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Either that or their daughters have learned to look beyond race and gender when picking the most qualified candidate.

And maybe the daughters are embarrassed about how their mom's cross to the other side of the street whenever there's a young black man standing on the sidewalk.

Posted by Curmudgeon | March 10, 2008 1:00 PM
TV networks dump their older anchorwomen off the air.
Last time I checked, Meredith Veira and Katy Couric weren't spring chickens...

You may resume martyrdom now.

Posted by UNPAID BLOGGER | March 10, 2008 1:01 PM

Hillary is a hero for marrying the right man to get ahead? Heroic role of wife FTW!

Posted by Bellevue Ave | March 10, 2008 1:06 PM

Being a well-off professional woman in the modern-day US = being black in the pre-Civil Rights Act south. Go figure.

That ECB would see nothing questionable about that analogy is, sadly, entirely unsurprising.

Posted by tsm | March 10, 2008 1:07 PM

Since when has it been “heroic” to leverage a marriage to a philandering ex-president into a political carrier by carpet bagging a Senate seat away from a woman who earned it by virtue of her own merits?


Have you SEEN Barbra Walters lately?!?....

Posted by You_Gotta_Be_Kidding_Me | March 10, 2008 1:08 PM

it sucks that there still is a glass ceiling. it sucks that part of the criticism directed at hillary clinton has been rooted in sexism. that still doesn't change the fact that, when she was faced with the most important decision of her political career, hillary clinton voted to authorize military force in iraq.

Posted by jon c | March 10, 2008 1:09 PM

How about a shout-out to our most "trusted and respected" local news anchor Jean Enersen.

Posted by Curmudgeon | March 10, 2008 1:14 PM

@2: Unpaid you forgot our local Jean Enerson. Her ability to wear clothes in colors like PINK! and YELLOW! will mean she'll be around for a long time to come.

That being said, Jeff Renner is not the same since shaving his moustache.

Posted by Dave Coffman | March 10, 2008 1:14 PM

ECB I hope you posted that ironically. Seeing as it's completely sexist and all.

Posted by John | March 10, 2008 1:15 PM
Posted by cbc | March 10, 2008 1:19 PM

So is this really all about feeling like a neglected marketing demographic? And that if we put older women in shampoo ads, they'll stop feeling the need to support warmongers for president?

Posted by sad. very sad. | March 10, 2008 1:20 PM

Isn't Tina as old as the Crypt Keeper?

Sorry, I'm busy listening to an Obama reggaeton song right now. Viva Obama!

Posted by Will in Seattle | March 10, 2008 1:20 PM

Tina Brown was the worst editor in my lifetime at The New Yorker. Her reign brought an unwelcome tone to my all-time favorite publication -- it was glossy, gossipy, and glitzy in all the wrong ways. It is the only time in nearly 20 years that I considered unsubscribing.

Her opinion is garbage.

Posted by kerri harrop | March 10, 2008 1:25 PM

@1: Think you've got a point. I continually experience this even when I'm wearing a suit.

Posted by Fitz | March 10, 2008 1:26 PM

Not making star appearances in the highly sexualized world of advertising and TV anchordom doesn't really mean anything in the real world. Are older women ignored in the social sphere? Yes, but you can't tell from these inane examples. After all, Hollywood ignores EVERYONE real, bar a few vomiting teens and posturing empty suits (largely but certainly not entirely male).

Posted by Fnarf | March 10, 2008 1:33 PM

So it couldn't possibly be that younger female Obama supporters actually think that he's objectively the better candidate?

I don't know much about Tina Brown, but I think it's shitty to assume that every young woman who supports Obama has merely been "swept up by Barack magic" and thus couldn't have reached their decision by any kind of rational means. Talk about demeaning to young women.

Posted by Hernandez | March 10, 2008 1:34 PM

Hernandez, Obama supporters are cult members driven only by blind worship of their Dear Leader. Everyone knows that.

Posted by tsm | March 10, 2008 1:36 PM

I really can't stomach any complaint from a boomer about neglect or not having their time in the sun.

I share some sadness that either the first viable woman candidate or first viable African American candidate will not be successful...but Hillary's hardly been relegated to the sidelines because she's too old.

Posted by bohica | March 10, 2008 1:39 PM

I always find it ironic that Clinton supporters hurl accusations of "sexist" at anyone questioning Clinton's character, yet there is no similar outcry against recent articles popping up about whether Obama is "man enough"/"tough enough" to be president.

Also, Hollywood claims that everyone in my demographic is stick-skinny, blonde, and perfectly toned after childbirth with only a few hours a day of exercise a day for a month or two! (I'm 22.) We probably shouldn't be setting Hollywood as the standard of what is reality.

Posted by Marty | March 10, 2008 1:44 PM

The same women ignored and marginalized older women in their day, now they whine about how nobody pays attention to them.

They hold up as their standard the focused-grouped-to-death Mrs. Clinton, who seems incapable of saying anything sincere in front of a microphone, who holds all the excitement and interest of a corporate spokesperson, and who represents more than any other candidate, the status quo.

No wonder the young ladies aren't interested.

Posted by catalina vel-duray | March 10, 2008 1:51 PM

woah, well put catalina. you too, fnarf.

i understand why this is agonizing. it's pretty lame that when sexism has finally dipped low enough that we can have a female candidate that there happens to be another outstanding candidate. clinton won't be the last, of course. but it is long overdue that we had a female president.

Posted by infrequent | March 10, 2008 2:12 PM

Fact is people like youth. Wow. News flash. They associate it with life. Something people like even better than youth. Unfortunately a post menopausal woman is the least youthful thing going because she is the thing furthest removed from life (as in the ability to create it) and thus largely ignored. Her male contemporary may not be a flowing fountainhead of life, but, generally speaking, if he can get his seed into something it can cleave to (wealth, power and Viagra all help here) he’s still capable of causing life to spring forth. With a woman though, generally speaking, once she’s done, she’s done, and no number of misguided young studs are going to be able to undo her. It’s cruel, (even un-fair) but true.

Posted by You_Gotta_Be_Kidding_Me | March 10, 2008 2:18 PM

what a dumbass article from a dumbass "journalist".

The most powerful woman on the planet is a fiftysomething black woman living in Chicago.

And once she gets Obama elected, watch her pull the strings, a la Dick Cheney.

Posted by michael strangeways | March 10, 2008 2:36 PM

The same Tina Brown with a forthcoming book on Hillary that won't sell much once she is roadkill?

Posted by banjoboy | March 10, 2008 2:37 PM

Boomer bullshit. All the work was done by the boomer's parents. All boomers did was reap the benefits and claim they owned it.

Posted by Sirkowski | March 10, 2008 2:51 PM

I miss Tina Brown at the New Yorker.

Of all the insanely rabid responses to an ECB and/or HRC post, this is the only one that actually saddens me. Part of me will be really, really glad when the nom gets decided and otherwise compassionate people stop being such INCREDIBLE ASSHOLES on the Slog.

Posted by Big Sven | March 10, 2008 2:56 PM

Does ECB actually write anything or does she just post links to things that annoy/anger her?

Dang I would like to have her job. I could do this all day.

Waaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaa...

Posted by RichardZ | March 10, 2008 3:12 PM

White in Seattle @12, if you're refering to that Viva Obama video, I can assure you, it is certainly certainly not reggaeton

Posted by johnnie | March 10, 2008 3:36 PM

@28- ha. No, he has TWO vids. One is reggaeton, that's Osama se llama, the other is Viva Obama (which is in Spanglish, so you gringos can comprende).

There's an article on them in the print edition (front page of a section) in the WSJ today.

Posted by Will in Seattle | March 10, 2008 4:41 PM

(lol at myself for typing Osama, must have been my ex-Clinton self "surging" there)

Posted by Will in apologia Seattle | March 10, 2008 4:43 PM

The thesis of Erica's post is bullshit. Boomer women enjoy longer careers as sex symbols than any previous generation in history: Susan Sarandon, Sharon Stone, Sigourney Weaver, Helen Mirren and so on. And plenty of them are playing powerful women with younger eye-candy male partners, like Dana Delany, a Boomer in her 50s, whose TV husband on Desperate Housewives is Nathan Fillion, 15 years her junior. And the generation before that -- the late boomers and early x-ers -- have an even longer shelf-life. Remember "40 is the new 30"?

Boomer women are just playing the old Boomer "we're the most important people in the history of the world" card in a different hand. The sooner that generation retires and lets younger people into the job market, the sooner we can start cleaning up their mess. But in spite of having had the benefits of free college and an inherited pool of wealth from their entitlement-seeking parents (GI bill and so on), Boomers can't shut up about how hard they have it.

Fuck 'em.

Posted by Judah | March 10, 2008 5:13 PM

If my parents where annoying blowhards, I'd ignore them too.

Posted by Greg | March 10, 2008 5:40 PM

Jean Enersen will know her star is eclipsed when Nordstrom starts hauling her in for her little habit.

Posted by NapoleonXIV | March 10, 2008 5:55 PM

Bang on for myself and my mom.

Posted by Kiru Banzai | March 10, 2008 7:23 PM

Right on! Because white women have had it so much harder than black men in this country. ECB is consistently embarassing. That's why I keep coming back. Keep it up!

Posted by Phoebe | March 10, 2008 8:39 PM

Excellent point, Phoebe. I'd like ECB to compare these two lists, then tell me which group had it harder.........
Group A
Rebecca Latimer Felton Georgia 1922 1922 Democrat....
Hattie Wyatt Caraway Arkansas 1931 1945 Democrat....
Rose McConnell Long Louisiana 1935 1937 Democrat....
Dixie Bibb Graves Alabama 1937 1938 Democrat...
Gladys Pyle South Dakota 1938 1939 Republican...
Vera Calahan Bushfield South Dakota 1948 1948 Republican...
Margaret Chase Smith Maine 1949 1973 Republican...
Eva Kelly Bowring Nebraska 1954 1954 Republican...
Hazel Hempel Abel Nebraska 1954 1954 Republican...
Maurine Brown Neuberger Oregon 1960 1967 Democrat...
Elaine Edwards Louisiana 1972 1972 Democrat...
Muriel Humphrey Minnesota 1978 1978 Democrat...
Maryon Pittman Allen Alabama 1978 1978 Democrat...
Nancy Kassebaum Kansas 1978 1997 Republican...
Paula Hawkins Florida 1981 1987 Republican...
Barbara Mikulski Maryland 1987 Present Democrat...
Jocelyn Burdick North Dakota 1992 1992 Democrat...
Dianne Feinstein California 1992 Present Democrat...
Barbara Boxer California 1993 Present Democrat...
Carol Moseley Braun Illinois 1993 1999 Democrat...
Patty Murray Washington 1993 Present Democrat...
Kay Bailey Hutchison Texas 1993 Present Republican...
Olympia Snowe Maine 1995 Present Republican...
Sheila Frahm Kansas 1996 1996 Republican...
Susan Collins Maine 1997 Present Republican...
Mary Landrieu Louisiana 1997 Present Democrat...
Blanche Lincoln Arkansas 1999 Present Democrat...
Maria Cantwell Washington 2001 Present Democrat...
Jean Carnahan Missouri 2001 2002 Democrat...
Hillary Rodham Clinton New York 2001 Present Democrat...
Debbie Stabenow Michigan 2001 Present Democrat...
Lisa Murkowski Alaska 2002 Present Republican...
Elizabeth Dole North Carolina 2003 Present Republican...
Amy Klobuchar Minnesota 2007 Present Democrat...
Claire McCaskill Missouri 2007 Present Democrat...
Group B..............................
Hiram Rhodes Revels Mississippi 1870 1871 Republican...

Blanche Bruce Mississippi 1875 1881 Republican...

Edward Brooke Massachusetts 1967 1979 Republican...

Carol Moseley Braun Illinois 1993 1999 Democrat ...

Barack Obama Illinois 2005 Present Democrat

Posted by affirmative action 4 chix | March 10, 2008 9:27 PM

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