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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Morning News

posted by on December 4 at 7:00 AM

The new NIE: All part of the strategy, says the Bush administration.

State of emergency: And other storm fallout.

Sex sting: Cantwell aide nabbed, fired.

Conservative economics: A government bailout for people who can’t afford their mortgages, courtesy of the Bush administration.

Oprah mania: Iowa rally with Obama all sold out.

Mostly white: Seattle Public Schools’ gifted students program.

Obama v. Clinton: A round-up.

Romney v. Huckabee: A round-up.

A new Edwards ad:

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Anyone else pissed at the mayor besides me? Remember last year after the storm how he talked about how we need to be prepared for these sort of "Once in a decade or more events" and how we would be better prepared to handle the next crisis? Well guess what, he admitted last night (I suppose to his credit) that the city dropped the ball and WAS NOT READY FOR THIS!!! And he (after all his concern for being green) admitted that we are probably going to get more of these storms sooner than later. (This was at the press conference yeterday)

Well, golly lard-ass the Mayor, what the fuck have you been doing the last year? It appears you are all talk and no action. Good luck if you try to run for re-election.

Posted by Just Me | December 4, 2007 7:37 AM

My son is in the Seattle APP program and I can honestly say that I agree that the program "lacks vision." I guess we are in the minority as he comes from a single parent household, never went to preschool (private or otherwise) and he only took the test once. There are kids that go to that school whose parents must have enjoyed school so much that they want to do all the work over again. But for the most part, 75 percent of the kids are truly gifted and need to stay in an environment where they don't have to feel like a freak.
Some of the teachers there are a bit elitist, however. I have experienced this first hand as we qualify for free lunch and, well, don't live in a big-ass house on the hill and oh, yeah, I work for a living instead of being a full- time-stay-on-my-ass-mom.Its a good school if you can tolerate all wack-job parents who are way too old to have kids that young.

Posted by max | December 4, 2007 8:23 AM

I like the fact that John Edwards forgets the other half of the equation. The lobby of ambulance chasing lawyers. What did he do before becoming a politician? oh yea...

Posted by Mickey in AR | December 4, 2007 8:24 AM

...and a big HAHA to Tool fans from Seattle who planned on driving to Portland tomorrow night. Good luck with that.

Posted by a | December 4, 2007 8:32 AM

I was enjoying your post, up until the "full-time-stay-on-my-ass-mom" part. Was that really necessary? Guess what? I'm a full-time-stay-on-my-ass-dad. And I will goddamn guarantee you that my job is harder than yours. I could go into details, but guessing from your world-done-me-wrong-single-mom tone, I doubt you'd be interested. So, in other words, F!@# off!

Posted by Hal | December 4, 2007 8:38 AM

Misread on CNN:
"Oprah and/or Obama fans were camping out in sleeping bags outside Obama headquarters in Columbia on Saturday..."

Oprah and some Obama fans, all camping out. How cute.

PS. This rally is in SOUTH CAROLINA, not IOWA.

Posted by TeeHee | December 4, 2007 8:41 AM

Hal, I am sorry you took that so hard. I am glad that you have the opportunity to stay home with your kids (obviously someone in your household works outside the home, y'know for money.) It is a difficult job, and even more difficult when you still have to make a living. SO HAL, consider yourself very lucky that you get the privilege to stay home and raise your children. Besides...I did it for years, until my marriage broke up. You have choices, some of us don't.
Talk about elitist.

It isn't nice to tell people to fuck off, especially when you don't even know them.

Posted by max | December 4, 2007 8:50 AM

did anyone else find the p.i. headline this morning extremely hilarious?

liquid misery is my new favorite phrase.

Posted by ray | December 4, 2007 8:54 AM

@8: I think somebody should come up with a drink that fits the name.

Posted by Greg | December 4, 2007 9:08 AM

max, my apologies.

I guess I've got a case of harried-dad-everyone thinks I've got it easy going on.

Posted by Hal | December 4, 2007 9:17 AM

@9: or a band/boat/first born child.

Posted by ray | December 4, 2007 9:20 AM

Unfortunately APP doesn't kick out the students who received "enhanced" scores from private testing in preschool that are not especially gifted in 3rd or 6th or 9th grade.

There is nothing in those gifted programs that shouldn't be available to all students in any public school. The entire foundation of that program is based on elitism and entitlement. Historically the lobbying of those obnoxious parents(except Max) deliberately targets and blocks academic challenging programs at any other schools in the city.

Posted by anna | December 4, 2007 9:51 AM

@12: Preach on! The APP program in Seattle is a joke, it's institutionalized racism, and it rewards overbearing parents with too much time on their hands.

Posted by Soupytwist | December 4, 2007 10:14 AM

Please define "...parents with too much time on their hands." Thanx!

Posted by Hal | December 4, 2007 10:24 AM

@14: Parents who, despite claiming to be "full time parents," expect nannies, schools, and hours of scheduled activities to raise their children for them. You might be one of these parents, I don't know. Or you might be a stay-at-home parent with a chip on your shoulder - in that case, consider therapy and a cocktail hour.

Posted by Soupytwist | December 4, 2007 10:45 AM

People, there's no need for hyphenation. The appropriate term is "Helicopter Parents"--because they hover--and they do it all the way through college now.

Posted by Original Andrew | December 4, 2007 11:05 AM

Hal @10
I would love a man like you. Staying home raising the kids is too hard a job for me to handle. Good man!

Posted by subwlf | December 4, 2007 12:14 PM

He's talking to folks in IOWA. We here in Washington don't matter one twit. What is it with Iowa getting to call all the shots?

Posted by Sargon Bighorn | December 4, 2007 2:21 PM

dbewavni hcbdfgunm cknjipd kuxt kphr vyglsudkp kqtjx

Posted by wvhtrpbgy nmvbhy | December 17, 2007 10:34 PM

mjfkhrgln dayjquilf cgmpje ysvmkp fxzel dehyckwa xascodn

Posted by avrwdtplo klzoqcr | December 17, 2007 10:34 PM

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