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Heh, this will all end like Million Dollar Baby.

Posted by Mr. Poe | March 3, 2008 12:31 PM

Thank god someone is waking up to reality!

Posted by hill fan | March 3, 2008 12:32 PM


So, is she going to win both Texas and Ohio by the 20 to 25 point lead she needs to have a chance at winning the national convention?

Because anything else is ... well ... not a win.

Just ask Huckabee.

Posted by Will in Seattle | March 3, 2008 12:32 PM

YEAH!!! We will get to loose another election to the GOP in November !!! RIGHT ON!!!

Honestly, don't we all want to watch us drain all of our money into Iraq for the next 100 years? I personally am THRILLED to live in a nation as it transitions to a second rate power!!

Posted by Andrew | March 3, 2008 12:34 PM

Right on, Will @ 3. She can win the states, but not the race.

Posted by Ziggity | March 3, 2008 12:36 PM

The reason politicians play dirty is because it often works. She has stepped up her dirty tactics and sadly it is working. It's one thing to play dirty with the Republicans, but within your own party, have some class.

Posted by Suz | March 3, 2008 12:42 PM

I am almost willing to bet serious money on the fact that if hillary wins the nomination, one of two things will happen:

1) She is in for a single term. She will leave and no liberal cause (health care, investing in America) will have taken root. The issues in 2012 will be exactly the same as in 2008.

2) More likely, McCain wins.

Honestly? After seeing the people she associates with, I say let the republicans clean up their own mess... Mark Penn scares me.

The people who vote for hillary seem to think that as long as her policy positions are exactly aligned with their own, she is "the best canidate". I've got news for them... policy papers are useless until you get them through the house and senate.

Democrats have long elected presidents based on policy not leadership... this is a mistake. Republicans never sell policy, they sell leadership. Obama is the first in a long time that is a democrat and understands this fact. He sells leadership.

It is almost like democrats are scared to win so they vote hillary.

Posted by crk on bellevue ave | March 3, 2008 12:45 PM

ohio has its head up its ass.

this is a fact.

Posted by max solomon | March 3, 2008 12:47 PM

@8: Well, I guess TX does too! ...Well, since WA is a safe state, I can sit home in Nov.

Posted by Fitz | March 3, 2008 12:51 PM

@2 This notion that Hillary supporters vote on issues and Obama supporters are just drawn into personality is offensive, simple minded bullshit. You know, there are actually people out there that don't want a democrat that will vote to invade Iraq, vote TWICE for the patriot act, and try to push through the same Health care plan that failed passing before and was previously unpopular with most Democrats.

Posted by Todd | March 3, 2008 12:53 PM

#7: The last Democrat to sell leadership was Clinton. Bill Clinton, the man from Hope. He and his team were big policy wonks (remember that term?), too, but he sold youth and leadership as well, and he beat out the uninspiring but experienced Tsongas. My point is, I disagree that Democrats have a history of focusing on policy over leadership. You can and should have both. Obama has leadership (at least he's good at leading pep rallies), but that's not enough for me.

Posted by Mason | March 3, 2008 12:58 PM

@7 I don't get this one dimensional thinking, somehow because Obama has good speeches means he must not have any substance with policy? I guess he couldn't possibly have both because that would require a while other dimension in character. Apparently you've seen one too many sitcoms to get beyond that.

Also, you forgot another important attribute - good judgement, which Hillary does not have.

I think Hillary's campaign is the one focusing so much on personality and her supporters are buying it.

Posted by Todd | March 3, 2008 1:15 PM


i meant IN GENERAL. but you're right; Texas has its head up its ass IN GENERAL, too.

i just jump on Ohio cuz i was borned thar.

Posted by max solomon | March 3, 2008 1:15 PM

Obama isn't good because them darn young kids like him.

She focuses on personality as well. The problem is, for many it comes off as calculated and fake.

For me, she jumped the shark after the last debate. You want a president who whines about media bias? Could you imagine if Bush started to whine about "all the reporters hate me and never talk about my good side"? Part of being president is taking the media in stride... whining about them is the ultimate cop out.

Ick Ick Ick.

Posted by crk on bellevue ave | March 3, 2008 1:19 PM

Sadly @7 is right.

Posted by Will in Seattle | March 3, 2008 1:21 PM

@12 - I meant to direct that @11, not 7. Confused? I am.

Posted by Todd | March 3, 2008 1:26 PM

@7, you're correct. However, if my family in Ohio and Florida is any indication, she will carry the black vote (90%). The problem is that the turnout among blacks will be EXTREMELY low. I guess it doesn't matter though, because she has the Hispanic vote locked up.

Posted by Fitz | March 3, 2008 1:27 PM

#12 - I didn't say Obama isn't good on policy because he's good at speeches. I said he isn't good on policy and he's good at speeches. Big difference, and, I think, the latter is a fair argument even if you don't agree with it.

And I agree with you that Hillary's campaign is focusing too much right now on personality and on going negative. I think she's by far the better candidate based on her experience, her knowledge of how to get things done in Washington and around the world, and her policy positions. But I have been saddened to see the tone she's taken since she's fallen behind. I still think she better qualified for the job, though.

Posted by Mason | March 3, 2008 1:48 PM

I have a hard time understanding how she is qualified. Her campaign has been a disaster. It is very common to bring on the people in your campaign onto your staff as president. Those same incompetent boobs* running her campaign will be running the nation!

You want somebody who whines about media bias running as president? What if Bush started to whine about how he never gets a good light in the media? "Waaah... the media always talks about Iraq and how stupid I look on TV but never about all my good stuff".

Seriously, what makes Hillary more qualified than Obama? I have a hard time understanding this argument.


Posted by crk on bellevue ave | March 3, 2008 1:54 PM

Speaking from here in Columbus, Ohio; of the ~25% of my friends and acquaintances that *were* planning on voting for HRC, ~15% have changed their minds. Just anecdotal of course, but I'm forecasting a slight Obama victory based on what I'm hearing.

Posted by amazonmidwife | March 3, 2008 3:10 PM

What? Is she back to her 20 point lead of three weeks ago?

Posted by NapoleonXIV | March 3, 2008 3:13 PM

@21 - I hear she'll win Vermont by 20 points, and Texas and Ohio by 25 to 30 points.

Posted by Will in Seattle | March 3, 2008 3:46 PM
Seriously, what makes Hillary more qualified than Obama? I have a hard time understanding this argument.

Why, she's more qualified because she's spend more time in public office. Er ... wait, no, never mind. OK, then, she's more qualified because she was First Lady. But did she play a part in the administration? Of course she did! Well, except concerning those things they did that you don't happen to like. She had nothing to do with those, of course - those were all Bill's. Just the good stuff - that was all her.

And finally, she's clearly qualified by her skill at running and directing a campaign team. She has assembled a group of the best and brightest to lead her to victory, building off of her name recognition and strong intiial lead in the polls - and has anyone done it better, I ask you?

Posted by tsm | March 3, 2008 4:46 PM

Wait, you forgot about her experience in designing unworkable health care plans and then griping when someone else comes up with a simpler and more workable system to provide national health care ...

Posted by Will in Seattle | March 3, 2008 5:15 PM

Hillary will stomp on McCain.

Posted by ant | March 3, 2008 9:30 PM

Yay! John McCain!

Posted by E | March 3, 2008 10:01 PM

It looks like Obama talks with fork-tongue on Nafta and the truth is coming out. Good thing its not too late for voters to change their mind.

Posted by Gilda Verdi | March 4, 2008 8:30 AM

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