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Stick a fork in her, she's done.

Posted by Jersey | December 4, 2007 11:08 AM

Oh Please, that report simply underscores that international pressure is working, at least to some extent, and it shouldn't be so perversely extrapolated to beat the same old lefty dovey drum that we're on the march to war with Iran.

Posted by raindrop | December 4, 2007 11:13 AM

but i thought it couldn't come to war with iraq either and look where we are

Posted by Jiberish | December 4, 2007 11:22 AM

While we're at it can some throw some sand in Lieberman's face for this. Fucking lap dog.

Posted by monkey | December 4, 2007 11:26 AM

I think you mean, "fucking cunt-lapping dog".

Posted by kid icarus | December 4, 2007 12:22 PM


That would only apply if we decide to throw 90 mph spit-balls in Lieberman's face instead of sand.

Which I'm not ruling out, mind you.

Posted by COMTE | December 4, 2007 12:54 PM

Good Post Eli.
I was wondering if anyone is wondering if the Dems will remeber this as ammo in the battle to the white house and something new and present that could answer the rupublican smear campaigns that will come against eithe rclinton or Obama or edwards.
Why don't we really focus on the candidates that'll surely be robot war mongering drones in the future as they are now.
Clinton, Obama, Edwards should pay attention to what happened to Kerry and forget the BS. that shows they don't have a word or two about the GOP, and why this country needs a democratic president. The reason is because the dems need to show they are not stupid when it comes to serious situations like calling out for war and the WW3 fear mongering and retoric as the current adminstration has done.
Last summer all the way till now I was sure I ran was next. This report is like whew nothing to worry bout now. Sure we all know that, but I'm afraid that with all the time going by and right wing media spin machines like Rush and Fox that this will blow over, know one will care and each democratic candidate will have nothing when it comes to reminding people of the serious implications that this administration has gotten us into in the middle east. Look how the spin on the surge is going . CNN and MSNBC have changed their tactics and repeat the Glory glory Halleluah view that Fox has.
The Surge is working, so everyone forgets to argue about bringing the troops home. Seems the candidates have has well. Except Obama.
I see Rudy, Romney, Mcain as just more drones ready to take over where Bush left off and if they dont think in their minds how screwed up this War talk about Iran and its Nukes is. Even after the report Bush still wants to scrap with Iran and the rebublican candidates chant it back.
So hopefully we don't have the Dems ignoring how serious this stance is of war in the middle east is. I like Obamas stance on being a negotiable president and not haveing a crack the whip mentality like the republican candidates.
I hope Ms. Clinton realizes she's already doing o.k. and for the two too stop attacking eachother and remind us all again why we want a democrat in the white house regardless of what they will do with Health Crare.
Health care is a important issue , but it will be null if some nut president gets us into war after war after war.
Thats where all the money will be going.
Kieth olbermans excellent response to the new infraction by the administration.

Posted by use it or lose it. | December 4, 2007 10:01 PM

I just have to say, indepedent of what it means for who we as Dems pick to run in the general election, that I'm really, really, really happy this NIE came out and that the intelligence community evidently is standing up to this fucking moron in the white house.

Before the NIE came out I was worried that we might have to *legitimately* preemptively attack the Iranians. Now I have no such worry.

Back to the mud slinging...

Posted by Big Sven | December 5, 2007 9:15 AM

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