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The lesson here is: Don't trust your kids. Trust ministers and teachers. Kids are evil and lie, adults are pure and innocent.

I'm surprised Pruett didn't advocate sending the girl off to one of those youth-readjustment camps or an exorcism or something for her sinful lying.

Posted by K | December 17, 2007 1:02 PM

Sigh. Stories like this are the reason why my dojo has to draft rules about contact between instructors and children. I don't think there's any real risk, but at the same time, it's easier to tell an instructor, "We don't want to get sued," than to tell a parent, "Sorry your kid got molested."

Posted by Gitai | December 17, 2007 1:03 PM

All kids lie themselves black in the face.

Posted by Hooty Sapperticker | December 17, 2007 1:20 PM

@ K; I think the real lesson here is to never move to a place called Bullitt County.

Posted by steve | December 17, 2007 1:58 PM

“I didn’t listen to the little things my daughter was telling me,” she said. “That’s because I trusted him.”

No... that's because you're a bad parent.

Posted by Katelyn | December 17, 2007 2:25 PM

These days, who would allow their kids to be alone with an adult...and especially ignore the signs they are trying to give you that something is wrong? Double bad on mom. Call CPS.

Posted by Tlazolteotl | December 17, 2007 2:38 PM

blame the mom? we have no clue. you cannot blame parents who send their kids to school, can you?

Posted by infrequent | December 17, 2007 3:05 PM

Infrequent, if it is the school's policy for adults to be alone unsupervised with children, I would change schools. Just as I would object when any other institution where kids are around doesn't have a policy of supervising adults when they are around other people's children. Stopping abuse within families is hard, but preventing it in schools, churches, camps, doctor's offices, and what have you, should be a lot easier.

Posted by Tlazolteotl | December 17, 2007 4:13 PM

i think that parents, teachers, school admin, etc., should do all they can to protect those they are entrusted with, of course. it's a shame that you cannot trust, but really you can't just trust that it is begin done.

but often abuse occurs despite the best intentions. just because abuse occurs doesn't mean the parent is at fault. that's all i'm getting at. maybe this was a bad parent, but maybe this was so unexpected that it is of no reflection on the parent at all. she is probably so grief stricken that she is blaming herself. who knows?

we only can be as careful as we can. and then hope that teachers don't break the rules (if they are willing to abuse a child then they are probably willing to be alone with your child). not just teachers, but uncles, coaches, rides home, etc...

it's sad.

Posted by infrequent | December 17, 2007 4:52 PM

"Mom, that pervy fucker Clayton copped a feel"

“I didn’t listen to the little things my daughter was telling me,” she said. “That’s because I trusted him.”

Posted by yu | December 17, 2007 7:36 PM

@10 yeah, if it was that she's a bad parent. if it was, "but i don't want to go to youth group tonight..." then maybe not. in hindsight, the latter can seem like a warning sign.

Posted by geoffrey | December 17, 2007 8:44 PM

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