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Thursday, January 3, 2008


posted by on January 3 at 11:03 AM

Okay, yeah, I’m pulling for Obama in Iowa. But I also sort of secretly hope Huckabee trounces Romney and John McCain finishes a strong third. Coming out of New Hampshire, that could mean an Obama v. McCain match-up. I know, that’s not very partisan of me, but wouldn’t it be magic? Just like that, everyone agrees torture is wrong, McCain can apologize for reversing on the Bush tax cuts, and we can have a serious discussion about the real issues: health care, the war in Iraq, global warming. And, uh, youth versus decrepitude.

But most importantly? That match-up looks like it would shut out Bloomberg. Though, actually, if I’m reading this New York Times article right, Obama versus anybody would shut out Bloomberg.

Remember, Dems, Obama’s “signature move is to fake right and veer left”. Change we can believe in, indeed.

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You do NOT want McCain to get the nomination. He's one of the most likely to hold together the Republican coalition of corporate interests and social conservatives while appealing to people (mainly white men) in the middle. Just about every other candidate the Republicans are fielding would either split their coalition or would get trounced by a Democrat.

Posted by Trevor | January 3, 2008 11:09 AM

Duh. But doesn't a tiny little part of you want the election to be a battle between two sane people? I'm just sayin'.

Posted by annie | January 3, 2008 11:12 AM

mccain is sane?

isnt this the same tool who walked through the market in iraq while guarded by a division and said, "the place feelts safe and people can walk around."

same guy that gave the key note at the extreme right college?

Posted by SeMe | January 3, 2008 11:17 AM

I gotta agree with Annie on this one. I'll sleep better at night knowing Rudy, Mitt, and Fuckabee don't stand any chance at all of winning. The sooner they get taken out the better.

Posted by Mike of Renton | January 3, 2008 11:23 AM

Oh, come on, it's not like the Republicants would select someone insane for President ... oh, wait, I forgot about the nightmare we've been living in for the last seven years ...

McCain is way too old, IMHO.

Posted by Will in Seattle | January 3, 2008 11:28 AM

Against Obama, McCain will be the Bob Dole of 08. Everybody will talk about how he's "real funny," an "American hero," and a "moderate" (ha!) but no one will give a damn about his campaign. The man's not insane, he's just a world-class chump with no principles.

Posted by Jim Demetre | January 3, 2008 11:36 AM

Nope. He's anti-torture, he's more reasonable on immigration, plus that whole POW thing.

Didn't he let the North Vietnamese torture him instead ot taking the "deal" they offered him to let him go -- because he would not go unless all his men also could leave?

Um, kind of heroic, you know?

McCain can get lots of independents plus lots of conservatives.

Posted by unPC | January 3, 2008 11:48 AM

Wait, so why do you want to shut out bloomberg?

Posted by Andrew | January 3, 2008 11:50 AM

Annie, perhaps you'll be glad to know that the media will do everything they can to make the "magic" come true, according to NBC's Chuck Todd on Hardball last night:

MATTHEWS (1/2/08): Chuck, do you see the same results? If McCain pulls a third and Huckabee wins [in Iowa], then John McCain goes right to New Hampshire and perhaps to the nomination?

TODD: Yes. You know, I hate to be existential here, but you know, the media—and I say this as if I’m not a member of it—but the media does seem to be ready to will John McCain out of Iowa. It is a stunning thing. And if I were Mitt Romney or Giuliani or Mike Huckabee, I’d be like, “Wait a minute! You’re going to take a third place finish and somehow use that to catapult this guy, free media—


TODD: .—and get him the victory in New Hampshire?” But frankly, that is what’s going to happen.

Posted by David | January 3, 2008 11:57 AM

"...a serious discussion about the real issues: health care, the war in Iraq, global warming."

The very idea that this country is even capable of having a serious discussion about anything seems beyond preposterous at this point.

Isn't the next debate gonna be about demonology and the Signs of Evil? (hint: #3 is Bill Clinton's penis.)

Posted by Original Andrew | January 3, 2008 12:16 PM

Don't forget Vinegar Joe Fucking Lieberman comes with the package.

Posted by kid icarus | January 3, 2008 12:31 PM

Nobody's shutting Bloomberg out of anything, because he's not in anything. He's got less chance of being president than Tom Tancredo.

Trevor is correct: a McCain nomination would be a disaster, because he would very possibly win. I still think it's going to be Romney, but I'm rooting for Huckabee, because Huckabee will be incredibly easy to defeat.

Remember too that winning Iowa almost certainly means you're not winning the nomination. People forget that part. The place you want to be is "surprising second". Iowa's for losers.

Posted by Fnarf | January 3, 2008 1:07 PM

let's just all write in aaron sorkin, and have a liberal-gasm of an administration for awhile.

Posted by eloise | January 3, 2008 1:13 PM

Bareback Osama is a giant QUEEFING DOUCHE BAG!

Anyone who runs soley on the color of their skin (endorsed by people like Oprah because of the color of his skin) is sending the wrong message.

Posted by DsSDFgr | January 3, 2008 1:40 PM

I think this election is easily the Democrats, unless they completely fuck it up and hand it to the Republicans.

Having said that, I'm kind of rooting for Fuckabee or Ron Paul, purely for the crazy entertainment factor. A McCain nomination would be completely boring to watch for the next 11 months.

Posted by SDA in SEA | January 3, 2008 3:10 PM

We should root for the Republican candidate that would actually be the best option of the choices, which probably is McCain, for all the reasons Annie lists.

It's true that the Dems appear to be a shoo-in, but too much happen between now and November (scandals, terrorist attacks, economic recovery) that might fatally damage the Democrats. We can't afford 4 years of Huckabee, or whatever.

Posted by MHD | January 4, 2008 10:53 AM

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