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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I (Heart) Slog Commenters

posted by on February 5 at 8:42 AM

I know that the few times I’ve written here about Slog commenters, it’s been to slag them. So here are a few Slog comments that really made my day.

ECB, this post gave me chills. I’m sure the reactionary, sexist pile-on from the usual slog meatheads is forthcoming, but I just wanted to say thanks. Morgan’s words made me think, and forced me to examine my own internalized sexism and reluctance to support Hilary for fear she’s “not electable.”

It takes courage to put forth a feminist analysis in this “progressive” city and your “lefty” workplace full of men who can’t stop posting photos of hot ladies on slog, yet expect to be taken seriously as journalists. I don’t always agree with you, but I’m glad you are there.

Posted by Christina | February 4, 2008 9:12 PM

Whoa, this is truly powerful stuff! Thanks so much for posting this, because these words need to be said—finally! Women bashing, and degradation and objectification of women are some the most accepted forms of prejudices, but of course I can’t ever say so without being labeled bitter, crazy, dyke, etc. Hillary’s b.s. treatment in the media should be unacceptable, but no one says a word about this stuff!

I grew up marching on Washington for the ERA, NOW and Roe v. Wade. When I was a little girl my mom sadly told me that I’d probably never see a woman president in my lifetime—that maybe my children would—but that I’d probably live to see a black man become president. It breaks my heart to think that my mom may have been right, not because I think Barack is a bad man or will make a horrible president (though not the best one), but because HIllary is getting dragged through the mud and not given her fair shake for all same deep-seeded prejudices that I marched against as a idealistic, naive, hopeful little girl. It’s depressing.

Posted by mitten | February 4, 2008 9:21 PM

Thanks, ECB. That was bracing. I was shocked by the comments, ‘cause so much of what she said was right on. Maybe I do know how I want to vote tomorrow…

Posted by SIID | February 4, 2008 9:27 PM

I like Robin Morgan, I used some of Sisterhood is Global in a paper, and i found her arguments about the tolerance of sexist statements about Hillary (read in ECB stupid sloggers) very prescient.

The racism that has occurred in this campaign seems to be universally denounced, and seems like more of a product of the Right. Esp. the Muslim baiting. But there is far more explicitly sexist statements coming out of the media and the public-at-large and this is very troubling to me as a young male feminist.

P.S. Still going to caucus for Obama, but i will vote for either/both in the general

Posted by vooodooo84 | February 4, 2008 9:37 PM

Here’s the thing. At base, I find Hillary completely inspiring. I know many of you don’t. But we do exist. And it’s hard given the Obamamania on Kos, Sullivan, TNR, here, etc, to find a place that gives voice to those feelings. Everyone talks about how Obama is all about hope, and how inspiring he is, but as much as I like Obama, and I do, I don’t find him inspiring. I like Obama, but I love Hillary.

And so, again, I want to thank ECB from the bottom of my heart. I know it’s not easy for you to be everyone’s punching bag day after day. But your posts give voice to what I feel. To the sense of hope and inspiration that I get when I see Hillary Clinton.

Because the truth is Barack Obama hasn’t cornered the market on hope. So tomorrow, I’m going to go vote. And hope. For Hillary.

Posted by arduous | February 4, 2008 9:40 PM

Thanks ECB, I liked this piece a lot. This line resonated for me especially: “Goodbye to women of any age again feeling unworthy, sulking… maybe it’s post-feminism and whoooosh we’re already free.”

Posted by The General | February 4, 2008 9:43 PM

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Can we say ego boost? You only posted comments giving you praise, the other majority of the comments don't. But hey, I know Tuesdays suck... so if you need the ego boost for today, have at it.

Posted by Homo Will | February 5, 2008 8:46 AM

If I begin blogging again, I hereby pledge to never engage in self-indulgent ego massage like this post. In fact, I will discourage any mindless slathering-on of praise.

Posted by tsm | February 5, 2008 8:52 AM

You know, Erica, most people have the decency to masturbate in private.

Posted by Judah | February 5, 2008 8:54 AM

This is good: I strongly recommend that every time you feel the urge to feed a troll, step away from the keyboard and take a breath. Then find somebody who said something nice, and respond to them instead.

But you have to be consistent. Feeding trolls is the same as handing food to your dog under the dinner table. If you backslide once, it takes months and months before they give up begging.

Also, try to learn the difference between a critic and a troll.

Posted by elenchos | February 5, 2008 8:55 AM

Congratulations, they love you, they really love you!

Posted by Sheesh | February 5, 2008 8:56 AM

Erica, I admire your gumption and creed, however, acknowledging the haters and trying to battle just gives 'em power. I can't imagine Charles doing something like this. He just posts what's on his mind and says "screw 'em" to those that disagree. This post is as 1 sided as all of your other ones, but I still got luv for you.

Posted by yearning | February 5, 2008 8:56 AM

I enjoyed that post as well. Why is it if someone posts something positive about women they have an agenda or are being self-indulgent? Oh well...back to sexist-ECB bashing slog comments in 5..4..3

Posted by maxine | February 5, 2008 8:57 AM

ecb: you're either for her, or agin her...there's no in between.

Posted by michael strangeways | February 5, 2008 9:06 AM

What Judah said.

Posted by Mr. Poe | February 5, 2008 9:07 AM

Well, this is something. Now it'll be a sign of real growth when ECB manages to acknowledge the thoughtfulness of a comment somewhere that actually disagrees with her on something. But that'll take a while, I guess.

Posted by yep | February 5, 2008 9:07 AM

blatant cherry picking ego stroke. yuck. I love what people say about me too, but only the people who say good things.

Posted by zwbush | February 5, 2008 9:12 AM

I didn't enjoy that post and I didn't enjoy Maxine's comment. Why is it if someone posts anything NEGATIVE about a woman they have an agenda or are being misogynistic? That's ridiculous.

Posted by michael strangeways | February 5, 2008 9:13 AM

So ECB, are you wonderful or just amazing?

Posted by superyeadon | February 5, 2008 9:16 AM


Posted by heywhatsit | February 5, 2008 9:19 AM

Thank you ECB. I was going to vote for Obama because I thought he was the best choice to be President but now, because of the hopes of a little girl named "mitten", I'm going to vote for HRC. I'm going to keep that little girl's hopes that a woman can become President before a black man top most in my mind because....well because its just the most important thing ever. This was the most meaningful, relevant post you've ever made and it epitomizes you contribution to rational discourse of ideas. Thanks again.

Posted by Mikeblanco | February 5, 2008 9:22 AM

Michael, I don't think I said that. It just so happens that in the broad spectrum of slog comments there happens to be more personal attacks on ECB than on any other Slogger. The easiest way to attack? Well, it is usually some sort of comment about her gender or some stereotypical comment about women with opinions (generally that we all are in need of a good lay.) I was at the receiving end of this on other blogs when I dared to make an offhanded comment about a well-known politico. I was called every name in the book.
All I am saying is it is a shortcut to thinking. And I don't think I ever called you personally misogynistic. If you took it that way, I apologize.

Posted by maxine | February 5, 2008 9:23 AM

Rather than even attempt to address criticisms about Hillary's 35 years of experience at throwing progressives under the bus, Erica dishonestly maintains the fiction that people hate Hillary because she's a woman.

As I've said before, there's something about Hillary that makes her followers feel it's okay to lie, cheat or whatever it takes to "win". This is one of the reasons she'd be a horrible person to have running the White House. We've had quite enough of that mentality for the past 8 years.

No, we hate Hillary because the Clintons will say anything to get elected and ultimately only care about themselves.

Erica would rather elect a symbol than a leader and the world is poorer for it.

Posted by ru shur | February 5, 2008 9:24 AM

You're free to vote for the candidate you identify with because you both have vaginas. But I find her odious and for good reason. On Letterman last night I heard her mock-lament that she was forced to raise $100 million for her campaign, instead of taking the campaign funds that I check off on my tax return every April. Give us a break, Hillary!

Posted by obama fo' yo' mama | February 5, 2008 9:24 AM

Ya know, ECB, some of us (me, mostly) have nothing against you personally (this being the Internet and all) but actually post because they (me again) want to get a dialogue going about issues we disagree with. No where in my post did I attack you-but I did strongly disagree with many, many, many of the points of the article you posted. Did you bother responding to any of my thoughts? Nope. Did you bother defending any of the points brought up by the article you posted? Nope. You, in fact, only posted the pro-your-posts posts that mentioned you personally. So, we sloggers shouldn't ATTACK you personally, but PETTING YOUR EGO personally is by all means acceptable? At the moment, as much as the Internets will allow, I'm not your biggest fan.

Posted by Marty | February 5, 2008 9:25 AM

It's funny (and scary) to imagine ECB as president. Ironically, I imagine she'd run her White House the way Bush does: surround herself with nothing but sycophants and fire anyone who might inadvertently poke at her paper-thin skin.

Posted by ugh | February 5, 2008 9:26 AM

I remember the good old days, before you had to press “page down” TWELVE TIMES to get through Barnett’s posts….

Posted by BB | February 5, 2008 9:28 AM

The easiest way to attack? Well, it is usually some sort of comment about her gender or some stereotypical comment about women with opinions (generally that we all are in need of a good lay.)

Which is wrong, and anyone that says something like that is a fucking idiot that deserves to be removed from the gene pool. But that behavior has been used as a kind of straw man to "prove" the point that Clinton is the best for the job. Is that fair, either?

Again, this boils down to a true party machine versus outsider matchup. Make your choices, but realize that if Clinton gets sworn in, it's not going to be the real victory that feminists think that it's going to be.

Posted by bma | February 5, 2008 9:31 AM

Why didn't you include the post where we called you the Bill O'Reily of feminism? Remember, we officially dubbed you Vagina O'Reily? Remember??

Posted by Rye | February 5, 2008 9:35 AM

Yes I get it. Hillary is a woman, you are a woman. You like Hillary.

Now can you please explain to me why it is you think Hillary can possibly win more of the Electoral College Vote than Gore or Kerry (or her Husband back in 1994 if Perot had not split the republican vote)?

PLEASE? What's the stragegy here?

Then I might actally be able to consider switching my vote to Hillary. Otherwise, I'm sorry, but you are voting with your heart and not your head.

Posted by Paul | February 5, 2008 9:38 AM

You masturbate and you have an ego while most of the those commenting... er... Well, in my case... er...

Posted by umvue | February 5, 2008 9:39 AM

Maxine nails it, really. All of the posts about Hillary and ECB's errors in judgement, the policy analyses, the tactical discussion about politics and what is and isn't "ok" in campaigning: They're all fake. We don't mean them. When we say, "Hillary voted to attack Iraq," that's like Obama fans code ala "states rights." We're all *really* about the sexism.

Jesus Christ.

maxine, the truly terrifying thing about your first post is this:
"Why is it if someone posts something positive about women"
Positive about women? Seriously? ECB posted a love-fest for herself for god's sake. Has ECB replaced HIllary as the pinnacle of female achievement? Is her success, really, all womanhood's success? Do love letters to ECB which reinforce her "sexism 24/7" writing style actually translate to positives for women?

Please tell me most feminists don't think this way.

Posted by torrentprime | February 5, 2008 9:40 AM

torrentprime I fail to see Erica's sexism 24/7? Perhaps she has a bias. She obviously has a preference towards Hillary Clinton. Personally, I am apolitical, but that is beside the point. I just find it interesting that some (not all) commenters always take it to the most base level when they disagree with Erica. It is simply an observation. But what do I know...I'm probably PMS-ing or something.

Posted by maxine | February 5, 2008 9:45 AM

You know, in my day (former SMOF/SMOG/writer) we called that egoboo.

Revel in it, ECB.

I still owe you that drink.

(and I still think your writing is great, even if I don't agree with what you write sometimes)

Posted by Will in Seattle | February 5, 2008 9:55 AM

I just don't see how riding your husband's coattails into his former job is that big of a blow for feminism. America can do better.

The post-baby boom generation will elect a woman president that didn't carpetbag into an easy seat in ultra-liberal NYC for the express purpose of taking her husband's former job. The post baby boom generation will elect a woman who got there on her own.

Hillary Clinton is capable and qualified, but I can't abide the rhetoric like she is the fulfillment of 100 years of feminism anymore than Isabel Peron or Corazon Aquino were.

Posted by Trish | February 5, 2008 9:56 AM

You know, you guys complain when I highlight critical comments (which is all I've ever done before) and you complain when I highlight complimentary ones. Wev.

Posted by ECB | February 5, 2008 10:00 AM

ECB - Please please continue posting on this. What makes Hillary such a strong candidate is that she doesn't back down from her critics. And neither should you.

Posted by Maria | February 5, 2008 10:10 AM

@30 ECB: you highlight them for different reasons: you highlight the critical ones because you DON'T agree with them, and the positive ones because you DO. surely you can see that...

Posted by infrequent | February 5, 2008 10:15 AM

"Everyone's talking about me!" ECB must be in heaven. Sorry Erica, this post was the lamest ever!

Posted by ZWbush | February 5, 2008 10:16 AM

What makes Hillary such a weak candidate is that she never admits having made a mistake.

Posted by character counts | February 5, 2008 10:17 AM

ECB. #31 just gave you another one. Please cut and paste for your next post.

Posted by heywhatsit | February 5, 2008 10:19 AM

it is very annoying that so much sexism results when ECB posts something, and that so much sexism results with a clinton post appears. it really is shameful. i'd like to think that most of that element is from the non-slog regulars.

still, ecb does play a bit of the victim, the easy-target, so it encourages those voices. that, combined with the sexist attitude among even some slog regulars that manifests itself in negative attacks against ecb is rather unfortunate: they too often interfere with the actual issue. the issues are usually worth attention, even when (or especially when) ecb is wrong. but the the backwards posting of too many people get in the way of the issue, and remind us of another very large issue: that sexism still runs rampant.

maxine, your pms comment does not help.

so, ecb's original post hurt clinton. but the resulting comments probably helped out just as much. this follow-up post? i'm not sure yet.

Posted by infrequent | February 5, 2008 10:20 AM

I have actually been extremely depressed about the rampant sexist tone of the Hillary Haters. She has been put in a tiny little box and has to walk a very straight line...any veering out of the line brings on massive sexist hostility... They diss her pantsuits = unfeeling and cold, they diss her clevage = innappropriate, they diss her short hair = feminazi, she cries = she is weak. It goes on and on and on and on. It is gross.

The reason I am voting for Hillary is clear. She knows that you can't always bring everyone together without compromising on what you believe in. I loved her comments that sometimes you need to do the right thing even when you don't have consensus. All great leaders have figured that out.

I also believe she is battled tested, a tough and fair leader who can restore our reputation in the world, a very smart person who has a great chance to get good things done in Washington, and a woman that I admire very much.

And. the more people bash her the more strident my support for her becomes.

Posted by Mrs. Y | February 5, 2008 10:22 AM

#34 Looking forward and being optimistic about the next four years is what this country needs. That's character.

Posted by Maria | February 5, 2008 10:24 AM

the problem with saying all people who don't like hillary are sexist and ageist is that it is a gross simplification of the reasons DEMOCRATIC AND INDEPENDENT VOTERS DONT LIKE HER.

the people that are Republican voters already don't like her for personal reasons.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | February 5, 2008 10:28 AM

@39 -

Oh my God, I agree w/Bellevue Ave (falls out of chair).

Oh, wait a minute, that's right - B.A's gonna vote for McCain if Hillary gets the nomination (whew - suddenly the world is back to normal).

There are lots of substantive reasons to have issues w/HRC that don't involve the makeup of her chromosomes - though I will gladly agree that the level of personal animus she inspires among knuckle-dragging conservatives is truly appalling.

Could someone please help ECB with the shoulder she dislocated patting herself on the back now?

Posted by Mr. X | February 5, 2008 10:34 AM

I apologize as well; I over reacted a tad. I would agree with you, there ARE people on here who intentionally as well as unintentionally react to comments and posts made by women, in an inappropriate manner by pulling the "bitch/cunt/twat" card. I find that appalling as well. But, I find it equally appalling when people pull the misogynistic card when anyone disagrees with or dislikes a woman or what she says. And the double standard irks me as well; no one gets labeled "homogynistic" for calling a guy a dickhead or a cocksucker...

if in doubt, stick to asshole...we all have one, and occasionally, we all act like one...

Posted by michael strangeways | February 5, 2008 10:39 AM

What I find interesting, is that in all reading of the Sloggers only Will in Seattle actually talks about WHY he opposes a Clinton candidacy. Everyone else just whines about being called on their sexist bullshit.

P.S. I love Hillary, I love ECB, and I love this post!

Posted by Soupytwist | February 5, 2008 10:42 AM

mr.x i am not always the bastion on conservative thought on slog (half the fun is being devil's advocate at times). i just think it's ridiculous to call into question, the character of democrats for obama, and call them sexist or ageist.

the candidate of unity, obama will take whoever agrees with him, whoever believes in him, democrat, republican, indie, young, old, man, woman, gay, straight. obama supporters might not relate to older people but we want them to like our guy. hillary is saying that anyone who doesnt like her is all these things and hillary supporters dont want young male independents.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | February 5, 2008 10:43 AM

I'm new to this whole SLOG thing and i think its great that The Stranger lets kids from the local junior highs post here on the internets. Right now ECB you have much to deal with, like gym class and algebra, but who knows, when you grow up YOU might be our first woman president!

Posted by newguy | February 5, 2008 10:46 AM

@27 (actually, to everyone else): Was she kidding? Surely she didn't respond to a charge that ECB too often plays the victim-of-sexism card by... playing the victim-of-sexism card?

Maxine, in case you're serious, here is what we're trying to say: Posters and commenters have raised serious, policy-based reasons and electability concerns over Hillary's candidacy. They are univerally dismissed as "sexist," when they're addressed at all. In discussing this critical point, that of substance versus the sexism defense, you... made a "you're probably just thinking about me in a sexist way!" comment with your (a bit whinging) PMS comment. Think about it.

Posted by torrentprime | February 5, 2008 10:51 AM

I've gotten to the point where I usually skip your posts Erica. It's too bad, because you are smart, articulate, and often have interesting insights from a different viewpoint. It's just the dogmatic, there-is-no-valid-opinion-but-mine, tone of your posts that I can't tolerate. Same basic reason I can't stand to listen to Bush or Cheney talk, but don't mind Mike Huckabee. Posting a bunch of comments from fans does nothing to dispel this in my mind. You might try posting comments where folks disagreed with you in a constructive manner, or comments where folks supported you in a destructive manner if you're trying to illustrate good commenter behavior. Here, it just seems like you are saying, "See, people agree with me, I must be right!"

Posted by DJSauvage | February 5, 2008 10:57 AM

i don't hate woman, therefore i'm changing my vote to clinton(s). thanks for showing me the light, erica.

Posted by cpb | February 5, 2008 11:06 AM

DJSauvage: I can't agree enough.

ECB: Perhaps your next post could start with "I believe Hillary could win the Electoral College vote and therefore the Presidency because...."

Posted by Paul | February 5, 2008 11:06 AM

So you gonna jump on the Obama train when he trounces Hillary?

Anybody but Ron Paul, that's all I have to say.

Posted by Jason Josephes | February 5, 2008 11:07 AM

I don't think the knuckle draggers opinions are valid. And I think a lot of stupid people hate hillary and her sex just feeds it. But I think there is a large group of fair minded people who just plain DONT LIKE HILLARY. No matter what she says, does, or panders to, nothing is going to change that. She's not the kind of person most people "want to have a beer with". Sad. And that's the kind of person our dumbshit country elects. Again, Sad. And without instant runoff voting or campaign reform, electability becomes important. And Obama beats her pants off in that respect.

She has played the victim card, they all have. I don't know what group I fall into, and I honestly don't think a single one of the candidates will fix the necessary problems during their term. That seems to be the president's job in our country, no matter who is behind the desk. Maintain the status quo. But when I watch Hillary talk, she seems very ingenuine and fake. I don't trust her. I would vote for her over any Republican, but I'm sure if she made it to the final round, we will have another Republican administration. Shes too divisive, shes a Clinton, and for a lot of people, it has nothing to do with her vagina.

But, if the political pendulum swings further right, it can come smashing back to the left, and we can have real revolution and reform. If a Republican beats Hillary, that is my only hope other than my passport and friends abroad.

Posted by ZWbush | February 5, 2008 11:07 AM

mmmmmmmmmm. minions.

Posted by erica "coulter" barnett | February 5, 2008 11:15 AM

This post makes me embarrassed on ECB's behalf.

Posted by keshmeshi | February 5, 2008 11:35 AM

ZWBush is talking about my Mom here. she doesnt like hillary because of hte attacks on obama, because of the victimhood, because of her vote on iraq. My Mom would vote against hillary in the general because she doesnt like her. she has never voted republican for a president before but hillary will force that hand.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | February 5, 2008 11:44 AM


you know what, I'd vote for "Generic Woman" is she were on the ballot. but not HRC.

Posted by pistilpacker | February 5, 2008 11:47 AM

@ 30 - yes, because there's no middle ground between the posts you highlighted here and ecce.

Posted by UnoriginalAndrew | February 5, 2008 11:48 AM

like this post, you see the world through a stunningly narrow lens, plucking out what is known, convenient, and, above all, self-satisfying.

quite a feat in self-parody, congrats.

Posted by BarackOutWithYourCaucusOut | February 5, 2008 11:56 AM

I'm thinking ECB's days are numbered.... her skin is so thin these days that she's choosing to repost praising slog entries?

Not that she's the only one but it seems like she's spending more time on the slog these days than investigating stories.

Posted by pointing at obvious | February 5, 2008 11:58 AM
You know, you guys complain when I highlight critical comments (which is all I've ever done before) and you complain when I highlight complimentary ones.

You're good at missing the point. Question, ECB: have you ever viewed the comments as a source of actual discussion or debate, rather than merely praise or insults? Is it all about you?

Posted by tsm | February 5, 2008 12:05 PM

If you must post in this thread, be sure to use your real name and contact information. If you post anonymously or with falsified information, ECB will use that to invalidate your point.

Posted by Stan Vitale 703 N 34th St, Seattle, WA | February 5, 2008 12:23 PM


This post just motivated me to walk down to Blue Moon for lunch today.

Posted by brent | February 5, 2008 1:04 PM

The problem with this whole argument is the reason why I don't even vote anymore. We get two choices. Two. This person or that one. They appeal to their "base" and throw out their stands on red herring political items like abortion and gay marriage but unless a whack-job like Huckabee gets elected, nothing is going to happen on the Executive level on those things. Those issues get people out and voting and arguing over which marginally qualified candidate they will support, not knowing that that candidate is just pandering to them and really doesn't give a shit about them. They don't care about you, or you, or you, or your boyfriend or your dog. A candidate will not change the world. Want change? Do it yourself!

Posted by maxine | February 5, 2008 1:06 PM

Hi ECB! I just came back to this thread to tell you how stupid you are.

Posted by Mr. Poe | February 5, 2008 1:06 PM

Wow. Sad.

Posted by Boomer in NYC | February 5, 2008 1:18 PM

Awwwwww....poor ECB.

She calls herself a feminist, but she is just a poor helpless victim of male oppression. Poor Poor Erica...WAAAAAAAAAAAA

Did the bum down at the Market accidentally splash a little of his fetid jizz in your eye? Is that what makes you so desperate for positive attention and validation of your passe views and intellectual corruption?

Typical must be on the rag.

Posted by ecce homo | February 5, 2008 2:01 PM

As an Obama supporter, I want nothing to do with a lot of what's going on in this thread. If you can't challenge Erica with anything better than "go masturbate" or "I hate you", you're beneath contempt.

Once again a few pieces of rotten meat are spoiling the whole stew. You're actually fueling Erica's disregard, which is in large part justified -- the very behavior you claim to be so offended by.

Posted by Fnarf | February 5, 2008 2:06 PM

Thanks, Fnarf. We had no idea. Like, at all.

Posted by Mr. Poe | February 5, 2008 2:25 PM

it wouldn't matter if this post were written by a man, a woman, or anyone in between - it's still look-away embarrassing for its self-absorption and self-pity.

Posted by mks | February 5, 2008 2:43 PM

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