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Props for Reggie Watts (and Amy O’Neal!) in the NYT


Former Seattleite Reggie Watts (and current Seattlelite Amy O’Neal) earn some good ink in the New York Times, for Watts’ show Distortion, running in the Public Theater’s Under the Radar fest.

DISINFORMATION Public Theater Through Sunday

“Some of you are time travelers. Welcome,” the absurdist comedian Reggie Watts says by way of introduction. “Please don’t give anything away.” In “Disinformation,” a sharp, wry and elusive entertainment, Mr. Watts, a man comfortably at home in the world of the ridiculous, transforms himself as quickly as a couch potato changes channels. He moves seamlessly from skits to songs to off-kilter stand-up, while talking in a subway train full of accents. He also occasionally mispronounces words for no particular reason: “bed” and “grandfather” become “bead” and “grainfather.” It’s a jittery, fractured show seemingly built to appeal to those with attention deficit disorder. You can try to keep up with this gifted performer, but don’t bother making sense of him.

Mr. Watts, who straddles the lines between comedy, music and theater, has a look as striking as his style: large tufts of hair sprout from the top and bottom of his sizable head. There’s a hint of a smirk during his cockeyed one-liners (“I was attending a conference on conferences”), but when he breaks into a James Brown-like song or a human beat box, he turns deadpan, putting his nimble baritone to great use.

He’s assisted by a team of good-looking, young performers including a flirty singer named Orianna Herrman and an astounding hip-hop dancer, Amy O’Neal, so magnetically creative on her feet that for a few minutes she manages to steal the focus away from Mr. Watts. JASON ZINOMAN

Hurrah! Please perform it here soon.

Comments (92)


Sounds really fun. I saw him do a comedy/music peformance at Laffhole last year and it was off the charts good - the most original act I have ever seen.

Posted by Clint | January 18, 2008 10:11 AM


Posted by Lloyd Clydesdale | January 18, 2008 10:26 AM

I know this is off topic but where can I get that shirt??

Posted by morgan | January 18, 2008 10:32 AM

Lloyd: Totally, but I felt dumb about critiquing the grammar of his t-shirt while praising the success of his art.

Morgan: If you can't find it anywhere else, go to B-Bam! and make your own. (And please, use "fewer" instead of "less.")

Posted by David Schmader | January 18, 2008 10:38 AM

I hear ya. I'm no grammar king, but confusing less for fewer always sounds stupid...on YOUR T-SHIRT. Derp.

Posted by Lloyd Clydesdale | January 18, 2008 10:45 AM

Ugh. That is some serious Hot Topic shit. Right there. That. Whole thing.

Posted by Mr. Poe | January 18, 2008 11:39 AM

i think the "less" is appropriate because it sounds and looks right... plus it's the sort of mistake a robot trying to be human would make. or maybe it's the mistake a human trying to be a robot would make.

either way, i like fewer less than less.

Posted by infrequent | January 18, 2008 11:41 AM

My new thing is learning grammar from the Slog. I have no idea how fewer differs from less. Help me!

Posted by Eric F | January 18, 2008 12:07 PM

One way or the other, the shirt IS making a statement.

Posted by Lloyd Clydesdale | January 18, 2008 1:14 PM

Eric F (is this THE Eric F, a man I consider a grammarian par excellence?): Here's my cobbled-together understanding of the fewer-less distinction.

Fewer is used if the subject is something tangible, something that can be physical counted: Fewer miles.

Less is used when your subject is non-tangible: Less distance.

Hope this helps. I didn't go to college, only drama school, but I've read a few books about grammar since then.

As for the shirt, it would also work if you de-pluralized the nouns: Less Human, More Robot, which reads like a whimsical description of the man wearing the shirt.

Posted by David Schmader | January 18, 2008 1:45 PM

Just to clarify: it doesn't have to be tangible to use fewer, just countable: fewer ideas, fewer decisions, fewer urges.

A good rule is, if it's plural, use fewer (fewer humans). If singular, use less (less human, less water, less yogurt, etc.)

Posted by Irena | January 18, 2008 2:01 PM

Thank you, Irena, that's much clearer. (I doubted my choice of the word "tangible" as soon as I hit post...)

Posted by David Schmader | January 18, 2008 2:08 PM

i thought charles told us we don't need to care about grammar or spelling in order to be effective communicators.

Posted by joey | January 18, 2008 2:31 PM


Posted by Mr. Poe | January 18, 2008 2:50 PM

Yeah, given that I was originally hired by the Stranger as its first proofreader, uh, I maybe should know some of that stuff. Standards were lower back then, of course. If you could spell cunnilingus you were in.

Posted by Eric F | January 18, 2008 2:51 PM

Is that the 9-11 explosion on his head?

Posted by me_again | January 18, 2008 5:11 PM

Specifically it's discrete and continuous.

Discrete means things that are indivisible and have definite boundaries. Like people. It isn't logical to have half a person. Discrete. More people. Fewer people, not less people. Or things that are still themselves if you cut them in half. Half a pencil is still one pencil. Many pencils, not much pencils.

Continuous things are infinitely divisible. Liquids like water or yogurt. Intangibles like love. Less love, not fewer love. I give you much love, not I give you many love.

Love is not, by nature, discrete. You can't have too much of it. Friends are discrete; you can't have too many of them.

Posted by elenchos | January 18, 2008 9:30 PM

"He also occasionally mispronounces words for no particular reason." That sounds like Dina Martina. Are they friends? Have these seen each other's respective acts? In any case, Martina's also got that whole mispronunciation thing down to a science.

Posted by Kathy Fennessy | January 19, 2008 2:32 PM

Just a heads up that the show is actually called DISINFORMATION, not DISTORTION, and it's extremely fun.

Posted by Mike Daisey | January 20, 2008 4:41 AM

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Posted by James | February 1, 2008 4:35 PM

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Posted by James | February 1, 2008 4:35 PM

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Posted by Jennifer | February 1, 2008 5:33 PM

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Posted by Jennifer | February 1, 2008 5:33 PM

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