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Adventures in Race Relations with Mitt Romney

First, there’s this (via Andrew Sullivan):

Governor Romney paid tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr. when speaking to a group of employees at Gate Petroleum today and then shook hands and posed for photos with African-American families at a parade.

The presidential hopeful met a friendly crowd at the Martin Luther King, Jr. parade here. The former Massachusetts governor often runs back and forth across streets during parades to greet people and today was no exception. He shook hands with ROTC members, tiny beauty queens, police officers and many parade-goers, including children screaming his name. He jumped off the Mitt Mobile to greet a waiting crowd, took a picture with some kids and young adults and awkwardly quipped, ”Who let the dogs out? Who who.”

He took pictures with many in the crowd and greeted one baby wearing a necklace saying, “Hey buddy! How’s it going? What’s happening? You got some bling bling here!”

And then there’s this:

Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney has released a new Spanish-language campaign ad in Florida entitled Mi Padre (My Father), featuring Romney’s son, Craig. Craig encourages voters to “get to know my father, Mitt Romney.” Romney himself then chimes in with: Soy Mitt Romney y apruebo este mensaje (I’m Mitt Romney and I approved this message).

Think Progress, which also has video of the ad, points out:

It’s interesting that Romney is so interested in reaching out to Latino voters in Spanish. In the past, he has been stridently English-only:

“English needs to be the language that is spoken in America. We cannot be a bilingual nation like Canada.”

“You strengthen the American people by securing our borders and by insisting that the children who come legally to this land are taught in English.”

Ah, but that was before Florida was so important to your campaign, Mitt.

Comments (14)


Well, Florida was already important, but he also didn't know how poorly he'd do in South Carolina no matter what. If he'd known he'd be in a battle for third place last Saturday, he'd have become pro-immigration in a heartbeat.

Posted by Gitai | January 21, 2008 3:11 PM

At the parade, did Mitt refer to any of his opponents as "jive turkeys"? That would have been great.

Posted by Joe M | January 21, 2008 3:27 PM

Ladies and gentlemen, please hold your nose for Mitt Romney!

Posted by Lloyd Clydesdale | January 21, 2008 3:30 PM

I hate everything about Florida. I wish it didn't exist.

Posted by Mr. Poe | January 21, 2008 3:33 PM

@4 but its the penis of America shouldn't mr. Poe be in favor of "America's Penis"?

Posted by vooodooo84 | January 21, 2008 3:34 PM

"you got some bling bling there" and "who let the dogs out"??? I think that's probably the most black people Romney's ever been close to ever in his life.

I'm surprised Romney didn't say in Spanish "Join the Mormon church or be deported".

Posted by apres_moi | January 21, 2008 3:42 PM

there is no mitt romney. only "magic underpants."

Posted by adrian | January 21, 2008 4:08 PM

This guy is an idiot. His lieutenant governor lost in a landslide because the voters in Massachusetts wanted desperately to get rid of his administration. He'll certainly carry the Republicans in MA when they go to their primary, but he will definitely not put the state in play if he gets to the general election.

Posted by bma | January 21, 2008 4:39 PM

Callate la boca sobre Sr. Romney y sus mensajes en espanol. Aprobar un requisito que los imigrantes apriendan ingles, no es el mismo que prohibir el espanol. Pues, no hay ninguna falta de consistencia.

Si tienes un "link" demostrando que el Sr. Romney ha dicho que nadie deberia hablar espanol en los EEUU, proveanoslo.

(Nota: correciones seran bienvenidos; claro que hago muchos errores, esp. con este subjuntivo fantasmatico, que no tenemos en ingles).

Posted by noPC | January 21, 2008 4:51 PM


Posted by Tlazolteotl | January 21, 2008 4:53 PM

Right you are, @9. Romney has flipped and flopped on this issue it's kind of hard to tell where the hell he is. According to a Boston Herald article in April 2002, Mitt Romney *refused* to endorse a ballot initiative replacing bilingual education with English immersion. His spokesman said it went “too far.” Investors Business Daily also noted his opposition a month later. In June 2002, Mitt reversed course according to the Associated Press. http://caucuscooler.blogspot.com/2007/01/bi-lingual-mitt-flop.html

Posted by anglo | January 21, 2008 9:03 PM

Every time you guys link to Sullivan, Jesus beats a puppy to death with a whiffle ball bat.

Posted by Big Sven | January 21, 2008 10:56 PM

Yeah, but it's a pit bull puppy, so who cares?

Posted by Fifty-Two-Eighty | January 22, 2008 7:35 AM

Every hispanic person should know that Mitt Romney doen't like us. How do we know that? When Mitt came to Massachusetts, he supported RON UNZ in his atempt to freeing America from Spanish language. He began that process by cutting the Bilingual program in the state.

Posted by Ramon de la Rosa | January 27, 2008 8:41 AM

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