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Monday, January 7, 2008

Good for Something

posted by on January 7 at 17:02 PM

Ron Paul supporters chase Sean Hannity down a street in New Hampshire.

Listen as the Paul supporter behind the camera wonders aloud about the likelihood of arrest. They’ve got a sense of humor about it… but I was chilled.

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Was I the only one expecting one of the insane Ron Paul supporters to shriek "ALL GLORY TO PAUL!!!" as he hugged Hannity and blew himself up?

Posted by So Awesome | January 7, 2008 5:07 PM

i was supprised the chant "we're great americans and you are not one" didn't catch on.

Posted by cochise. | January 7, 2008 5:10 PM

baaaaaaaaaah. that's effing hilarious.

Posted by ray ray | January 7, 2008 5:11 PM

Right wing media made these clowns, now the chickens have come home to roost.

Posted by rule of law | January 7, 2008 5:26 PM

I bet he pooped his pants a little . . .

Posted by Michigan Matt | January 7, 2008 5:27 PM

Dang. A little more of that and I think Ron Paul just might become our next president. Am I right?

Posted by elenchos | January 7, 2008 5:30 PM

@6 ...or Ron Paul will get hooded and sent to Gitmo.

Posted by Mike of Renton | January 7, 2008 5:32 PM

That. Was. Awesome.

Posted by Mr. Poe | January 7, 2008 5:50 PM

piano wire anyone? i agree it is slightly chilling...

Posted by Jiberish | January 7, 2008 5:57 PM

Can you feel it? It’s been building for awhile. America is finally starting to wake up, and yet there is Mr. Oboma, trying to stall it, to buy the elite’s a little more time. Mr. reach across the aisle to Hanity’s buddies in the senate. The republican revolution is over, but their polices can live on with somebody with the charisma of Oboma as president. I have been stumping for Edwards on slog, but a Ron Paul presidency would be the best for this country, it would do the most damage to Hannity and his shrinking, monied, minions.

Posted by . . . . | January 7, 2008 6:13 PM

People, whether I like them or not, being pursued and harassed by howling, flag-waving mobs of True Believers doesn't seem like a good development in the American Political Sphere.

Posted by Mobphobic | January 7, 2008 6:31 PM

I'd like to see Bob Novak get chased like that sometime.

Posted by superyeadon | January 7, 2008 6:34 PM

So the basic premise of libertarianism is that people will make better decisions then government, yet most libertarians are bat shit crazies who I would not trust with regular scissors.

Oh well at least they provide us with abundant entertainment.

Posted by Giffy | January 7, 2008 6:36 PM

Ooh yeah, that was like, sooooo revolutionary: a bunch of libertarian nut-balls chasing a wing-bat corporate media flack through the snow-covered streets, like something out of a bad Victor Hugo parody.

I'll bet they were all doing that funny "Les Miserables" shuffle-step too.

Posted by COMTE | January 7, 2008 6:36 PM

I'm with Mobphobic. I don't care if Hannity is a jackass, this is fascism.

Posted by Fnarf | January 7, 2008 6:37 PM

@11, do you think it's time to confront some of these chickenhawks or should we wait until they bomb Tehran? I'd prefer that they consider advancing their timeline to hiding with Cheney in the Haliburton-provided secret underground bunker/lair.

Posted by left coast | January 7, 2008 6:38 PM

I have been stumping for Edwards on slog, but a Ron Paul presidency would be the best for this country, it would do the most damage to Hannity and his shrinking, monied, minions.

How, exactly? Only the most insane of conservatives would think that dismantling the protections of government would give corporations less power.

Posted by bma | January 7, 2008 6:47 PM

I always assumed most Ron Paul supporters looked like comic book guy on The Simpsons. I'm surprised there were that many that could make their way down the street that fast.

Posted by mikeblanco | January 7, 2008 6:51 PM

Fnarf, you pansy, that was not fascism. Hannity is fascist. Our Occupation of Iraq is fascist. Mob’s arise for a lot of different reason’s, one of them being taxation with out representation. Our war in Iraq, and religious support of Israel, is sinking this country. The fucking boat is sinking, wake the fuck up already. If Oboma is elected, our middle east policy is not going to change. I was always disgusted with Oboma’s carrot and the stick analogy when it came to Iran. So people in the middle east are dumb donkies we can lead along with a carrot? To allude to another post on Slog, Oboma is going to be white enough when it comes to Israel.

Posted by . . . . | January 7, 2008 6:52 PM

Only thing they were missing were the jack boots. I am sure Fox news had some the Paulbots could have used though.

Posted by Just Me | January 7, 2008 7:01 PM

Fascism was the faux mob of GOP staffers and partisans who stormed the vote counting stations in Florida in 2000.

This was just a mob. No more fascist than the mobs we saw here during the WTO.

Posted by catalina vel-duray | January 7, 2008 7:13 PM

spell Obama right, and I'll listen.

Posted by stunk | January 7, 2008 7:18 PM

All mobs are fascist. The anti-WTO riots were facist.

Posted by Fnarf | January 7, 2008 7:22 PM


Posted by . . . . | January 7, 2008 7:22 PM

They blew it. They should have unleashed the pit bulls. Yeah, that's the ticket. Dope-smoking pit bulls. With Tasers.

Posted by Fifty-Two-Eighty | January 7, 2008 7:24 PM

This made me proud to be an American again. I love seeing one of the preeminent mouthpieces for the neo-con corporate propaganda machine being hounded by the People - even the wacky people. God bless that nutty Ron Paul and all his wacky followers. You won't see those passive-aggressive democrats taking on the Fox Machine. I'll take growing a pair over turning the other cheek any day.

Posted by mike in oly | January 7, 2008 7:32 PM

it's about goddamn time. let's see bill-o push obama people around after he gets chased home a few times by angry mobs.

it's not fascist, it's called reaping what you sew.

honestly people. these nesocons have been pushing and pushing and pushing and nobody makes a peep.

Posted by run them out of town | January 7, 2008 7:36 PM

@19, lol.

Posted by Giffy | January 7, 2008 7:52 PM

comte, can we do that funny shuffle-step from les miserables on thursday at slog happy hour? you, mr. poe, original hernandez, original monique, napoleon xiv, and of course fnarf as jean valjean?

Posted by scary tyler moore | January 7, 2008 8:04 PM

i fear chanting mobs waving American flags under cover of darkness. but i also think punks shouldn't hide in studios behind t.v. cameras. so i'm torn.

Posted by mcfnord | January 7, 2008 8:05 PM

Back in the late 80's and 90's when I lived in the Boston area I used to drive up to Nashua and Manchester the Saturday before the New Hampshire primary to see the action up close. Mostly I'd stop by the various candidates' headquarters to pick up free campaign buttons, even from the Republicans (I can keep a straight face for a few minutes). I remember the roaming bands of candidate supporters, mostly college guys of the frat boy/jock variety, wandering the streets carrying signs and flags. I kept wondering if I would witness some kind of clash like in the Warriors if two of these rival groups met. It was rather unsettling and exciting at the same time. Never saw them go after a reporter, however, not even the right wing nutjobs from the Union-Leader.

Posted by RainMan | January 7, 2008 8:20 PM

Actually it DOES suck that only those candidates with double digit popularity figures get invited to debate. It's democracy for the few. I'm thinking things will change here in the next 20 years.

Posted by Sargon Bighorn | January 7, 2008 8:29 PM

I'll admit, I agree there is something a bit chilling about this. Forgive me if I'm looking for perspective here though.

Americans are pretty pissed.

These guys are characterized as a fascist mob why? For not remaining civil and obedient in a gov't sanctioned protest zone?

Yes, there's something chilling. We don't like seeing even the least likeable among us treated like that and it chills us.

These are just some righteously pissed Americans zealously exercising their diminishing right to free speach. It's low, it's feels like it's on the brink of going too far. Still, my admiration of that crowd outways my spite for their bullying. Group identity has so much potential for insiting shitstorms but these folks-regardless of how poor an alternative to business as usual Ron Paul may be-are at least moved to give a shit and that's not bad news to me. It's a start.

Posted by Plus Sean Hannity Makes Barry Champlain Look Like Thom Hartmann | January 7, 2008 8:57 PM
Posted by Sophie | January 7, 2008 9:08 PM

Dixville Notch, NH--This just in:

Obama 7
Clinton 0
Edwards 2
Kucinich 0
Richardson 1

Romney 2
McCain 4
Huckabee 0
Giuliani 1
Thompson 0

Wow--not only did Obama sweep but this R-leaning district went strongly Democratic, 10-7.

(Via CNN).

Posted by Cleve | January 7, 2008 9:09 PM

that was not revolutionary
matbe semi revelutionary
but not revolutionary
revolutionary would be them mass shaking him with sicers then droping there pants and fucking his open wounds to death
french revolutionary

Posted by linus | January 7, 2008 9:25 PM

For the last time, harassing people and yelling like a loon are not great examples of free speech.

Paultards managed to gather a few dozen people, waste countless hours of their time and make a funny youtube video. Giving frat boys alcohol accomplishes pretty much the same thing.

Yah yah I get it, your in college and feel like the US is police state/hate the government/think vaccines are poison/are a 911 truther/or whatever. blah blah blah. No one cares, really we don't. At best your amusing and at worst mildly annoying.

Posted by Giffy | January 7, 2008 9:33 PM

Sophie, Dan already jumped on this. There's nothing to it. There's no way those dimwits can afford even 1/10 of 1% of MS.

Just some Christian hucksters looking to load up on some blue-chips, courtesy of their moronic followers. The P-I dutifully reports on it, because that's what they do.

But it would be fun to see another report on it. Where's the Prayer Warrior been?

Posted by catalina vel-duray | January 7, 2008 9:34 PM

They were harassing Bill Clinton too.

I can see one of these morons getting himself shot by the Secret Service. Which would get sympathy for their cause. Which will cause them to say it was a conspiracy to kill one of them, to get sympathy for them, to try to disprove the conspiracy against them. See the government will 'accidentally' create a martyr to make it look like they're not trying to suppress them.

In fact, are these idiots real Ron Paul supporters at all? Isn't it more rational to think that they are government agents planted to make the sheeple laugh at Ron Paul? In. Fact.

See? See? Are you so blind that you can't see what it all means?

Posted by elenchos | January 7, 2008 9:56 PM

er, where, catalina?

Posted by Sophie | January 7, 2008 10:11 PM

We are moving, day by day, closer to the conditions that led to the Boston Tea Party.

One hopes we recover before we get there.

Posted by Will in Seattle | January 7, 2008 10:17 PM

A month ago, Sophie. Coverage of the MS stockholders meeting. "Hutch" made an ass of himself, and the Microsoft execs gave him the polite brush-off.

The story in the P-I is basically a recap of what he said he was going to do at that time. But as the P-I itself points out, there's not much he can really do. It's all a cheap publicity stunt, and a way to create a fund for fundies. He pretty much says as much himself.

Posted by catalina vel-duray | January 7, 2008 10:22 PM

Even when the target is a douchebag, mob rule is mob rule. It only plays INTO the hands of neo-fascists who can point to such behavior as making "sterner measures necessary to preserve order."

If you hate RightWingNuts, don't be their lawless unwitting pawns.

Posted by Andy Niable | January 7, 2008 10:48 PM

Ron Paul is a homophobic neo-social-darwinist douche bag. I do give him props for creating anti-hannity sentiment though.

Posted by brandon H | January 8, 2008 12:23 AM

@41 right because oh god the horror, tea in the mother fucking river.

To be honest, the whines of privileged Americans about imaginary persecution just seems, well silly. I'm pretty convinced the only people who think that things in this country are remotely bad haven't left it.

Its one thing to talk about problems and try to fix them, its another to go off half cocked over nonsense like say the pualtards were doing today on Digg about the census. Oh God a survay, I mean can't you see how thats just like HITLER.

Posted by Giffy | January 8, 2008 1:24 AM

Dan, related to your Mitt Romney phone bank... I received a call last night at 11:30pm and it sounded like a recording of a political speech. Turns out that a lot of others have too. Just do a Google search for 616-980-2604.

Posted by SeattleBrad | January 8, 2008 5:57 AM

Reaping what you "sow", not "sew".

Ass hat.

Unless you are working on my new sweater.

Posted by Gramma | January 8, 2008 7:14 AM

Okay, guys, no. This is not facism. This is an angry mob. In fascism, the angry mob is carefully guided, armed, and trained by the military/police.

However, this mob's actions and their video do play into the hands of jackbooted fascists like Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly.

Posted by Greg | January 8, 2008 7:32 AM

This is this not fascism and diminishes the real experience and pain of those unfortunate enough to have lived under a fascist regime.

This was baby thugs chasing a grown thug.

A sweater is knitted not sewn.

Posted by whatever | January 8, 2008 8:04 AM

Forbidden Words 2008: facism, fascist, neo-fascist, surge, My___

Posted by matt groening | January 8, 2008 8:13 AM

No agent of change is quite so effective as an angry mob...

Posted by You_Gotta_Be_Kidding_Me | January 8, 2008 9:52 AM

Revolutions are just riots that can’t be put down.

Posted by You_Gotta_Be_Kidding_Me | January 8, 2008 9:53 AM

@52: Revolution? Yeah, right. When the camera pulls away, we see that the Paultard mob is a bunch of white frat boy types. After their "riot," they all slapped each other five and had a few $15 pitchers at the Fox Sports Bar. Well, come to think of it, maybe they went to the Ram.

Posted by J.R, | January 8, 2008 10:28 AM

Read my post #49--thats the problem, that this sort of "anti-social" behavior, with the intent to scare and intimidate people, can lead to crackdowns. Protest all you want, make your statements, parades, etc. But chasing people down the street screaming at them--powerful people, even if they are incredibly politically-wrong-headed powerful people--will only lead to fascism, with the blessings of the masses who themselves don't wish to be chased and screamed at. If the target of the mob, instead of that asshole Hannity, had been Barney Frank or Gloria Steinem or some other person you personally approved of, would you still be snickering or would the words "hate crime" already be flying around the Slog?

Posted by andy niable | January 8, 2008 12:46 PM

I don't like Sean Hannity or Fox News, but this mob acted like a bunch of brownshirts. Given the large number of white power racists who support Paul, it's quite possible that at least some of them were actually self-described Nazis. And #48, if Ron Paul was elected--luckily, a remote possibility at best--these people would gladly make themselves the enforcers of his regime.

Yeah, that's chilling.

Posted by Cascadian | January 8, 2008 1:57 PM

@55: Acted like brownshirts my ass! Brownshirts would have kicked the shit out of the guy they were after, maybe killed him. These guys yelled a lot, but didn't touch him. See the difference?

Posted by Christopher | January 8, 2008 7:21 PM

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