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In the Last 24 Hours on Line Out

Sean Paul Causes Seizures: Doctors discover a rare condition in which seizures are actually induced by music.

The Sonics Reunite: And they don’t play anywhere near Seattle, let alone the US.

This Week’s Setlist: With a live performance by the Sea Navy!

Teen Dreams: Interview outtakes from this week’s Fucking in the Streets about the Teenagers.

Fleet Foxes: Have signed to Sub Pop.

Happy Birthday, Jonathan Davis: I still don’t like your band.

Music News: Lily Allen’s miscarriage, Thurston Moore’s porn soundtrack, Britney’s obituary.

Tonight in Music: Sleepy Eyes of Death, Citay, Plaid, Sing Sing, the Pack, and more.

Hot Chip: The final video and the behind the scene outtakes.

The Decemberists Are Coming: And Christopher Frizzelle is preparing.

Is He Handsome?: The new Rings record Black Habit is both good and disturbing.

Hangover Science: Trent Moorman dumps Goody’s down his throat and chases it with water.

SXSW Updates: A post about the local bands playing, the breakfast tacos you’ll be eating, and Dolly Parton’s tits.

The Presidential Race: Who the Juggalos will be voting for.

Jackie Carter: Wants you to treat her like a woman.

Live Radiohead: In Rainbows in its entirety, as well as some other songs.


Comments (2)


Oooh! Juggalos! Hardcore, guys! Hardcore! Flashin' WSC?! Love it!

Posted by Mr. Poe | January 18, 2008 4:30 PM

The kid on the right has some shit on his face.

Posted by Jason Josephes | January 19, 2008 11:28 AM

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