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The two-year long presidential campaign and the 24/7 focus on soap-opera bullshit like this leads me, in my darker moments, to feel like we actually get the government we deserve. Because, seriously, what does all this stuff have to do with anything?

BTW, any updates on the Spitzer scandal?

Posted by flamingbanjo | March 20, 2008 1:21 PM

While I would agree that this is in the realm of salacious detail, the overall issue of the drama the Clintons subjected us all to with their "marriage" the first time around is a legit consideration in this campaign.

Posted by Trey | March 20, 2008 1:24 PM

Oh my, you mean salacious details sell newspapers and attract eyeballs and clicks on-line? Say it isn't so, ECB! (Surely, The Stranger wouldn't know anything about this practice.)

Okay, now instead, let's talk about Hillary not having a security clearance and debate her "foreign policy" experience--while everyone else is looking for blueprints of the building to see what room Monica and Bill were in and what room Hillary was in.

Posted by Andy Niable | March 20, 2008 1:25 PM

oh, this is unbelievably stupid. i guess some people did want to take that focus. i hope most people are above it. stupid.

Posted by infrequent | March 20, 2008 1:26 PM

did you really think that with hillary in the running, we could get around this story coming back again? a president getting a blowjob from an intern in the oval office? that's media motherfucking GOLD, my friend.

expect to see the blue dress making the morning talk show rounds in the coming weeks. that is if it hasn't been enshrined in the smithsonian already.

Posted by brandon | March 20, 2008 1:28 PM

i don't care about the blue dress, i don't want to know about the blue dress, and i don't want other people talking about it. it's a non-issue, a salacious prop.

Posted by infrequent | March 20, 2008 1:32 PM

Me, I'm just shocked she ran the NAFTA meetings.

And then lied about "not supporting" NAFTA.

But you dig up your own scandals if you want to.

Posted by Will in Seattle | March 20, 2008 1:33 PM

I'm confused -- isn't this the same blog that's been covering adulterous Governors and toe-tapping Senators for months?

Posted by just sayin | March 20, 2008 1:36 PM

You know, I have to admit that this is a big part of the reason why I don't want Hillary as president. I don't want Monica Lewinsky to hit the talk-show circuit, I don't want Kenneth Starr to write a best-selling book, or Whitewater back in the news, and all the other Clinton bullshit baggage back in my life. I realize that this is not based on Hillary's experience, or ability, or her qualifications. But honestly, on a gut-level feeling, I don't want any of this back in the national spotlight. So, so sick of it all. No more, please.

Posted by JC | March 20, 2008 1:36 PM

@1: Only thing new so far is that Dupre won't do a Girls Gone Wild video for Joe Francis, because she already did:

Posted by ECB | March 20, 2008 1:37 PM

You really ought to be working for her campaign, because this is a professional smear job. You're suggesting that talking about Bill's semen stain is equivalent to a solid, serious article about her professional experience. Nice one!

The panty-sniffing is indeed stupid, but the papers released by the judge tell a serious story: Clinton is as obsessed with secrecy as Bush is, deliberately not writing anything down, by her own admission, and blocking any attempt to discover what she was thinking or doing, then or now. The sentence "But it seems doubtful that the schedules made public Wednesday will satisfy those who complain that Clinton touts her experience in her husband's White House, yet refuses to offer details about her precise role." That's not quite what you accused it of in your piece, is it?

Your customary howl of oppression and neglect at the mere mention of "women and children" reveals nothing about whether Clinton's focus on those issues differed in any substantive way from, say, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush, Laura Bush, Rosalyn Carter, Betty Ford, Pat Nixon, ad infinitum. Did she, as she claims, have a significant role in Presidential matters? If so, prove it. She's shown nothing of the kind so far.

And we're still waiting for those tax returns.

Posted by Fnarf | March 20, 2008 1:40 PM

Who cares about her schedule? Where does her money come from?

Posted by Clint | March 20, 2008 1:47 PM

i just wish the fools didn't bring up the lewinski thing so it wouldn't be muddled. there are issues that should be looked at. and it shows further that people are using the lewinski affair against hillary clinton. it's old news, like mccain cheating on his former wife...

Posted by infrequent | March 20, 2008 1:47 PM

(Still waiting for your post on Hillary's lack of a security clearance, ECB.) *tapping my foot, and I'm not in an airport restroom*

Posted by Andy Niable | March 20, 2008 1:56 PM

Poor, poor, Hillary. How *does* she get through each day? It must be so terribly difficult for her. She's hardly finished flinging poo around and then people start bringing up her past and looking through her (half-redacted) records that show she's been lying about her so-called experience. Clinton fatigue? I have it already.

Posted by Michigan Matt (soon to be Balt-o-matt) | March 20, 2008 1:56 PM


i have to admit here that i have been mostly rolling my eyes thru your posts. sorry. but on this point, i absolutely agree with you, i felt the exact same way when i saw this article.

there are reasons a-plenty why hrc shouldn't be president (and i'm a woman saying this), this is article was nothing more than pandering to people's desires for sex-related material. save it for peyton place.

Posted by alm | March 20, 2008 1:58 PM

(and clapping at Fnarf's great comment at #11)

Posted by Andy Niable | March 20, 2008 2:01 PM

I'm no Hillary fan, but SRSLY, people. Who gives a shit? And why do people keep bringing up Monica? I, for one, would be quite happy if I never had to think about Bill Clinton and fellatio ever again. Don't they have better things to investigate? Like, anything that doesn't involve WJC's penis?

Posted by Morgan | March 20, 2008 2:12 PM

This is total news, about... BILL Clinton. Just because she's running for the nomination, news about BILL Clinton should be buried?!?

Now, if they would actually report the news that'd be great.

Posted by ho' know | March 20, 2008 2:14 PM

How much more does Hillary have to prove to you? It's crystal clear that if you already suffer from Clinton fatigue, then NOTHING will make a difference in how you feel about her.

Her tax returns, her daily diary, her interior moods and thoughts - whenever or if ever these are revealed will make not a whit of difference to you.

You have already dismissed her, so STFU. You're on a merry-go-round of constant repetition and regurgitation. Please find a new amusement park ride. Come on a new dress.

There is as little chance on this Slog of anyone having sufficient influence or suasion to change minds as there is for the invention of a light switch that will extinguish the innocent gayness of Mister Poe.

Posted by RHETT ORACLE | March 20, 2008 2:15 PM

I just realized: Republicans obsess about Bill and Monica for the same reason that cuckold-closet-cases write to Dear Abby.

That is really skeezy.

Posted by Morgan | March 20, 2008 2:15 PM

Why does Obama keep getting his surrogates at the MSM to bring up Lewinskigate?

Just kidding. I couldn't bring myself to even joke about such a thing with a straight face. Unlike all the Obama supporters who assume that every piece of bad news about their candidate comes from Clinton HQ.

Posted by Big Sven | March 20, 2008 2:15 PM

Com'mon -- get real for a minute here, Erica!

You don't think the Republicans will bring all this up in the general election? You don't think they'll run "blue dress" ads if she's the candidate? You don't think they'll ask what phone she was busy answering at 3:00 AM while her husband was getting blown by a younger woman in a closet at the same house?

Get real! Even YOU can't be that clueless!!!

This is part of the baggage she brings with her to the candidacy and as such is an issue as equally valid to raise as that of Obama's pastor and his words.

(Which you didn't have any moral troubles with reporting, as I remember.)

Grow up. She's a flawed candidate -- fucking deal with it already.

Posted by Timrrr | March 20, 2008 2:21 PM

I just figure if a few things that Obama's former pastor said when he wasn't in church matters (and Hillary's participation in incredibly conservative Bible study circles in DC doesn't) then perhaps where Hillary was when Bill was doing the thing that he committed perjury about as a sitting president might matter, too.

MM (stbBoM)

Posted by Michigan Matt (soon to be Balt-o-matt) | March 20, 2008 2:22 PM

"just kidding". ha, sven! no you aren't! are you trying to make a point.

Posted by infrequent | March 20, 2008 2:24 PM

You completely mischaracterize the LA Time article, which says there is little evidence Clinton is best prepared to become president because the records are “rife with omissions, terse references and redactions that obscure many of her activities and the identities of those she saw.”

This is not Hillary-bashing, and in no way related to salacious nonsense. It’s a statement that there’s little in the records that supports her principal campaign theme of “experience.”

Unless of course anything less than hagiography qualifies as Hillary-bashing, which appears to be the point.

And yes, let’s all admit she does have experience at health care reform. She bungled that one as badly as Bush bungled Iraq.

Posted by BB | March 20, 2008 2:24 PM

@24 - Yes, but it doesn't (matter) unless you insist. Does it matter that while Harry made the decision to drop the A-bomb on Hiroshima, Bess was making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for Margaret? For Christ's sake...

Posted by RHETT ORACLE | March 20, 2008 2:28 PM

Hillary Clinton is such a role model: stick with your man girls, and you too might be able to have his old job when he's all done with it!!! FEMINISM!

Posted by AMyK | March 20, 2008 2:37 PM

@27--My point was that both things (where Hillary was and what Wright said) are stupid and don't really matter.

Posted by Michigan Matt (soon to be Balt-o-matt) | March 20, 2008 2:39 PM

Maybe they just wanted to get the juicy details on her trip with Sinbad.

Posted by heywhatsit | March 20, 2008 2:49 PM

infrequent@25 has grown wise to my rhetorical tricks. Damn.

Posted by Big Sven | March 20, 2008 2:59 PM

I was bored with this crap the first time years ago. god, my sex life is better than Bill Clintons. maybe that is why I find it so banal and boring.

Hilary seems to be a good mommy, or is Chelsea mal adjusted and it doesn't show.

Posted by Marty | March 20, 2008 3:05 PM

SOMEBODY PLZ bang some whores STAT, or I AM GOING CRAZY.

Posted by nbc | March 20, 2008 3:10 PM

As co-president (remember, we got “two for the price of one” with Bubba…) wouldn’t she have been co-blowey? (Especially if it happened in “their” office and she was in the building at the time?)

And hey, what ever happened to all the twofer talk anyway?...

Why isn’t she stepping up and offering to share the spouse like Bubba did?

Posted by You_Gotta_Be_Kidding_Me | March 20, 2008 3:35 PM

Surely everyone expected these sick stories. Your posting it doesn't exactly make it go away.

Posted by Move on already! | March 20, 2008 3:58 PM

I see your tactic is working, Erica. Most of the commenters here think your post was about the blue dress, when it was actually trying to cover up the LA Times article. Nice going.

Big Sven asks, Why does Obama keep getting his surrogates at the MSM to bring up Lewinskigate? but a better question would be, isn't it Clinton supporters like Erica here who keep bringing up Lewinskigate in order to deflect attention away from serious questions about H. Clinton's qualifications?

Read the article. That's the story here. Nobody gives a shit about the blue dress. That's a smokescreen.

Posted by Fnarf | March 20, 2008 4:31 PM

it seems her husband getting a hummer from an intern is the best thing that ever happened to her. funny how that works.

as it turns out, she was actually at *REDACTED when she claims she was *REDACTED and *REDACTED her *REDACTED while her husband was *REDACTED and cleaned the mess up afterward up with her dress.

Posted by brandon | March 20, 2008 4:46 PM

How come no mainstream media updates on gay prostitute Jeff Gannon's rumored overnights at the Bush White House? Or would those rank with the Reagan and Bush I records files that Bush II got away with ordering forever sealed and off limits to the press and public?

Posted by Smarm | March 20, 2008 4:46 PM

I'm relieved to see that the MSM is maintaining their high level of intellectual rigor while reporting on Sen. Clinton.

Posted by Medicine Man | March 20, 2008 5:48 PM

...still talking about this again.

I like it.

Posted by umvue | March 20, 2008 5:53 PM

Actually I think every time the press brings up Monica, Hillary's numbers go up.

Posted by LMSW | March 20, 2008 6:39 PM

To all of the

A) Hillary supporters who think the MSM (so-called) is in the tank for Obama AND

B)Obama supporters who think the MSM (so-called) is in the tank for Hillary

You're both wrong - it's actually in the tank for McCain.

Please conduct yourselves accordingly.

(and that said, the original story cited was unusually reprehensible - even by the so-called standards of the so-called MSM)

Posted by Mr. X | March 20, 2008 7:02 PM

You're lecturing someone in the media about class?

Do you have such a cognitive disconnect that you do not consider yourself part of the media? Or is it that you consider yourself classy? Or maybe you don't mind being a hypocrite?

Posted by w7ngman | March 20, 2008 7:16 PM

Hey! Or maybe we never got the whole story...

Imagine Monica & Hillary tag-teaming the Pres.? Talk about being in the White House at the same time.

Posted by KeeKee | March 20, 2008 8:02 PM

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