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Friday, January 11, 2008

A First?

posted by on January 11 at 9:55 AM

The Stranger gets a mention from that highest of high-minded media ethics and criticism publications, the Columbia Journalism Review.

The author of the piece was with me on the John Edwards bus tour, writing about how the media behaves on the campaign trail, and he had to spend a lot of his time calming down reporters for bigger publications who called him a “spider” and fretted about what their bosses and colleagues would think if they ended up with—gasp—a negative mention in CJR.

Me, I’m worried my bosses will be annoyed that I behaved too properly to get a negative mention—or even much of a mention at all—in CJR. “Sanders! What the fuck? You couldn’t even smoke a little pot in the bus bathroom for Christ’s sake?!?” Look, if it helps, I did engage in some public urination out behind the John Edwards headquarters in Creston, Iowa. But that’s the worst of it. And the guy from CJR didn’t see me. Sorry guys.

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You let us down Eli. You prim and proper fuck.

Side note: good job bud.

Posted by Homo Will | January 11, 2008 10:04 AM

Next time, buy some acid off Matt Taibbi.

Posted by Gitai | January 11, 2008 10:10 AM

Pretty slim mention, but a mention nonetheless.

Next time, try to set fire to the bus.

Posted by NapoleonXIV | January 11, 2008 10:13 AM
Posted by Al | January 11, 2008 10:48 AM

Eli --

Chances are he mentioned you because he respects you.

I guess this is as good a place as any to share how impressed I was with your feature.

The details you chose to bring to light, the overall tone of the piece --balancing fact with opinion and emotion -- was a perfect exemplar of why I read The Stranger.

Personally, it evoked memories of when I was your age and had a little more altruism and a little less of a jaundiced eye. You did a great job of reporting the PASSION that surrounds -- or doesn't -- the candidates, where all I can see these days is electability. It was nice to be carried back to the days when I worked on hopeless campaigns for well-meaning candidates and never thought for a minute that "we" would lose...even though we always did!

I was also very interested in the whole "day after" aspect. I haven't read that angle in ANY media, and for that reason alone your story is worthy of the paper on which it is printed.

It's great to see that the investment The Stranger made in sending you to Iowa (who got their mushroom allocation reduced, i wonder???) resulted in such a satisfying piece of journalism. Glad to have you back!


Posted by Jubilation T. Cornball | January 11, 2008 11:42 AM

That was a good read, and a great shout out to you. Congrats. And props to the Stranger. Despite all your best intentions you really do some good reporting. Occasionally.

Posted by Brad | January 11, 2008 12:14 PM

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