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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Not Dead Yet

posted by on February 9 at 14:48 PM

Mike Huckabee crushed John McCain in Kansas today: 60% to 24%, with Ron Paul pulling 11%. Christ almighty! If Huckabee keeps wracking up delegates like this, it’s hard to see how a McCain/Huckabee ticket can be avoided…

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that fucker's winning in the bible belt, which by chance is also tornado alley. maybe we need to call on God to take away some of Fuckabee's flock with a F-5 tornado.

Posted by apres_moi | February 9, 2008 2:56 PM

Any word from the Republican caucuses in Seattle?

Posted by Cory | February 9, 2008 3:13 PM

A part of me wanted to caucus for Huckabee just because I think either Obama or (god forbid) Hillary would fucking KILL him in the general election...

HOWEVER, If somehow he managed to win the general election, I would be absolutely TERRIFIED. Certainly that would spell the beginning of the end of the world as we know it. (You know... With like... life on it and stuff)

Posted by Queen_of_Sleaze | February 9, 2008 3:15 PM

I think you meant "racking", not "wracking".

Posted by Pedant | February 9, 2008 3:29 PM

McCain/Huckabee = President Huckabee, as soon as McCain is officially declared dead

Posted by Peter F | February 9, 2008 3:37 PM

and further weakening the presumed nominee, McCain.

It's a secret ballot, and it also DOES effect the delegate selection (as they use 50% of primary results to allocate delegates).

Is this not a good alternate strategy for undermining the Republican strength?

Posted by Andy Niable | February 9, 2008 4:06 PM

let me try again--it only posted the second HALF of what i tried to post:

Dan--considering the clever thing you did when Craswell was in the primaries for governor (I still have the This American Life CD about it), I'm surprised you haven't encouraged all of us Democrats who've already caucused (and even those who havent) and Independents who don't want a McCain presidency, have the ability to ALSO affect the outcome of the Republican PRIMARY--by voting for HUCKABEE and further weakening the presumed nominee, McCain.

It's a secret ballot, and it also DOES effect the delegate selection (as they use 50% of primary results to allocate delegates).

Is this not a good alternate strategy for undermining the Republican strength?

Posted by Andy in Seattle | February 9, 2008 4:26 PM

Not gonna happen. McCain wants somebody with strong national security experience who can take over in 2012. Huckabee didn't even know what the Iran NIE was until someone explained it to him.

My money's on a McCain/ Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison ticket. She's got 0% from NARAL/Pro-Choice America, will keep the R's from running two white men against the D's, and, despite being a total bitch to her staff, is very competent. Only problem for him is that she wants to be governor of Texas in 2010.

Posted by Laura | February 9, 2008 4:29 PM

Laura - love you. My office spent two hours on Fri and came up with the same ticket.

And that brings Texas MONEY and votes. And she has that southern thing more than the western thing.

Mc Cain just might tell Huckfucker to go sit down and shut up before this is over on that side. The Evangelicals do not pray much anymore, they are really big on their political clout and money from DC.

Posted by George | February 9, 2008 5:04 PM

i hope obama wins and cut the faith-based initiative funding that bush fucking started. the Evangelicals can start bitching about their money..

Posted by apres_moi | February 9, 2008 9:22 PM

Given the lack of turnout on the GOP side ... who cares?

Posted by Will in Seattle | February 9, 2008 9:42 PM

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