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Yeah let's see how many of these fickle young uns are gonna show up at the poll in November.

Posted by Odrama | June 16, 2008 12:23 PM

Yes it's a good pick. Yes the internet dudes were good picks. but the unearned revenrential tone is still there.

"juggernaut" -- WTF??

not an apt metaphor if you lose most of last 14 primaries and just barely win popular vote

and win the delegate race mainly because superdelegates did NOT follow the vote in their own states

Better metaphor: he built up a huge lead his rival got up speed and closed the gap then he won by a nose. He didn't roll right over her as the word juggernaut implies.

Also note: we want change/HRC is old school/HRC people are old school/oops now he picks one/wow that's brilliant.

The wild swing from scorn to reverence again.

More impt. than who is on the VP vetting team is getting the right pick and indeed, getting on with it asap so VP can campaign starting August not Sept.

Posted by PC | June 16, 2008 12:27 PM

I think that's ageism, and that's, that's being prejudiced against people because they're old. Maybe their mouths don't work as well as yours.

Posted by elenchos | June 16, 2008 12:28 PM

Who's this McCain guy you keep talking about - was he that guy who got captured by the Japanese in WW II and thinks computers are the size of a small house?

I hear he wants to triple the US federal budget and trade deficits for his Comrades .... and invade Iran, Iceland, and Ireland.

Posted by Will in Seattle | June 16, 2008 12:32 PM


No one gives a shit about anything you have to say, Susan. Go back to NoQuarter with all the other racist shitbags and leave the thinking to the adults.

Posted by ru shur | June 16, 2008 12:39 PM


"money-making juggernaut". "MONEY-MAKING juggernaut." not primary-winning. M-O-N-E-Y-M-A-K-I-N-G.

and where does he say picking patty solis-doyle is "brilliant"? it's "great and all... but doesn't mean much" without the tech guys. this "wild swing" you speak of does not exist.

Posted by brandon | June 16, 2008 12:57 PM

Everything McCain knows about technology he learned from Ted Stevens.

Posted by keshmeshi | June 16, 2008 1:50 PM

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