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Sadly I totally empathized for anyone who would rather just sell it and be done with it.

HAHA breeders, aw.

Posted by Non | May 27, 2008 3:45 PM

This wouldn't be a surrogate fake death from an insurance scam tied to a illegal real estate trade fried by a satellite raid from a drug bust would it?

Posted by daniel bennett kieneker | May 27, 2008 4:09 PM

Psyche! Totally joking...about the price. Would $100k be fair?

Posted by Bison | May 27, 2008 4:32 PM


Enough already with proving that some heteros aren't fit to be parents. We get it already, you are preaching to the freakin' choir, m'kay?

If you have to post about bad hetero parents, could you at least balance it by posting "Dumb Things Homos Do to Keep the Pulpits Full (or help Republicans get elected)"? If straights have to be continually shamed by the antics of the very worst of their kind, why not the 'Mos? What's wrong - are there no gays who don't set bad examples for the rest?

Posted by Mike H | May 27, 2008 5:25 PM

Until there is equality it bears repeating that sexuality is not equivalent to parenting skills.

And Mike if you want more news focused on mistakes that gays make I hear Fox news has a website...go there...not slog.

Posted by clarity | May 27, 2008 5:40 PM

$10,000? I regularly announce that I'm willing to sell our two for a wolves, esp. when they interrupt my soak in the tub with bickering.

Posted by amazonmidwife | May 27, 2008 6:19 PM

Thank you Clarity for preaching to the choir, again we just don't have enough of that around here. (But I do like your goody two-shoes style of defense in our very gay-friendly community forum....)

And just to clarify for other Clarities, yes I believe in equality and those who would deny gays legal rights and adoption opportunities are bad, bad people.

To my earlier point @4, looking at gay screw-ups as well as straights imbues the gay agenda with more of a sense of fair play. One could even call such treatment "equal" in a sense, even if gays are not treated equally by those who would deny their rights. Dan already does point out gay mishaps, but on a much more intermittent basis and without a catchy category heading. Add a great heading, look for more news tips, and we'd have a more balanced conversation about morality, values, equality, the whole shooting match. It'll be fun!

Posted by Mike H | May 27, 2008 6:23 PM

I disagree with Mike H.

These posts serve a specific purpose, contained right in their headline. They counter the false argument, repeated ad nauseum by the fundies, that in all circumstances a married mother and father are the best for a child.

I love that Dan points out how wrong that is, very simply, and with little commentary, repeatedly. (I also love his Youth Pastor Watch.)

Keep it up, Dan. And by the way, if you want "balance," just start checking out Focus on the Family and Concerned Women for America and the Family Research Council. You will learn everything you ever wanted to know about the bad bad things that bad bad gay people do.

P.S. to Dan... Anyone "who's" done an adoption, please. (It's a pet peeve.)

Posted by Andrew | May 27, 2008 6:30 PM

10 large is low? You gotta be fucking kidding me!

That more than anything proves if you adopt, you REALLYREALLYREALLY want a kid.

I'd rather have a nice LCD TV & ton of pot.

Posted by Mike in MO | May 27, 2008 6:45 PM

It's true that "this hetero M+F family is bad at child-rearing" does not invalidate the proposition "all good-at-child-rearing families are M+F hetero". Only positive examples of good child-rearing by non-hetero M+F families can do that, logically speaking.

But I still think that iterating these examples is a public service, and counters much of the "all you need is a mom and a dad" bullshit heard in the rest of the media. I hope Dan never stops.

Remember, it's not just gay adoption they're after; single moms and dads are suspect too. The anti-gays are after everybody's rights, not just the homos'.

Posted by Fnarf | May 27, 2008 6:48 PM

Hmmm...would the buyer be eligible for the adoption tax credit?

Posted by Gitai | May 27, 2008 6:53 PM

$10K is definitely a bargain. However, they may try to rip you off with an extended warranty.

Posted by hikitty | May 27, 2008 8:16 PM

These intellectually lightweight filler posts don't counter any argument against hetero parents. No grown ups would believe that. The only thing that will counter the argument that kids need opposite sex parents is longitudinal data on the children. But why rely on evidence and science when snarky immature rantings are so much easier. And they obliterate Christianity!

LOL. Amateur hour.

Posted by Bob | May 27, 2008 11:29 PM

$10K for a bawling shitting piece of crap kid who in 13 years will start telling you to fuck off and die? And Dan thinks that is a VALUE??!!??

Posted by Cato the Younger Younger | May 28, 2008 8:20 AM

That's about the same price per pound that you pay for the finest Kobe beef...

Posted by michael strangeways | May 28, 2008 9:18 AM

@13 Bob, there is plenty of scientific evidence - it just doesn't stop the right from spouting the "every child needs a mother and a father" line.

Want evidence?
I just typed longitudinal children gay parents into Google scholar and 13,400 hits popped up. The first of which was: Patterson, C. J. (2006). Children of Lesbian and Gay

Posted by clarity | May 28, 2008 9:26 PM

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