. You will never truly win with an entirely offensive or defensive strategy, sometimes you need to convince the other guy that you're on the same team. Unfortunately, this is also the sort of thing we should be doing overseas as well.

Posted by Super Jesse | July 24, 2008 1:08 PM

@5 - au contraire, I know more about old school black politics than you ever will. When I was a kid, they used to stay at our place, and I learned the reality of what it's like in Texas and Michigan too.

I say again - this is the day Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for.

Posted by Will in Seattle | July 24, 2008 2:15 PM

We won't support ball-less NO-Bama and will re-defeat him in November!!!

Posted by clintonsarmy | July 24, 2008 2:22 PM

Will, my buddy:

You have no clue what I know or don't know, have seen or not seen, have done or have not done.

If you think Obama's election will wipe racism from our society as if by waving a magic wand, or that Jesse Jackson's approach to fighting it, among other approaches, is somehow no longer relevant, I have an oceanfront lot in Missouri to sell you. Better buy one now while the supply lasts.

Posted by ivan | July 24, 2008 2:52 PM


Posted by clintonssarmy | July 24, 2008 4:42 PM

Lark @ 3, I normally don't nitpick misspellings on the intertubes, but you said

"tetonic change"

and that's funny, given that this is a Charles post, and "teton" is* French for boobs. Uh huh huh huh huh...

(* well, maybe)

Posted by CP | July 24, 2008 7:44 PM

@CP 11,
Thanks for the correction. It is indeed "tectonic" not "tetonic". And, you're correct "teton" is French for tit or boob. I hope you know that I meant "a significant shift" in the leadership of the civil rights movement.

Posted by lark | July 24, 2008 8:38 PM

The concept of "white guilt" voting is a hoax. White people are far more politically savy.

This election is about Bush shame. The jig is finally up on the white American racial double standard. Only a white male with money would get the free pass this half-wit President gets.

Shelby Steele is truly an Uncle Tom. He helps white feel okay about their racism. I love how he called it their "racial innocence"-LOL! I see a t-shirt slogan with that line!! LOL!

Question to Shelby Steele: If white people are suffering from "racial innocence" then what would they be feeling guilty about?

Posted by Ren | July 24, 2008 8:55 PM

Right ... and yet, until we move on, we remain trapped.

Time to change. NOW.

Posted by Will in Seattle | July 24, 2008 10:45 PM

Will @ 14:

That's for victims of racism to decide, not you nor I. You don't decide for somebody else that they need to "move on."

People do what *they* need to do, for *their* reasons and not yours. How much more fucking presumptuous can you be?

Posted by ivan | July 24, 2008 11:18 PM

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