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Huckabee Takes Iowa

NPR is projecting that Mike Huckabee has won GOP caucuses in Iowa—by eleven motherfucking points.

UPDATE: Says Drudge


Obama 33.20; Edwards 32.09; Clinton 31.77

WINNER: Huckabee 33!; Romney 24 McCain 11 Paul 0; Thompson 17 Giuliani 0

Comments (32)


God help us all if Huck/Romney are on the ticket and, oh it hurts to think it, win the election.

Posted by Sargon Bighorn | January 3, 2008 6:15 PM

Huckabee, just might be scarier than GWB. The thought of his win in Iowa makes my skin crawl.

Posted by abbey | January 3, 2008 6:20 PM

Jesus Fucking Christ!

Posted by wiseblood | January 3, 2008 6:25 PM

w00t! Obama FTW.

Posted by tsm | January 3, 2008 6:25 PM

Even if Huck won, I don't think Romney would be his VP. He'd need someone with "gravitas," aka "a brain."

Posted by superyeadon | January 3, 2008 6:25 PM

NBC is reporting that fully HALF of the Repub voters identified themselves as "born-again Christians." That explains the Fuckabee win.

Posted by Fifty-Two-Eighty | January 3, 2008 6:26 PM

And Romney just conceded. I guess I will see all you gays at AIDS Island

Posted by blaire with an e | January 3, 2008 6:26 PM

obama is taking this:

obama 35.06
edwards 31.19
clinton 30.82
1286 of 1781 reporting

right on.


Posted by brad | January 3, 2008 6:26 PM

Huckabee is not winning the presidency. Nope. Not happening.

Which means: we might actually have a black president. Holy shit.

Posted by tsm | January 3, 2008 6:28 PM

What? The Ron Paul Revolutards couldn't take five minutes away from spamming the internet to go fucking caucus?

Laughing my ass off!

Posted by seattle98104 | January 3, 2008 6:28 PM

Freakalicious! My silver lining says this could be good. The Huck's win over Romney could mean Romney is out. If that happens then its a 3 man race; Fruity Rudy G, John McCrazy and the Huck. We can only hope that Huck crashes and burns (in hell where he belongs) and we are left with RG or JM. I could at least live in this coutry if they won the nomination.

In the meantime the Iowa caucus has done nothing to change the dynamics on the dem side (maybe hurt Edwards a little and help Obama a little)

Posted by Mrs. Y | January 3, 2008 6:30 PM

More people voted for freaking Fred Thompson than Giuliani? Geez..

Posted by The CHZA | January 3, 2008 6:31 PM

@12 - Giuliani pretty much gave up on Iowa in favor of NH.

Posted by tsm | January 3, 2008 6:31 PM

schmuckabee. he's like a nightmare that came out of right field. i'll say it again: "fuckabee" is too good a name for him: bees fucking and therefore making more bees is a boon. "schmuckabee," on the other hand, is a good name for the disaster he would be as president. luckily, he's a lunatic. 23% sales tax? has anyone actually done the math yet on that idiocy?

Posted by ellarosa | January 3, 2008 6:33 PM

CNN and NBC have both called it for Obama.

Posted by Fifty-Two-Eighty | January 3, 2008 6:35 PM

not defending huck, but we have a 19% sales tax here in germany. that's the least of his crazy.

Posted by Judith | January 3, 2008 6:35 PM

We're all gonna die.

Posted by Mr. Poe | January 3, 2008 6:37 PM

no shocker about the huckster in Iowa, if he gets third or above in N.H. that could be concerning, it would show a big swell in the trailer-trash wal-mart jesus horse set, ohhh. wait, I just described much of america, but maybe they've decided to vote, they could have finally realized there's a polling booth on the way to pick up more bud light and jerry springer won't be on for another 20 minutes anyways.

Posted by point x point synopsis | January 3, 2008 6:38 PM

@13, actually Rudy gave up on NH, too -- he's hoping for a win in Florida and is running shitloads of ads there.

Dan, why, WHY do you insist on giving hits to that piece of shit Drudge?!?

Posted by nobody in particular | January 3, 2008 6:50 PM

Crickets from ECB about Clinton's stunning performance tonight?

Posted by oneway | January 3, 2008 6:56 PM

19, thank you. i was wondering the same thing. please dan, no more douchey drudge. ignore.

Posted by ellarosa | January 3, 2008 6:57 PM

Fuckabee = scariest republican right now

Hold me.

Posted by Original Monique | January 3, 2008 7:33 PM

If poor people in this country vote for a guy proposing a sales tax to replace the income tax system, I think I'm calling it a day on giving a shit. If anyone honestly thinks that's not going to bankrupt this country, they are delusional or getting a cabinet position. Are there any economist on board with that ridiculous idea?

Isn't gay guy citing Drudge sort of akin to a Jewish person driving a Mercedes or whistling Wagner?

Posted by left coast | January 3, 2008 7:37 PM

"If this were a marathon, we'd only be half done..." - Huckabee speech at Iowa

OMFG, does he even know how many more states they have to go?? This is so Bushesque....I want to cry.

Posted by Original Monique | January 3, 2008 7:52 PM

Romney and McCain are the big losers here. The big winners are those of us who want a Democrat. We would swift boat Huckabee's ass something fierce.

Posted by tiptoe tommy | January 3, 2008 8:07 PM

Spoiler from next week: Huckabee will not win in NH

Posted by guy from next week | January 3, 2008 8:18 PM

New Hampshire will be a big test for Romney. Most people there watch the Boston TV stations and read the Boston Globe. They know the ex-Mass governor from virtual first hand experience. If Romney places anywhere below first in NH, he's toast.

The silver lining to the Huckster's win in Iowa is that if he is the nominee for the general any of the Dems can make him look like a complete dumbass in the debates. Oh wait, Kerry made a monkey out of Bush in the 2004 debates and Bush won anyway. Never mind...

Posted by RainMan | January 3, 2008 8:44 PM

The midwest spent a lot of effort in the 19th century driving out the wacky Mormons. They are not going to vote for one. You'd have to be an East Coast liberal to overlook is mormonism, just like you'd have to be a shriveled dowager to overlook Hilary's evident age. If she spent 1/10th the time working on her wrinkles that she has working on her spin, she'd be in a lot better shape. Her's is probably the first candidacy to be derailed by the lack of deep chemical peels.

Posted by kinaidos | January 3, 2008 8:49 PM

Actually, if Huckabee were to win the nomination, do you think it would cause a schism amongst the wacky Christian voters?

Mormons would probably not want to vote for him after the dirty tricks he played, and what he said about Mormons.

Catholics would doubtless have a hard time voting for a Baptist minister. While things are better between the Catholics and Baptists, the old animosities lurk just below the surface.

And there are doubtless other schisms that I have no inkling of.

It would be very interesting. We might actually see Utah go blue.

Posted by catalina vel-duray | January 3, 2008 9:45 PM

How the Republican conservatives hated the perceived Clinton Red-neckedness. Now they have their own Hickabee Red-neckedness, and they're 'tardedly voting for him! Like consistency? Try peanut butter.

@28 - Your political opinions will carry more weight (like an ounce) when you realize brains are more important than Estée Lauder product and blepheroplasty.

Posted by RHETT ORACLE | January 3, 2008 11:26 PM

Okay, so now what we need is for Ron Paul to win in NH (far-fetched, I know). The Repug mainstream elite would have a fricking coronary trying to figure out what to do next.

Posted by gnossos | January 3, 2008 11:55 PM

I'd be interested in SLOG readers rating of least horrible Republicans, that is, which of these losers would do the least damage (via corruption, eroded civil liberties, wars on foreigners, the environment and the poor, ...) if they were actually elected? My ratings are as follows:

  1. Paul
  2. Huckabee
  3. McCain
  4. Romney
  5. Guilliani

(Those not listed I don't know enough about yet to form opinion.)

Posted by butterw | January 4, 2008 3:06 PM

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