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Luckily, you can't discriminate on these grounds at the UW. Not sure about SU or SPU tho.

Posted by Will in Seattle | August 14, 2007 10:37 AM

Maybe their sons can live with neat, tidy lipstick lesbians. Now what would that do college roommate porn...

Posted by JaemeCallahan | August 14, 2007 10:39 AM

The real question is why 18 year old adults are letting their parents decide who they live with.

Posted by Giffy | August 14, 2007 10:43 AM

I went to Suffolk for one year before I left due psychological and sanitary concerns (my roommates and classmates in general were nutjobs with an unhealthy obsession with personal appearance.) I wouldn't worry too much about what a yuppie Suffolk mom thinks. Besides, her kid is pretty safe from the kind of perverse "free thinking" that most universities harbor.

Posted by anners | August 14, 2007 10:46 AM

I could have done without that last remark, Dan. I know that's what the parents are thinking, but sheesh...

Posted by Mike in MO | August 14, 2007 10:56 AM

Good question Giffy at @3.

However, these days, a lot of 18 year olds don't know how to think for themselves.

Posted by rob | August 14, 2007 10:59 AM

The parents don't know the exact term for why they subconsciously believe a dorm with two gay men would be "unsanitary," but we do. (Hint: It's named after a legislator.)

Posted by Peter | August 14, 2007 10:59 AM

An ex-legislator, Peter.

Posted by Dan Savage | August 14, 2007 11:06 AM

@3: Probably because the 18-year-old adults often aren't the ones paying the living expenses.

But if I had a son, I wouldn't pay for him to live with gay men. I'd pay for ME to do that. He'd have to earn his own way into watching hot guys walk around naked and/or make out 24/7.

Posted by Gloria | August 14, 2007 11:13 AM

Both of my straight roommates in college were pretty clean. But at Whitworth you were assigned a roommate and that was that. You could not change until you had lived with the person and there were actual problems but that was in 1990, they may have changed the policy since then.

The idea was .... get this: you had to learn how to deal with people you may not completely get along with since that is what you have to do in the real world. But if I had been out my freshman year I probably would have been kicked out of the college. Some of those parents need to let the kids grow up!!

Posted by Cato the Younger Younger | August 14, 2007 11:56 AM

Eh. I think this just makes a bit easier what's been going on for generations. When I got my contact info for my freshman roomie at UW back in '96, I sent him a letter that included all manner of subtle hints that I was a pole smoker (apparently mentioning Les Mis three times in a letter and Pansy Division once was too subtle) and got back an e-mail which started out about how he was a Christian, straight edge punk rocker. I stopped being subtle at that point, but we still ended up being roommates, and I saved his relationship with his girlfriend in the middle of the year. They're married now. Still, he had to pray on the whole deal and discuss it with his parents.

Posted by Gitai | August 14, 2007 12:03 PM

maybe i was outside the norm, but i spent so little time in my dorm room in college that it didn't matter who i was rooming with. you spend all your free time stoned and drunk in public and/or at your friends' rental away from the rules and regulations of RAs and public safety.

p.s. SU is pretty progressive. I don't think you could get a different roommate because you didn't like gay people. SPU, on the other hand, could be a different story.

Posted by just asking | August 14, 2007 12:04 PM

ITA with 3 - this is more about helicopter parenting than anything else. It's not the students complaining.

This was the other disturbing part of the article:
"But Joe Paulick of the University of Central Florida says officials there try to make room changes if they can be accommodated.

'It's a struggle between educating young adults with living with different people and accommodating our customer-service needs,' he said. 'They are paying for the room, so we want them to have a good experience.'"

I'm all for students having a positive experience at college, but the whole customer-service angle feeds right into the helicopter parent trap.

Posted by genevieve | August 14, 2007 12:10 PM

My experience in being a college R.A. in a freshman dorm showed me that it's [i]never[/i] the people who are complete opposites that don't get along. They're usually mildly curious about how the other half lives, and then they respectfully leave each other alone. It's when two randoms turn out to be exactly the same--THAT's when sparks fly.

Posted by Christin | August 14, 2007 12:21 PM

"sanitary conditions" is code for the parents fear of their child get AIDS from their gay roommate.

I have a friend in the housing department at UW and she has to deal with this all the time. The parents can be real assholes about it. They usually end up changing the assignments anyway because they figure the gay roommate wouldn't want to room with the homophobic asshole.

Posted by boxofbirds | August 14, 2007 12:47 PM

Yet one more reason never to use facebook... ;)

Posted by Toby | August 14, 2007 2:28 PM

it's a well known fact that gayers leave their shite-covered condoms wherever they may fall.

i never understood why gay guys are so OCD on cleanliness, but will stick their tongues up someone's butthole without a second thought. mad world....

Posted by kanzleramt | August 14, 2007 2:31 PM

@17: I think it's precisely the fact they stick their tongues up buttholes that they're so OCD. Clean machines are vital in analingus (except for participants who are coprophiliacs, I guess). I wouldn't stick my tongue up the ass of a guy who didn't even wash his hands.

"But his hands are probably dirty from those very ass germs you are licking!" you say?

Ok, yeah, I just thought myself out of this. But analingus!!

(Hmm, did you know Firefox's dictionary doesn't have "coprophiliac"? Those shit-phobes.)

Posted by Gloria | August 14, 2007 3:52 PM

hlfdki fynubrwe edstrxhi qghk tewvruypq vpkisozux mutwvq

Posted by dhkmgqw rlabd | August 18, 2007 8:48 AM

uvsxqha uswxlpia ydjvtowsm umcrhlfvi fjmazd blkucte hglmzfk

Posted by avecfd gdrm | August 18, 2007 8:49 AM

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