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Booooooooooooring. Next?

Posted by Big Sven | August 14, 2007 1:08 PM

that's strange. from a (very recent) post of yours:

"Despite predictions of “nightmare” traffic, “survival tips” for dealing with the commute.....Traffic Jam 2007 didn’t happen."

I heard it was pretty bad today.

Posted by cochise | August 14, 2007 1:09 PM

i second that, second, that, Big @@1 !@11 ! Big, @1 that i second;

Fugazi's Repeater was a fave album cover for a long time. Repeater, after me and and others' purchases came out with this Encouraged For Work image, or before, whatever, still not as tranquil as Genius transitory art

Posted by Garrett | August 14, 2007 1:20 PM

Below 45 mph? Big fucking deal. That happens during a normal rush hour with all the lanes open.

Posted by Gitai | August 14, 2007 1:25 PM

Wait until I have my car overheat tonight around 4:45!!! That will be a HOOT of a good time!!!

Posted by Cato the Younger Younger | August 14, 2007 1:35 PM

Shit, I'm doing better than 45 on Stone Way -- as I type this. Whoo hoo!

Posted by Fnarf | August 14, 2007 1:36 PM

Monday according to ECB: Good little people of Seattle, you are following my instructions.

Tuesday according to ECB: LISTEN TO ME! DO WHAT I SAY!

Problem is that people need alternatives in place to realistically use them. Maybe if we had fewer workers and jobs in Seattle traffic would be lighter. Alternatively we can spend the next 2-3 decades installing the infrastructure we missed out on in the 70's and then have the debate about ripping out roadways.

A couple of weeks of uncertainty and *adjustment* for everyone in the region: doable. A couple of decades? Not on your life.

Posted by Dave Coffman | August 14, 2007 1:37 PM

The transit option isn't working for me very well. I have always been a bus commuter, but due to all this stuff my buses run behind and I'm late to work. Also I'm 6 months pregnant, and people do not give up their seats under any circumstances anymore.

Posted by sad | August 14, 2007 1:43 PM

Told you, Barnett.

Everyone in the media and blogosphere championed the WIDE OPEN I-5 corridor on Monday and everybody watching said, "Oh, well then, it's okay to take I-5 then!" Shouldn't have counted your chickens before they hatched.

Also, another person mentioned that people have been taking PTO 3 day weekends, and so of course Mondays and Fridays often see lighter traffic during the summer.

Posted by Gomez | August 14, 2007 1:51 PM


i get sad too, me or others, not sure. Today I took metro to and from pt temp work. Going there was nice, guy next me was flipping through T.S. Eliot, I showed him my library book, then he couldn't find his transfer, so not needing mine, i gave it over.

The trip back was less. The one sad instance that comes to mind is when the woman did a cliche of loudly complaining. The driver had mistaken her bag of birdseed for something else and suggested putting it away. She continued the rant with about the carefree attitude by metro toward people with needles in their veins who ride in the backs of buses. She got off eventually and smiled and said cutesys with the driver as if mission accomplished. Driver was like, 'yeah, yeah'like

Good luck with your pregnancy

Posted by Garrett | August 14, 2007 1:57 PM

Or, traffic is going to get worse until a new equilibrium is met, just like the 'induced demand' theory would predict. Remove some of the roads and number of cars will go down as capacity goes down. I bet it wobbles around a settling point over the next week, and either tomorrow or Thursday traffic will suck then get better again.

Posted by NaFun | August 14, 2007 1:58 PM

Sightline mused on the differences in Monday vs. Wednesday traffic patterns a couple months ago [dailyscore]. This, coupled with an overreaction to no trafficpocalypse yesterday, might be part of what's happening today.

Posted by josh | August 14, 2007 2:00 PM

Monday is pretty much always an ok commute day anyway...the traffic always gets worse, day by day, as you approach the weekend. I wasn't that surprised that yesterday, it wasn't that bad. The real test, will be Thursday and Friday.

Posted by michael strangeways | August 14, 2007 2:47 PM

pi article:

HEADLINE: Woman misses train! It leaves without her!
HEADLINE: Train full during rush hour! When rider tries to wait for the next one, it is also full!

As a Montreal resident, I find this hysterical. You see, people of Seattle, this happens rather often there. About every four minutes on a weekday rush hour, times the number of subway stations there are, in fact.

Posted by john | August 14, 2007 4:27 PM

Hmm. My commute wasn't affected at all.

Mind you, I walk to work along the Burke-Gilman.

Posted by Will in Seattle | August 14, 2007 5:50 PM

I have no choice but to drive to work-employed in sno ho county. But I suspect that a lot of people have chosen to take a vacation for the duration of the project. Even my drive home which is normally over an hour, was about 20-25 minutes faster than usual.

Posted by neo-realist | August 14, 2007 5:52 PM

Part of the reason traffic is better on I-5 is that some of the buses from Tacoma have been directed onto surface streets. So people in buses get even longer commutes. :(

On the upside, perhaps some people trying other forms of transit for the first time will decide to leave their cars at home even after I-5 is back to normal.

Posted by K X One | August 15, 2007 4:47 AM

BTW, Tacoma has WAY nicer buses than Seattle.

Posted by K X One | August 15, 2007 4:47 AM

Are you talking about Pierce Transit buses or Sound Transit buses? Either way, duh. Less people use Pierce Transit unfortunately, even though it works well enough. And Sound Transit isn't a Tacoma transit authority.

As for the "OMG Traffic is really bad now, I told you, ECB!" folks... now these people should get a clue and try something else. Very Pavlovian. Again, I'm still pleasantly surprised by Monday's non-event, and am even happier that today wasn't anymore hell on pavement than normal.

Posted by matthew fisher wilder | August 15, 2007 10:35 AM

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