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Spellcheck. Wuvz.

Posted by Mr. Poe | April 16, 2008 11:59 AM

Everybody says it's not the dog, it's the owner, that pitbulls can be very sweet and gentle in the right hands. Okay, but the question is, why bother, when there are perfectly good labs and pugs and chihuahuas hanging around, waiting to be adopted? Why risk it?

Not that I haven't seen some really, really vicious chichuahuas in my day, but still.

Posted by Wendy | April 16, 2008 12:08 PM

Ok, we get it. Get over yourself.

Posted by Tired of it | April 16, 2008 12:09 PM

And she'll no doubt scream bloody murder when her precious little dogs are euthanized for being vicious.

Posted by Fifty-Two-Eighty | April 16, 2008 12:11 PM

Spokanimal is a humane society in Spokane. Clever, huh?

#2, chihuahuas are all talk.

Posted by w7ngman | April 16, 2008 12:20 PM

All dogs will bite you if you try to break up a fight without knowing how to do it properly.

Pit Bulls, require special training to handle, as do all other breeds of dog. But since Pits are stronger and more powerful than most other dogs, that training is even more important.

Sadly, all too many people argue for extremes, like saying they should be "boiled alive and fed to their owners" and are then rightly dismissed by most people as hysterics.

Whereas if you voiced your very valid concerns in a more rational way, something might actually get done about making sure only people who are qualified to have these dogs have them.

Until then, carry on.......

Posted by MO | April 16, 2008 12:24 PM

@6: Rational? You know you're on Slog right?

Posted by Jerod | April 16, 2008 12:40 PM

i don't know, MO, pit bulls are dangerous. i rather have them banned until someone can figure out a way -- if a way exists at all -- to allow licensed owners to have them as pets.

as hyperbolic as dan is being, each time he posts these pit bull articles, people defend the breed and owners to no end. until the problem is acknowledged, i'm with dan. until people say, yes, pit bulls can be more dangerous... yes, pit bulls require more training... yes, pit bulls sometimes unexpected snap... etc...

what we get is: "pit bulls are like every dog!" "that's probably not even a pit bull, do you know how often the breed is misidentified?" "pit bulls (for some unknown reason) just happen to attract bad owners!" and my personal favorite, "would you judge all (insert human minority here) based on the actions of a few people?"

Posted by infrequent | April 16, 2008 12:42 PM

Well, Spokane...what can you expect. I think some of the freaks there would actually have sex with pit bulls....

Posted by Andrew | April 16, 2008 12:45 PM

Other Spokane fun: there's a candy store called Spokandy and a mandolin orchestra (!) called -- wait for it -- Spokandolin. Seeing as I grew up there, I really wish I were joking.

Posted by Chris Jensen | April 16, 2008 12:56 PM

I don't even own dogs, and I know not to get in the middle of a fight unless I want to get attacked. What an idiot.

Posted by Emily | April 16, 2008 1:01 PM

All dogs are potentially dangerous, just as all people are potentially dangerous. A chihuahua that has never been aggressive towards anyone could easily bite someone's face off when that someone shoves their face in the cute little dog's face (as they often do). And any person you know who has never so much as yelled in anger could pick up a gun at any time and shoot someone in the face.

Posted by Bella | April 16, 2008 1:06 PM

I've met at total of ONE person who has properly trained a pit bull.

The amount of time and energy he devoted, and the number of resources he consulted in order to make sure he was going about it right, was more than most dog owners would be able to devote to training.

In the end, however, he trained the most well-behaved dog I've ever met, and that includes seeing-eye dogs and police dogs. He broke up a fight between his pit bull and another dog with a verbal command. Literally, he yelled "Kayla! Stop!" and she backed down.

You can train a pit bull. But it takes an extraordinary amount of time and effort that most people cannot or will not commit to.

Posted by Hernandez | April 16, 2008 1:15 PM

@12 i know! totally! and it's not like we have special rules about guns or anything! and i'd rather get attacked by a pit bull then by a chihuahua any day!

Posted by infrequent | April 16, 2008 1:22 PM

Aw, Dan. You're makin' me sad...

Posted by iwanttobealion | April 16, 2008 1:35 PM

Hell, you shouldn't even try to break up cat fights (yes, actual cats), much less dog fights. So this tells us what exactly? That it's dangerous to get in the middle of a dog fight?

Posted by Jay | April 16, 2008 1:41 PM

Does anyone know the median income (or political leanings) of pit-bull owning families? (Has this been previously discussed?) Why is it that every pit-bull story seems to come out of a Spokane-like city (Moline, Salem, et al.)?

Incidentally, Obama forgot to mention that poor people also "cling" to their pit-bulls.

The problem is, all of these DS awareness-raising campaigns (fat-ness, every child deserves..., pit bulls) prod me not toward bigger government, but to fascism. I'm very, very tired of stupid people.

Posted by el | April 16, 2008 1:42 PM

Regulating pit bulls?
Having the GOVERNMENT come in and solve problems?
I'm more optomistic in a war on drugs than a war on pit bulls.

Sounds so elitist, Dan it really is almost enough to turn me republican ...

Please love the dog breeding to the professional nazis Dan and not the journalists who talk out of their ass.

Posted by OR Matt | April 16, 2008 2:11 PM

Yeah, infrequent, 'cause those gun laws really stopped (insert name of school shooter of your choice here) from shooting anyone.
And like it matters when you are getting bitten in the face who is doing it when you lose an eye.

Don't be so defensive, I'm not arguing for the case of pit bulls in this case.
I am sort of thinking it was kinda dumb for that woman to try to bust up a pit bull fight though. And my only other point is that all living animals can be unpredictable. All dogs, people, ponies, bunnies, etc. Some just have more effective weapons at their disposal than others.

Posted by Bella | April 16, 2008 2:13 PM


Breaking up cat fights is fun ... especially when you get the blue stripe of death running up your arm.

Posted by OR Matt | April 16, 2008 2:15 PM


That's no big deal. Just throw a pillow at them.

Posted by keshmeshi | April 16, 2008 2:37 PM

The owner did not have a Break Stick. Too bad for her! Responsible pit bull owners are always supposed to have a Break Stick on hand in case their dog gets into a fight (a device used to pry open a pit bull's jaw).

Learn More About Pit Bull Owners

Posted by trigger | April 16, 2008 3:54 PM

@ 11 & 16 - I once broke up a fight between two adult male Akitas, and I didn't so much as break a nail.. Yeah, that's right - I'm a GIRL and I stopped a king-hell dogfight between two giant Akitas by wading into the middle of them, yelling in my deepest voice, waving my arms around, and body-checking those bad boys away from one another. It was a rush and I wasn't even afraid!

Would I do the same with pit bulls? Not just no - HELL NO.

Posted by merry | April 16, 2008 4:11 PM

@22, I see your comment about Break Sticks and think it must be something like "responsible drivers of the Pinto should carry a fire extinguisher at all times." Doesn't exactly engender faith in the dog/car.

Posted by Emily | April 16, 2008 4:57 PM

#9, Seattleites are no different except they are more likely to be catchers and Spokanites pitchers. You have a lot more bitches here.

Posted by Bob | April 16, 2008 5:03 PM

So Dan, if I were to post lots of news stories about black people committing crimes on my blog, would that prove that all black people were irredeemable criminals? Or would it prove that I scour the internets for stories supporting a dubious thesis?

The more attention these pit bull stories get, the more similar stories will appear. Trust me, lots of other dogs bite people: statistically, pit bulls are no more likely to bite than most any breed. It's just that pit attacks are in news vogue right now.

Another example:

Every year the gay pride parades feature hundreds--thousands!--of gay & lesbian folks standing up for their freedom of lifestyle choice. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, what have you. But who gets his picture in the paper the next morning? The 64-yr-old dude wearing nothing but a rainbow wig, jock strap and roller blades. Is he a reasonable representative for the entire population of homofolks? Sometimes you can't judge an entire group by the stories you see on the news that purport to pigeonhole their behavior.

Posted by eric | April 16, 2008 5:48 PM

eric, how nice of you to equate pit bulls to gays!

two things:

1) for numerous reasons, breeds of dogs are not like races of people.

2) there are more attacks by pit bulls resulting in a maiming or death.

Posted by infrequent | April 16, 2008 6:00 PM

Here's a warning...if anyone compares pitbulls and black people again on this board, I'm voting for McCain. I've never taken an entitlement in my life, and I despise people who feel they have the right to use black people as a human shield for every goddamn cause they have. I especially chafe at hearing blacks compared to dogs. Use your own fucking identity--it's *your* cause.

Posted by blackjewishguy | April 16, 2008 6:18 PM

Blackjewishguy .... i'm considering voting republican because people not because people are comparing pit bulls to black people so much as it's an unnessary, expensive intrussiion peoples lives. It's impossible to regulate ... and I'm sorry to say ... it's elitist.

And most journalists cry pit bull all the time for the sake of sensationalism, and people "assume" dog breeding is an exact science.

Where the hell are these puppy mills that provide these pit bulls? Do people go to the mall pet store and buy pit bulls?

Better luck trying to regulate Spears children.

Posted by OR Matt | April 17, 2008 1:05 PM

That's right, SPOKANIMAL.

And if you switched the names of Spokane and Seattle, you bet some rancher would rename his place "Seacattle".

Because that's just how awesome the Kan and its pun loving denizens are.

Posted by k | April 17, 2008 2:31 PM

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